We hope that President Obama does not read the latest headlines in that Denmark has now proposed an additional tax on food that are high in saturated fat!
Since his election, Obama's minions installed to run the many, many, countless federal ( shall we say feral?) agencies and commissions have constantly usurped our rights as free citizens though countless new regulations telling citizens when to work, where to work, how to work and of course the latest, championed by his "lovely" wife Michelle, and their severely obese Surgeon General, Regina Benjamin.
So two fat women are on a campaign to tell the rest of us to "do as I say, not as I do."
Mandate after food mandate from the First Lady, Michelle Obama, after Michelle is caught eating a fast food 1,500 calorie lunch, and can you imagine her diet habits at the White House's free, all you can eat food? I am imagining Regina Benjamin sneaking into the White House for the all you can eat buffet morning noon and night and taking with her when leaving, more food disguised as tin foil animal shaped take out bags!
And now, finally after telling us how to raise our children, what schools they can go to or not, what they can eat, where they can get health care, Barack Obama will have the final stroke...(funny choice of words) telling us that if we eat certain foods, they intend to make them unaffordable by taxing them, just like Denmark will be doing.
Now mind you that I am not against a government describing a healthy diet to its citizens, but making them eat what the government wants them to eat, is way above its powers!
Not even Russia, China or for that matter no dictatorial regime anywhere in the world tells its citizens what to eat ( probably since most of the dictatorial regimes have most citizens near starvation ), but this "feral government" has now encroached into every facet of our lives though mandates, laws and out of control agencies.
This was the article we hope that Barack Obama or Michelle Obama do not see, as it is another tax that they will just love!
Denmark Introduces ‘Fat Tax’ on Foods High in Saturated Fat
ABC News’ Olivia Katrandjian reports:
Denmark has introduced what’s believed to be the world’s first fat food tax, applying a surcharge to foods with more than 2.3 percent saturated fats, in an effort to combat obesity and heart disease.
Danes hoarded food before the tax went into effect Saturday, emptying grocery store shelves. Some butter lovers may even resort to stocking up during trips abroad.
The new tax of 16 kroner ($2.90) per kilogram (2.2 pounds) of saturated fat in a product will be levied on foods like butter, milk, cheese, pizza, oils and meat.
“Higher fees on sugar, fat and tobacco is an important step on the way toward a higher average life expectancy in Denmark,” health minister Jakob Axel Nielsen said when he introduced the idea in 2009, according to The Associated Press, because “saturated fats can cause cardiovascular disease and cancer.”
But some Danes are not happy about the ‘big brother’ feeling that comes with the tax.
“Denmark finds every sort of way to increase our taxes,” said Alisa Clausen, a South Jutland resident. “Why should the government decide how much fat we eat? They also want to increase the tobacco price very significantly. In theory this is good — it makes unhealthy items expensive so that we do not consume as much or any and that way the health system doesn’t use a lot of money on patients who become sick from overuse of fat and tobacco. However, these taxes take on a big brother feeling. We should not be punished by taxes on items the government decides we should not use.”
The Nordic country isn’t known for having a grossly overweight population — only about 10 percent of Danes are considered obese, compared to about one-third of adults (33.8 percent) and approximately 17 percent (or 12.5 million) of children and adolescents age 2—19 years in the United States, according to a National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.
But perhaps Denmark has its obesity rate relatively under control because of its policies. In 2004, Denmark made it illegal for any food to have more than 2 percent trans fats. In July 2010, the country increased taxes on ice cream, chocolate and sweets by 25 percent. At the same time, Denmark increased taxes on soft drinks, tobacco and alcohol products, beyond the minimum levels established by the EU.
“Denmark will not only increase general health amongst the population but will also ease the burden on the public health care system and increase its resources at a time of recession when Member States are cutting public expenditure,” Monika Kosinska, the secretary general of the European Public Health Alliance, said in 2010.
Kosinska said the tax increases should be complemented by measures to make nutritious food more affordable.
“We get the taxes, but never a reduction on anything to complement the increases, such as on healthy foods,” said Clausen.
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