As we read about the unsustainable burden of having less and less workers contributing to the Social Security system, now at 2.5 workers per retiree, we have an even bigger burden that is coming...the GOVERNMENT WORKER drag on the economy!
An even bigger problem is that literally the only place that Unions are growing is though the unionization of those poor downtrodden government workers, by the SEIU for instance!
Government Level Total Employees AS PERCENT OF Labor Force
Federal 2,730,040 2%
State 5,329,022 3.4%
Local 14,227,163 9%
This total is ever increasing and if continued, will reach 25% of the workforce by 2050, and 50% by 2100!
That total is totally unsustainable, and will be heading to Communism where the government IS the employer....of everyone. Furthermore, every communist country is a failed state having nothing but poverty and shortages of everything necessary for a decent life.
We need to wake up and stop electing those who keep fostering this, especially with the uncontrollable and generous pensions!
At least eight Chicago labor leaders who are eligible for inflated city pensions also stand to receive union pensions covering the same work period, thanks to a charitable interpretation of state law by officials representing two city pension funds, a Tribune/WGN-TV investigation has found.
By double and even triple dipping on pensions, these union officials stand to reap millions more in retirement while thousands of rank-and-file union members face hard times and city pension funds stagger toward insolvency.
Union pension benefits are not public record, but the Tribune and WGN-TV obtained information confirming that at least seven union officials are accruing benefits in multiple pensions and another retired official already is receiving money from two pensions.
One labor leader stands to reap more than $400,000 a year from three pensions — the city laborers fund, a union district council fund and a national union fund — all covering the same time period. During his expected lifetime, he stands to receive approximately $9 million, according to an analysis based on the funds’ actuarial assumptions.
Union officials are accumulating these benefits even though the state pension code includes language aimed at preventing double dipping.
Pension experts, state lawmakers and attorneys specializing in pension law say the spirit of the statute clearly prohibits labor leaders from receiving a second pension from funds established by their locals, although it does appear to contain a loophole that allows pensions from national unions.
City pension fund directors and their attorney, Fredrick Heiss, say that the law is vague and that if the Legislature had wanted to bar labor leaders from participating in union pension plans, they would have said so more clearly.
“The Legislature never told us how to administer this thing,” Heiss said. “They could have said ‘no second pension at all,’ but they didn’t say that.” And this coming from a lawyer, what a surprise!
Retired Chicago Federation of Labor President Dennis Gannon was rehired by the city for one day, after years of being off the payroll, so he would qualify for an annual pension of more than $150,000. His highest pay at the city was $56,000. Twenty-two other labor leaders are also gaming the pension system in what will ultimately cost it and taxpayers a total of $56 million.
Some background: Pension laws are set by state government. Boosts in benefits are easy for lawmakers to support because they offer future benefits to government employees at no immediate budget cost. Every two years an omnibus pension bill would wend its way quietly through the General Assembly, providing pension credits for such things as time served as a member of a park board or city council, which are volunteer or low-paid positions, not generally thought of as jobs that carry pension credits. All the legislators and lobbyists were aware of the bill (though not its details) and said nothing, myself included, when I was president of a business trade association.
It isn't just those big bad people in Chicago who play the game. Many school boards jack up their superintendents' salary in the two or three years prior to retirement. So if a superintendent was paid $100,000 but then in his or her final years that was boosted to $200,000, the pension benefit would increase dramatically - without the superintendent having paid into the system over the years to support such a high pension.
The foundation for Chicago's shenanigans go back to the 1870s, when the leaders of immigrant populations began taking over local governments. Irish, German, Italian, Polish and Eastern European residents were shunned by the better educated, more prosperous WASPs, and decided they could get the better of them. Patronage and corruption reigned, and carry over to this day.
I define public corruption as "personal gain at public expense." The pension scams certainly fit. To pay the union leaders' extravagant government pensions will require that taxpayers and current and future city employees pay more to keep the systems solvent. According to the Civic Committee, a watchdog group, the city pension funds will be depleted of assets in 20 years unless government steps in and the benefits of today's and tomorrow's employees are reduced. As for the union bosses, there's nothing that can be done. The state constitution guarantees pension benefits that are legally "earned," even though in these cases the benefits were not ethical.
It's enough to make you sick, and to lower trust and confidence in our governments, which scrape the ground as is.
Cowboy Logic 144p
Have they no shame? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoKn7vkSMBc
FlexoRick 93p
Union Bosses...the new Mob....what good is RICO?
OLJingoist 102p
Darby64 93p
Obama is right to transfer money from the poor to union leaders. What are the poor going to do with that money? Probably buy food. Certainly not retire. The unions need to be kept wealthy at all costs, be it higher taxes, impoverishing Americans, so says Barack Obama.
USMCsc 82p
Tell me it's not true! How can the labor bosses who only care about the working stiffs be accused of something this despicable? And in Chicago? And bears do what; where?
EOD 125p
These actions must be punished under the Treason Statute to the fullest extent that the Law allows.
One_More_Nail 78p · 4 days ago
Union leaders looking out for themselves.........................Come on Trumka....speak out against this......for the working class....?.....should we hold our breath????????????..........brotherhood........?.........hello...........is that crickets I hear......................................................no doubt Bushes fault.........damn banks........o and wall street...that evil wall street...............
onecornpone 123p
Anyone who doesn't leave IL ASAP has questionable intelligence.
I wish that state to become a vacant wasteland... Why would anyone stay?
HAHAHA! As the song goes, "just look for, the union label, for crony corruption and lies..."
Small wonder President Alinsky supports unions, hell, his Klingon War Bride had a job not unlike a union boss at a hospital, doing NOTHING and making big coin.
HeReturnsSoon 108p
That's why the Laborers Union and others LOVE college kids.
They pay dues for a few years then they disappear.
It's FREE MONEY to the unions.
crankitup 87p
hoffa jr. wants to take the SOB'S out. Oh not them, sorry!
EricBrodin 112p
Hey, caring for the "working man" is hard business. It's hard damn work community organizing, lying, and raping the taxpayers.
War_Machine 109p
But the problem is big business and Wall Street?!?!?!? Isn't it?!?!?!?............. LOL..when someone retires after working for a BUSINESS, BIG OR SMALL, they do not steal the pension money from the rest of us taxpayers!!!!!
IsrealFeller 83p
Man, you just can't make this stuff up.
actsnow 113p
it's all about the ruling class,it's hard work keeping the Rubes in line.
John G 86p
Don't the rank and file union members have a problem with this? Is this even known to them?
ReaganiteGOPer 83p
DrConstitution 83p
I wonder how long the rank and file will remain completely ignorant of these facts. Not just this, but how about all the union members (public unions in particular) who got let go because their "senior brethren" refused to a take a minor paycut in order to avoid letting other workers go - as has happened with many police departments (oh wait - I thought they were all about public safety, right?) ? How do you think they'll vote this time around?
I love to see unions shoot themselves in the foot, it's really fun to watch.
JTWhistler 59p
Union Bosses: Union Members = Useful Idiots.
Wesley69 114p
Where are the Wall Street Protestors?????
Cannon649 73p
The state just raised taxes 67%, to help pay for this fraud.
Businesses are leaving -
Unemployment rising
Any reason why unions are needed - Think this guy was worth anything like his pension
Illinois has a Attorney General - where is she - or is she part of problem?
Can't the people see it?
What will it take?
larrygrant876 98p
Union Violence anyone? Don't forget one of the steps the communists stated was to take over the unions, they have.
hologram5 113p · 4 days ago
What?! No trolls here to defend their supreme overlords? What's up with that?
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