Michelle Obama's Africa Trip Cost More Than $432,142
First lady Michelle Obama's family trip to South Africa and Botswana in June cost taxpayers well over $424,000, according to new accounting based on Air Force manifests obtained by Judicial Watch, a taxpayer watchdog group.
Would it make more sense to have visited the poor of Appalachia and given them the $400,000 for some new school or clean water plant?
The use of Air Force aircraft alone for the June 21-27 trip cost $424,142, said the group, and that doesn't include the food, lodging, and ground transportation for the 21 family and staff members.
Judicial Watch said it based the jet costs on the Pentagon's hourly rates for the C-32A aircraft used for the trip. The documents don't give exact cost calculations, which is typical for presidential and first family trips.
The White House this afternoon disputed the costs calculated by Judicial Watch. "The number stated is misconstrued and out of context. The hourly rate is not the marginal cost of operation the plane - it is an accounting figure that prices in a number of fixed costs from maintaining the Air Force fleet for this kind of plane over a year," said an official. "For example, it includes estimated replacement parts, depreciation, repairs, and costs that would have been incurred regardless of this flight. Also, for security reasons Mrs. Obama must fly on military aircraft." Also, during her good-will mission, the first lady attended five to seven official events daily.
Obama is like many first ladies, spending summers traveling on good-will missions, sometimes with family and friends. On the June trip, during which she was accompanied by her daughters and mother, the first lady urged young people to engage with their governments and she pushed her education and wellness agenda. They also took a safari in South Africa, well known for its beautiful Lion King-like settings.
The costs of the trips have often won media scorn, as did her trip to Spain the previous summer.
Could not the first lady visit our 50 wonderful United States instead???
But presidential experts say that the value of first lady visits is priceless, especially in cases like Obama's to Africa where the first family has special ties and where the president has been pursuing a personal agenda, especially in Kenya, the home of his father.
Exactly how does it help us in America struggling to pay a mortgage on a house that is worth less than the mortgage?
Judicial Watch, the organization that investigates and fights government corruption, announced today that it has obtained mission expense records and passenger manifests from the United States Air Force related to the June 21-27, 2011, trip taken by First Lady Michelle Obama, her family and her staff to South Africa and Botswana. Judicial Watch obtained the documents pursuant to an August 19, 2011, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Air Force (No. 11-1496)). Judicial Watch is investigating the purpose and itinerary of the trip as well as a breakdown of the costs to taxpayers.
The administration that promised to be the most open in history ( remember the speech by Barack and Nancy Pelosi) had to be sued before the release.
On June 28, 2011, Judicial Watch filed a FOIA request seeking the mission taskings, transportation records, and passenger manifests for Michelle Obama's Africa trip. Documents were only provided after Judicial Watch filed suit:
• According to U.S. Department of Defense's published hourly rates for the C-32A aircraft used for the trip, Judicial Watch calculated the total cost to American taxpayers was $424,142 for use of the aircraft (34.8 flight hours x $12,188 per hour). (The C-32 is a specially configured military version of the Boeing 757.) Other expenses - meals (off the plane), transportation, security, various services, etc. - have yet to be disclosed. Make that another $50,000???
• The passenger manifests confirm the presence of Obama's daughter's, Malia and Sasha on the trip. The two girls are listed as "Senior Staff." The manifests also list Mrs. Obama's mother, Marian Robinson, and niece and nephew, Leslie and Avery Robinson, as well Mrs. Obama's makeup and hairstylist (Carl Ray and Johnny Wright).
• The expense records also show $928.44 was spent for "bulk food" purchases on flight. Overall, during the trip, 192 meals were served for the 21 passengers on board.
The professed purpose of Michelle Obama's trip to South Africa and Botswana was to encourage young people living in the two growing democracies to become involved in national affairs; and during her scheduled stops in Pretoria and Cape Town, South Africa and in Gaborone, the capital of Botswana, the First Lady used the opportunity to speak on education, health and wellness issues.
The trip also included such tourist events as visits to historical landmarks and museums, plus a nonworking chance to send time with Nelson Mandela, a meeting that Mrs. Obama described as "surreal." The trip ended with a private family safari at a South African game reserve before the group returned to Washington on June 27.
"This trip was as much an opportunity for the Obama family to go on a safari as it was a trip to conduct government business," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. "This junket wasted tax dollars and the resources of our overextended military. No wonder we had to sue to pry loose this information."
Previously, Judicial Watch uncovered that the First Couple's 2009 "date night" trip to New York for dinner and a Broadway show cost taxpayers over $11,000 in Secret Service costs alone.
someone needs to ask the obamas/soetoros how much the russian trip cost. how about $13,000 per night at the Russian Ritz Carlton.
my previous comment needs to be extended. take from the rich and give to the poor. this is known as social justice.
This is especially annoying if you did not vote for Obama. For the rest of he and Michelle's life, we pay for his medical care. Secret Service protection, etc. And they are exempt from Obamacare, as is every member of Congress!
Log Cabin Repub of CA
Diana of TN
someone needs to ask the obamassoetoros how much of the taxpayers money they spent in russian while they statyed at the Ritz Carlton. how about $13,000 a night.
abby of FL
this is her version and her husband's of take from the rich and give to the poor. boy did this country screw up with the two of them.
abby of FL
This amazon is an OUTRAGE. She is just going for the trips, clothes, jewelry, parties and vacations (with extended family) on the taxpayers dime - and hates America at the same time. It is also revenge since she knows fraud-obama is going down in flames in 2012. Because he is an imposter and ineligible to BE President, the crooks should be held liable for ALL their expenses. They must reimburse the government and the taxpayers and NOT be able to have ANY of the post white house perks that legitimate Presidents receive. Get these crook-frauds out of OUR White House now!
