You might be surprised to hear there is a Harry Reid Research and Technology Park. You won't be surprised to learn that U.S. taxpayers are funding part of it.
This monument to the Senate majority leader was not subsidized through some earmark Reid stuck in an appropriations bill. The $2 million grant came through a little-known part of the Commerce Department known as the Economic Development Administration. As Republicans assert that this time they are serious about cutting spending, killing a corporate welfare agency and pork machine like the EDA would be a great start.
Freshman Rep. Mike Pompeo, R-Kan., has introduced the EDA Elimination Act of 2011. In the upper chamber, conservative Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., proposed a similar measure. While EDA is relatively small and nearly unknown, Pompeo sees this as a crucial fight. He calls the EDA "pure redistribution" and the prime example of how federal involvement in the economy allocates wealth "by political processes rather than market processes."
If you've read about absurd congressional earmarks, the list of EDA grants will be dispiritingly familiar. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is building a $52 million convention center, with the EDA covering most of the cost. EDA paid $2 million to subsidize a "culinary amphitheater" and wine tasting room in Richland, Wash. Essar Steel Minnesota is building a new plant, and the EDA is footing $1.4 million of the $1.6 billion tab.
The EDA is not a "social" agency. It's not about subsidizing the arts, feeding the hungry, promoting diversity or caring for the poor. It is purportedly about increasing economic prosperity. While other aspects of the Great Society agenda (under which Lyndon Johnson created the EDA) are openly about sacrificing wealth for helping the less fortunate, this agency claims to do the same thing that the free market does: increase society's wealth.
Pompeo is right: Abolishing the EDA is an excellent test of whether Republicans actually believe what they say they believe.
Nearly every Republican voted against President Obama's stimulus in 2009, arguing that the deficit was too high, that government shouldn't be in the game of picking winners and losers, and that Washington doesn't create jobs. But the EDA adds to the deficit, picks winners and losers, and purports to create jobs. If Republicans vote to continue the EDA, they flaunt their hyprocrisy to critics, who charged in 2009 that GOP opposition to the stimulus was pure politics.
Is the Republican outrage over the subsidization and bankruptcy of solar company Solyndra anything more than political theater? If the Solyndra sound and fury signify any actual principle, the GOP would also kill the EDA.
An EDA vote will also illuminate the House GOP's earmark ban. Was that simply a sop to the Tea Party base that had powered the GOP's rise to the majority? Or did it reflect a belief that the federal government should hew to its enumerated powers and quit funding local projects?
Looking back on the GOP's recent history, however, there's little reason to be hopeful. After Republicans started to roll back farm subsidies in the 1990s, they saved them and ramped them back up last decade. Federal discretionary spending increased every year when Republicans controlled both Congress and the White House. The federal government has more than 80 economic development agencies, and Republicans haven't passed legislation to abolish even one.
Why would Pompeo think he has a shot of killing the EDA? "The times are different," the freshman told me on Wednesday, pointing to the Tea Party's effect on the GOP. But a look at the GOP's presidential front-runners ought to make Pompeo less optimistic. Rick Perry created two new economic development agencies as governor, and Mitt Romney generously handed out economic development grants. Meanwhile, House and Senate Republicans are supporting a bill to expand the Export-Import Bank, an international subsidy agency. It seems Republican officials don't have as much faith as they claim to have in low taxes and low regulation to stimulate the economy.
Even Pompeo won't deny Uncle Sam a role in economic development. Ex-Im's largest beneficiary, Boeing, has a plant in Pompeo's district. I asked the congressman how he would vote on that agency's reauthorization this Congress. "That's a tough one for me." He said he would "love to see the Ex-Im Bank go away," but he can't commit to voting against it because of competing foreign subsidies, such as Europe's handouts to Boeing competitor Airbus.
For Democrats, a heavy government hand in the economy is part of their philosophy. For Republicans, it may just be part of their politics.
Best thing for the American people is to shut down K street and not allow any lobbyist within 1,000 miles of DC.
