TX High School Students Made to Recite Mexican National Anthem, Pledge of Allegiance
by Madeleine Morgenstern
Students in a Texas public high school were made to stand up and recite the Mexican national anthem and Mexican pledge of allegiance as part of a Spanish class assignment, but the school district maintains there was nothing wrong with the lesson.
It happened last month in an intermediate Spanish class at Achieve Early College High School in McAllen, Texas — a city located about 10 miles from the U.S.-Mexico border.
Wearing red, white and green, students had to memorize the Mexican anthem and pledge and stand up and recite them in individually in front of the class.
That didn’t go over well with sophomore Brenda Brinsdon. The 15-year-old sat down and refused to participate. She also caught it all on video:
“I just thought it was out of hand, I didn’t think it was right,” she told The Blaze. “Reciting pledges to Mexico and being loyal to it has nothing to do with learning Spanish.”
She said she was particularly offended because the presentations in teacher Reyna Santos’s class took place during “Freedom Week,” the week after the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, and on U.S. Constitution Day — the same day as Mexico’s Independence Day.
“Why are we doing their independence when it‘s Freedom Week and it’s also Constitution Day?” Brinsdon said.
Brinsdon said she complained to the school principal, Yvette Cavazo, who told her it was part of the curriculum and that she should participate. Her father, William, also got involved, calling the school district superintendent to complain.
When Brenda made clear she would not stand up and recite the pledge, she was given an alternative assignment: an essay on the history of the Mexican revolution.
Meanwhile, other students continued with their presentations, which took place over the course of several days.
When Brinsdon talked to Santos — a first-year teacher at Achieve — about her new assignment, the teacher told her she grew up in Mexico.
“She told me that she loved Mexico,” Brinsdon said.
School district spokesman Mark May defended the presentations, saying it’s a state requirement for upper-level language classes to teach about foreign culture.
According to the state’s Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills standards, students are expected to gain “knowledge and understanding” of other cultures and use the language to demonstrate understanding of different practices and perspectives. There are no specific requirements about learning to recite pledges or anthems.
May said it’s up to the teacher how to interpret and teach the standards.
“It wasn’t required to pledge loyalty and renounce the U.S., they were simply spreading the culture of another country,” May told The Blaze. “In my mind it’s no different from memorizing a poem or memorizing a passage from Shakespeare.”
William Brinsdon took issue with that notion, saying if that’s the case it cheapens the pledge.
“You‘re taking their allegiance and their oath from Mexico and cheapening it just as a grade or words don’t mean anything,” he said.
May reiterated that the lesson was all done within the context of meeting the state requirements, and that the school did its duty providing Brenda with an alternative assignment when she objected.
“The students came away with a better understanding of the culture, heritage and customs of a neighboring country where Spanish is the primary language,” he said.
May added that the lesson was “well received” by other students and parents.
“There’s always going to be people that always feel a little bit differently,” May said.
William Brinsdon is still having a hard time fathoming the idea of reciting foreign pledges and anthems in a U.S. public school in the first place.
“Our kids don’t even know the [American] national anthem and here we are…teaching them to memorize and perform the national anthem for Mexico,” he said. “I just think it’s so backwards.”
Jon Seidl contributed to this report.
Okay, it’s SPANISH class. Singing the national anthem of Mexico, fine. Reciting their pledge? No. Nationalism turns to chauvinism turns to bigotry, and I’m talking about Mexicans in this country.
Do you know there are people of Mexican descent in the U.S military who would fight for Mexico if it ever came to blows between Mexico and the U.S?
One has to wonder why Mexicans come here and talk about how great Mexico is, and profess how they would like the US to be more like their homeland. However, if Mexico truly is that wonderful, why are people so willing to flee from it, even at the risk of their own lives to do so? The truth is that Mexico has always been a poverty stricken, corrupt Hellhole, where there has never been anything approaching human liberty, and with the drug wars continuing to heat up, its getting nothing but worse down there. It’s bad shameful that illegal aliens break the law, come here and take jobs away from hard working Americans, avail themselves of any taxpayer provided free service and increase our crime rates , but to also stand around insulting our country and comparing it to a place that has always been and will always be a sewer.
THIS IS RECONQUESTA!!! The “Tan Klan” has been working overtime, reclaiming the Southwest. The last three presidents have endorsed and encouraged, as Al Gore once put it, “The browning of America.”
Our Republic is under assault from within and without.