PK of NY
She disgusts me. That's all I can say.
Bill Mich of FL
"My Fair Lady"................you can even put her in the White House, but she is still a tramp.
I can't imagine a grown woman who can't fix her own hair each day. Yes, having a stylist is fine for special occasions but when a grown woman can't even prepare her own personal hygiene I am dismayed. It clearly shows how deep in thought the woman is.
Why doesn't some reporter ask her what a military family could do with the amount of $ of one hour of her extracurricular secret service detail costs let alone the vulgarity of such hypocritical trips costs.
Enough already.
lew shealy
Maybe we can talk them into going back to their homeland PERMANENTLY since they hate america so much.
I demand to know what the purpose of this trip was??? Who went??? Where did they stay and for how much??? What and where did they eat??? Did she get her workouts in?????
DK of FL
Angelfood McSpade is drunk with spending.
broccoliobama of
I know there are some among us that believe we "owe" this over the top spending on personal trips to the Obama's. After all many of us voted for them to prove we were not Racists. In 2012 I think many of those same misled Sheep will vote for someone else to prove they are not Idiots! Let her enjoy her living large now, starting in January 2013 she will be traveling on Southwest Airlines like many of the regular folk. Bet she will DEMAND an "A" Boarding Pass. What do you think?
JerryinTampa of FL
Michelle and Barack - hopeless and classless - what a sadness for America
Mark Dunlop of CA
This is 2011, this is just one trip. This first family has outdone any First family in history. Redistribute the wealth, only this is tsking from every family in America. Not one thing has been gained from these trips. Do not forget the $100.00 a lb. kobe steaks served, celebrety parties, the indulgence this whitehouse has shown. It goes on and on-sickening!
Diana of TN
I remember back when I had discretionary funds I would go to a far off distant place for a stock holders meetings over several days. I always made sure I signed in ,but left after a few minutes. This made the trip tax deductible. Seems Chicago politics though uses their children to justify trips.
PhredMagillacutty of WA
So THIS is the America that Michelle and Barack can finally be proud of...
Debt, Double Dip Recession, double digit real unemployment numbers...
Now that the job is done, Michelle can go on Vacation.
Good Work
rjc of MN
Cheetah of AZ 10:30AM October 05, 2011
The party is almost over for this rat.
jim of PA
I love the 'other First Ladies did it...' response.
Good Will tours are not OFFICIAL State Business. Do you think a CEO would have to answer to the Board of Directors if he sent his wife and kids to another country on a "Good Will" mission?
THe other fact of the current economic situation. We are barraged by the CUrrent Economic Crisis, We are barraged with Unemployment news etc... easily 1/2 - 3/4 of a million was spend on "Good Will", What does the USA get out of the Good Will Tour? Where could that money have been better spent???
Next time the President stands in front of the camera talking about sacrifice and that we need more money... let's point to his wife's France and her African Goodwill tour.
RJC of MN 10:29AM
There is always some Loser willing to take advantage of other people. These self centered selfish losers have no concern about the American people-only what they can get or in their mind what they are owed. Low class Losers
Derek01 of MD
"But presidential experts say that the value of first lady visits is priceless, especially in cases like Obama's to Africa where the first family has special ties and where the president has been pursuing a personal agenda, especially in Kenya, the home of his father."
Oh we need to pay for the President "personal agendas" now? Wasn't the $10 million we have paid for their vacations so far about enough?
So, in what way was the mission to Africa "priceless?" Just because our President has family in Kenya?
What has Kenya ever done of the US except serve as a sinkhole for our money?
Earth to the White House - we're hurting out here - stop wasting our money on your stupid personal agendas!!!
MWTexas of TX
If I woke up and saw Michelle next to me I would vault out of bed like a cat zapped with 1000 volts.
Freemon Sandlewould of AZ
This is a matter of Hypocrisy and a double standard...imagine if at a time like this Laura Bush were doing even half of what these out of touch elitists are...the media/left would be outraged! Obama tells us to eat cake while they live the high life while the few Americans left who actually pay taxes foot the bill.
It is truly a sad day in America. Normally I don't lend any credence to this type of "drama and shock" provoking reporting but this pulled me in. We should really be ashamed of ourselves to report outreach, which has been customary by every First Lady in our country, with intent on vilifying her and her Husband "OUR PRESIDENT". There is a passage in the Good Book that says "Blessed are your eyes because you see" which implies that WE, people of faith, are able to understand the hidden agenda’s, messages etc..that's present in the majority of his critics.
I am not saying that I'm in agreement with every decision that’s made from OUR president but I do understand the Tension that he is constantly faced with while working with leaders who are driven by a mindset that is self centered, oppressive and fuels the "hidden bigotry" that permeates the fabric of this Nation. Don't believe me just read the context of the blogs that written in opposition of his policies, that’s all, just read them they are so overt that even a blind man/woman can see and guess what other nations are watching as well.
Tony of NY
$432,142 to fly Michelle,her senior advisers(her daughters),and her retinue in plane costs alone.
Add a few hundred thousand for hotels ,food,booze,travel around Africa etc .
Round this off to $750,000. This means 150 families paying $5000 a year in income taxes paid for her vacation.
I am sure that those families needed the $5000 more than Michelle needed her luxurious vacation.
sirandrew of TX
What kind of lesson does this teach her children? That it's OK to steal all you can from your employer and lie about it?
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