Ritchie The Riveter, I'm a somewhat-seasoned citizen ... and high-tech redneck ... who holds fast to the belief that you're never too old to rock'n'roll! My lyrics are an effort to revitalize what I consider a rare breed today ... the musician as storyteller, both seriously and humorously playing to the "theater of the mind" of the listener, taking on themes that are more substantial than "I love her, and she loves/hates me ..." You will find through my music, that the state of the Union, and where it is headed, is often on my mind ... but the musical pictures I strive to paint are not the one-dimensional broad-brushing of a partisan hack, but are textured with the twists and folds that exist in the mind of someone who has deeply thought out these subjects. My music is primarily influenced by what I grew up on: Southern Rock and C&W, with blues and folk thrown into the chili pot ... and a very healthy respect for '70's/80's classic/arena rock, which I usually leave to the experts of that genre. The name "Ritchie the Riveter" is a recycling of World War II's "Rosie the Riveter", as my day job involves designing electronic equipment for use by our Men and Women in uniform as they act to defend this nation ... and protect my right to rock'n'roll.
I have another way of accomplishing the same thing.
We have developed dependable and secure telecom technology ... dependable enough that we can use it for all sorts of decision-making/management tasks, from managing our bank accounts to controlling our nuclear arsenal.
In that light ... why do our Congresscritters need to reside in DC at all?
Instead of keeping them all close to K Street, I suggest that we reformulate Congress as a TeleCongress ... with our Representatives operating from offices in their districts, linked together by teleconferencing and data links to do the people's business ... with the people who elected them in a much better position to observe and comment on what is happening in that regard.
Base Senators in the state capitals - where they can again feel some of the pressure to represent their state, that was lost when we switched to direct Senatorial elections.
Not only does it make the parasitism of K Street harder to sustain, it might do a lot to prevent the inside-the-Beltway mindset from taking over good men and women and affecting their decision-making on our behalf.
Good idea but K Street will continue to use the same communications to spread its corruption. Op Ed today by Tom Coburn sheds light on GAO report that $200 billion in duplicate programs could be cut and once again the GOP is sitting on it just like they did the previous 8 years under Bush. The Federal Party(Dems and Repubs) is the same now as it has been, corrupt.
The Republican House has passed many bills for spending cuts, regulation easing and tax breaks to help stimulate the economy. Where are those bills? Collecting dust on Harry Reid's desk while the Dems spew dribble about how the Republicans aren't doing anything.
You got that right. Vote them out asap.
Emma Davidson
blkwido. We need to get rid oF ACORN. We actually finance the corrupt group that collects phony votes for the democrats. That is how obama "won". We also need to get rid of ACLU, Public television, which is used to indoctrinate. We also need to get people out of the welfare system. Instead, lower the tax on corporations, so they can hire the maggots, cancel obamacare. Get rid of waste altogether. When a family has money problems, they budget, they cut on expenses, they do not go to the mall to charge more on the credit card. This morons, liberal democrats want another "stimilus", which is nothing else than money for themselves. Always comes back to them, one way or another. Disgusting.
How about we just abolish the 17th Amendment? Make Senators once again appointed by the States to represent the States interests? With the House as the people's interests, wouldn't that return necessary balance to the place where they create overarching rules which impact both the States and the people?
Dagner, I really don't know if that would help either since we cannot trust our state politicians either.
Eddie George
Its not a matter of trust; its a matter of proximity. The closer they are, the more they have to listen. That's it. If state bodies have larger influences on federal legislation by virtue of the senator they appoint, people tend to be more in tuned to who they put there to make the decision.
Mr MacgOO
Except State need a vested interest to keep these silly mandates from crippling
the states and their economies. Our founding fathers were far wiser than today's selfish politicians.
Having a Republic is what needs to be restored... mob rule is coming other wise! JUST LOOK AT THE SO CALLED WALL STREET PROTESTERS!
Michelle Houghtaling
Hello? The democrats controlled congress for the last 4 years under Bush, Obama's first year in office and they STILL control the Senate. It doesn't matter WHAT the House passes, like real immigration reform and real budget cuts recommended by Paul Ryen, IT GETS KILLED IN THE DEMOCRAT CONTROLLED SENATE. Yet there's ALWAYS a useful idiot or two that implies the Republicans control both houses and are responsible for what democrats do, so we should throw the Republicans out. I'm tired of it.
Hello? The Dems didn't gain control until 2006. Prior to that with control of both houses and the presidency it was the same old legacy of graft and corruption and even new benefits(Rx). The Republicans had a chance for real hope and change and squandered it thus getting thrown out in 2006 which ushered in the Democrat graft and corruption. I realize that with Harry at the helm of the senate the House is limited on what can be done. If they want to win next year they are going to have to put forth proposals like Coburn was talking about and put it back on the Democrats. But with the lame stream media carrying the water for the regime it's going to be difficult to get the message out. The "media" won't even call Obama on the carpet for his claims that the Republicans won't pass Stimulus III while Harry is sitting on it in the Senate.