WHEN will we make a stand??? And there’s this:
Now we now why Gov. Perry panders to illegal aliens…they can vote in Texas! By Dave Gibson
When I was in Spanish class back in the eighties, we were required to learn the US pledge of allegiance in Spanish. Very different, and still meets the intent.
Yo hago juramento a la bandera de los Estados Unidos de America, y a la quien representa. Una nacion, bajo Dios, indivisible, con libertad y justicia para todos.
Part of the curriculum? Rick Perry’s state.
Ok, let’s try this again… (I left out “and to the republic” the first time)
Yo hago juramento a la bandera de los Estados Unidos de America, y a la republica a quien representa. Una nacion, bajo Dios, indivisible, con libertad y justicia para todos.
Do you know there are people of Mexican descent in the U.S military who would fight for Mexico if it ever came to blows between Mexico and the U.S?
I find this statement sooo funny. the mexicans in the US already chose not to fight for mexico. There is a war going on in mexico right now. all this mexican Pride yet none of them are going home to fight the drug cartels for mexico. So please stop pretending to be proud of mexico. If you disagree with me. by all means go to mexico and prove me wrong. Thats what i thought!
If the Mexicans want to recite their pledge of alegiance they should be in Mexico! If it’s so great there that you need to sing the anthem and recite your loyalty, just go back! No one is forcing you to stay here against your will. If it were american Citizens in Mexico doing it they would either be jailed or mysteriously dissapear! Another case of “Do as we say, Not as we do”!
What a mistake it was to back Perry. What a mistake it was to back Christi of New Jersey. A pledge is an oath and these students raised their hands to signify the affirmation oath followed by the Mexican National Anthem. This is not a mistake or class room exercise. We are not shooting each other yet but the second American Civil War for Freedom as already started. Our enemy has invaded our schools, our parks and our governments.
Heck I had whole classes that were taught in spanish because all the rest of the students understood spanish better. I was told your a smart little white kid and your going to pass anyways so just sit in the back and take the tests so I can teach the other kids so they can pass. South Texas is Mexico.
My Chilean grandfather is rolling over in his grave. He would never had allowed his children to disrespect the country that adopted him! In spanish class yo learn SPANISH. You can learn about the history of Mexico in HISTORY CLASS. Enough said!
ALSO….if Mexicans/latinos come here for a better life than they have had..
You miss it?…you love it?? want to live here?…go visit, but quit trying to change America into the loser/down trodden culture you came from!!
Latinos have a culture that has seen many ups and downs, a grand warm culture…that has at this point failed to help it’s own people. Quit trying to force it on Americans.
Ok parents this is when YOU stand up and take them out of that classroom.
why MEXICO… it should be SPAIN…
Why the Mexican anthem? With all the other countries in south and central America why that choice?
I am American of Cuban decent and I have never once had any desire to sing the Cuban national anthem. We need to get rid of these traitors that now occupy our country.
God Bless America
Posted on October 17, 2011 at 10:24am
In a little town outside of McAllen I remember during recess running from a gang of 8 boys. Almost reaching the security guard who was watching and being taken to the ground and I will never forget the look of disinterest on his face as I looked up from the ground through the dust and the boots that were stomping and kicking me and watching him 6 feet from me just leaning against a pole and finishing his cigarette. Or my first day of school being told to get off the bus because the bus driver said I must be a rich little white kid and should have my parents pick me up and he didn‘t want to clean up the blood from the buss if I was on it because he didn’t have time to drive and protect a little white kid. I’m having involuntary shaking just remembering it. They told me over and over when I was growing up. They were going to take back the land we stole from them.
Ok, here is the problem with this whole situation. It may be Spanish class, but you have a situation on the US-Mexican border where there is daily violence and fighting, illegal immigration, and drug running, however, liberals want to make it about struggling people looking for work and jobs, which is fine, but when they come to this country legally they take an oath of loyalty to this country. The problem I have is many want the benefits of this country but then want to show disdain for it by remaining loyal to their homeland at heart (which is OK if you also assimilate to your new home). They do not want to assimilate they want to change what is already here in many instances. Learn the American pledge in Spanish. I am so sick of this cultural sensitivity BS I could puke. Our children are falling behind in public education in every way and we are trying to teach them about other cultures when they don’t even know American history or geography. We have got to be one of the dumbest generations in the history of man for the disservice we have done to our children !!!! We sell them out to China, we bow to dictators around the world so they will like us and we teach other countries Pledges to our own children and call it meeting state requirements. Doubt me just take one look at the “brilliant” minds on the Occupy wall street front. Those people are some of the dumbest people I have ever seen on TV.