The Dems were in charge of both houses the last two years of Bush's administration. I agree that both parties resemble each other but let's not give credit where it is not due.
Democrats have been in charge for the last 40 years...........officially.
in reply to Ritchie The Riveter
Ritchie The Riveter, I'm a somewhat-seasoned citizen ... and high-tech redneck ... who holds fast to the belief that you're never too old to rock'n'roll! My lyrics are an effort to revitalize what I consider a rare breed today ... the musician as storyteller, both seriously and humorously playing to the "theater of the mind" of the listener, taking on themes that are more substantial than "I love her, and she loves/hates me ..." You will find through my music, that the state of the Union, and where it is headed, is often on my mind ... but the musical pictures I strive to paint are not the one-dimensional broad-brushing of a partisan hack, but are textured with the twists and folds that exist in the mind of someone who has deeply thought out these subjects. My music is primarily influenced by what I grew up on: Southern Rock and C&W, with blues and folk thrown into the chili pot ... and a very healthy respect for '70's/80's classic/arena rock, which I usually leave to the experts of that genre. The name "Ritchie the Riveter" is a recycling of World War II's "Rosie the Riveter", as my day job involves designing electronic equipment for use by our Men and Women in uniform as they act to defend this nation ... and protect my right to rock'n'roll.
An excellent point that I have brought up in times past ... 10,000 representatives would put us back at the 30,000-citizens-per-Representative ratio that was referred to in the Constitution, and render the body less likely to be "steered" by a few in directions that We the People oppose ... be they K Streeters or senior members.
Speaking of that ... we also need to see to it that the existing seniority system is replaced. It gives too much power to too few, which also allows those few to steer the nation as they -- not the People -- see fit. It is a big contributor to the fine-kettle-of-fish we find ourselves in today.
Your sloppy suggestions remind me of the day : they linked all pawnshops on Intercom.... It really brought the mob together, but failed to do anything for the consumer....
I'm not progressive at all, boy. I'm a full fledged Conservative. Your COMPLEX of Inferiority is well demonstrated by your lengthy and moralizing remarks that are no more but the expression of your Revolt of the Puberty Gangster Motto. Get Off my Cloud.
Great idea. I would even allow and pay for a short annual session of 2 or 3 months, for face to face waste.
Vote Loud
They will get to them one way or another.
I just FLUSHED my monument to Dingy Reid.
Dirty Harry !!!
David Axelrod
A monument to government waste.....shameful!
I would feel better if the monument was a tombstone. Now that I would help pay for, just as long as it was big and heavy enough he can't get out.
Do establishment Republicans really believe in limited government? Look no farther than John Boehner's "Pledge to America" for the answer. On page 21 they promise to "put common-sense limits on the growth of government". At a time when we clearly can't afford the government we've got the best they could do was promise to grow government a little slower than the Democrats might like. That's not encouraging.
republicans don't, but the TEA party does.
an edifice to an imbecile.
There's already a monument to Harry Reid..the national debt.....
Hugh Manity
We already have a monument to Harry Reid in our neighborhood. It's the city dump
There already all the monuments to Harry Reid that are needed. In his own state of Nevada. All those "cat houses" in Nye county. You know.... Where you can go to pay your hard earned money to get screwed. Don't forget that Harry grew up in a cat house.
Then you should rename it : city dump. Don't give the jerk Anything.
Maybe seeing who votes for continuation of the EDA will tell who is real in congress and who is nothing but political or just on the take. From the article I gather the EDA is just another pork barrel used by the elected to curry favor by their district or state.
Let's hope it is Harry Reid's tombstone!!!
FREE MARKET?????????
All these laws passed on behalf of these lobbyists that represent large business, certainly does not leave a free market at all.
Just look at GE and that light bulb we all have to switch to ........ certainly does not foster any free market, I know of. Yes, Congress people of BOTH parties voted for it ........ or for the money it brought them.
Ethanol is another great example of why there is no free market left in this country.
The look at Wall Street..........a subsidized "free market."
These are ONLY a few examples.
Think this country has it become a Cashrarocy?
Reid is one of the most notorious thieves ever to disgrace the Senate. Ask how a third rate prosecutor from Nevada amassed an 8 figure fortune on a Senator's salary. In Nevada he is known as what's in it for me harry, and payoff is the name of the game.
So that explains why he's so friendly with Pakistan's : Mr Ten Percent.
Harry Reid is a traitorous commie pig and should be tried for treason and then promptly imprisoned.
God help us when one of these establishment Republicans gets into the White House in 2012, because it will politics and spending as usual. Where are the real conservatives????
Susanna Gordon
We, the taxpayer, are also funding $125,000,000 for the tribute to Teddy Kennedy. The message displayed to the school children, who will doubtless be visiting in droves, will be that of Socialism.
It is to be presented in such a way as to legitimize leftism and particularly Socialism, as the dominating political and economic philosophy of the United States.
In addition to his politics, Kennedy was a drunk, sleeze, rapist, womanizer, and traitor. The latter is because Kennedy offered to give the Soviets top secret information that would give them the advantage in arms talks with Reagan, in exchange for which the communists would help democrats in the (then-upcoming) elections.
Teddy supported his lifestyle on a $400 Million trust fund. Shouldn't the family pay for it?
Tell pres. Downgrade - NO MORE spending!!
A tipped over outhouse is a more appropriate memorial for Dingy Harry Reid. Whenever this character speaks I almost lose my breakfast. He sounds like a real lightweight and he is supposed to be a former boxer? Hard to believe.
Science tells us that former boxers actually suffer Brain Damage... And the damage seems to be rather extensive, in this case...
I think Harry the body Reid carried the spitoons for the real men in the ring!
"A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon, you're talking real money"
Everett Dirksen
I live in Vegas and have seen the Harry Reid Tech park. There is nothing there. No buildings, nothing.
Now as to those of you who think we Nevadans have sent Dingy Harry back to the Senate just know this. The Reid -Angle Senate fight was the only senate contest that went against the last polls that were taken. The Last polls had Angle winning. However after the unions bussed workers to the polling places.
Also there were many reports of Hispanics talking in voting lines all over the city of going to different voting places and voting for Reid multiple times. None of these were looked into of course. And let us not forget that the first Republican to declare themselves against Reid was almost immediately after he declared investigated by the Democrat AG here in NV. The investigation was proven false but it blew his chances at the Senate.
We all understand he is flat out crooked, but you folks in Nevada birthed this bad boy and you have to figure out a way to unseat him.
It is a sorry situation when we cannot trust our politicians to even tighten the spending in a time or economic turmoil. Isn't that depressing?
The monument should include a tampered voting machine and all of the Republican votes that have been thrown in trash cans (I personally saw mine being thrown away in Reno) over the last 20 years. Just what we need - a monument to the most corrupt vote fraudulent little weasel politician of all times.
Always wondered how the DUMBEST Politicians get re-elected! As simple as throwing away the oppositions vote! I do not doubt that for a minute!
Because we have a stupid citizenry....brain dead from a useless educational system. It is almost too late to turn this ship around.
Why do so many people blame lobbyists? Don't you realize this is exactly what politicians want us to do?
Congress has the ability to enact laws that can eliminate everything thing the rail against, but would rather have an issue...than fix a problem.
Some may remember Clinton saying no one in his Admin. could become a lobbyist for at least five yrs after departing...then rescinded it before his term ended.
Only the American people can put an end to this and numerous other blatant improper use of the power we give them.
The Harry Reid Research and Technology Park was recently featured in Forbes Magazine, under the Build it and they Won't Come. Apparently, 5 years old, it's a weed-choked vacant parcel with a 'fancy sign' out front. Great wast of taxpayer funds.
I may not have a vote in preventing my tax money from being spent on this low life Nevada union sympathizing thug, but saying F him feels just a good.
Yup ! Really F.... really feels F... good.
I say that we the people march on the Harry Reid Research and Technology Park and burn it to the ground.
Check it out on your GPS. and press SHARE
To hell with this anti-American People creep Harry Reid - forever let him turn to salt - a fitting monument.
Vote out the crooked lying scum.
Vote Tea Party conservatives, real change.
No vote for Libertarians. No Republicans! No Democrats! Never forget Bush! Don't let Solyndra make you forget about Haliburton!
NOT WITH MY MONEY!!! Harry Reid is a cancerous growth in the US that has to be removed...not memorialized!
Down with Reid and Pelosi - traitors of the American people. I'd build him a beer barrel to soak in, but I'd be doing him a favor - jerk.
Isn't Dingy's net worth now around $41 million? Pretty good for someone who arrived in DC with little in his pocket.
Funny how that works, huh?
People without a nickel to their name.....somehow become millionaires on "public servant" salaries...
Over and over.......
Impeach the crook Harry Reid and Obama.
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