10-15 years ago, there were MS-13 kids in class “A” school with the tear drop tatoo, which means they had a kill in the gangs. They come in to learn skills that they can take back to the gangs. I believe every word that if it came down to it there are Mexican-Americans that would side with Mexico. Of course, they won’t actually LEAVE America to fight they would fight from our shores. They know how much better America is, but they‘ll send their money home to family that can’t get out.
I disagree. I live in Florida. I didn’t learn the Cuban (or Mexican, Venezuelan, Spanish, etc) anthem in high school Spanish, nor did the German classes learn the German anthem, or Italian in Italian.
Learning a foreign language doesn’t include learning the national pride aspects of another nation, particularly when the nation chosen isn’t the only nation in the world speaking that language. When I took Japanese in college, I didn’t sing their anthem, and they *are* the only Japanese speaking nation in the world. Just sayin’.
This is content for a Mexican history class, not Spanish language. There, I’d have no issue with it- providing, of course, that the “Mexico was stolen” curriculuum is left at the teacher’s home.
the immigrants that came years ago cannot be compared to what is happening today. 40 million Spanish people in this country. when do you see any on tv? they are already a country within a country. they have their own tv and radio stations they don't need ours. we have encouraged them never to Americanize. they are more closely tied to mexico. mecha and la raza are the most dangerous anti-american hate groups in this country. this teacher should be deported, she shows no love for this country. mexico is a very nationalist country that doesnt like this country.
One wrong move and those painted-on-pants are going to explode. What self-respecting teacher stands in front of students looking like a stuffed sausage in clothes so tight she can’t bend over without detroying them?
Oh, she’s indoctrinating students in the anti-American public school system. Makes sense now.
Abolish the Department of Education!
President Reagan declared that he would rid our country of this cancer…he was unable to accomplish it!
The parents need to show up at the school and make the school administraters see that they are not going to tolerate it. Plain and simple. This is what I did when my boy’s were still in school. You would be surprised how easly they cave in when you go in calm cool and collected, after doing your homework on the matter.
Eliasim, “Do you know there are people of Mexican descent in the U.S military who would fight for Mexico if it ever came to blows between Mexico and the U.S?”
Yes, I’ve seen it first hand. In fact, I wanted to look up some old friends in the Corps by joining a facebook group, and one of the first pictures I came across was two Marines (in their barracks) with a Mexican flag on their wall. This was prevalent in 1991, I can’t imagine how it is now.
Jim in Houston
She loves Mexico? Send her @ss back and tell her to stay there!
when i took Spanish….we learned about SPAIN…..SPAIN…NOT MEXICO….
Imagine learning about the country that the language originated in…hhmmmm that would be novel.
Mexican national anthem? Is that a song about burros, a siesta, and dancing around a hat?
Mexican National Anthem has detail’s on how to cross the border into the U.S.
Roz Anders
It’s a song about Cucarachasssssss!
I find it ironic when one person complains, yet they continue with this outrageous assignment. If a muslim or an illegal complained, I’m sure the school would bend over backwards and discontinue the assignment because they were “ offended ”.
It’s very simple pull you children out of the public indoctronation centers and either home school them or private school them. If there was a mass exodus from the public school system in texas it would send a message that every school district in the country would hear. The bi*ch and complain will do nothing it takes action to get things changed.
Exactly! ONE person complains about the US flag in a room and BOOM, it’s GONE! ONE person complains about the lyrics of a song and BOOM! it can’t be sung. But yet no one said anything other than “It’s just part of the course?” Give me a BREAK!
I was the soloist at my High School Baculariat back in 1979. I had my song all done and read. Then the choir teacher came to me and told me that I couldn’t sing it because 2 girls (sisters) complained that their ‘religion’ forbade mention of the crucifiction. She told me that I would have to change my song because these girls couldn’t mention it. THEY WEREN’T SINGING IT, I WAS! But, she told me I had to change it three days before the performance. WAKE UP AMERICA!
Ask the teacher if she denounces the US Pledge of Allegiance and her citizenship (assuming she is a citizen, if not then deport her). Then ask the teacher why she couldn’t just have taught the kids how to say the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance in spanish.
keith phillips
While I agree with SEC777, I am sure that the pledge and the anthem are not the only two things that the Mexican culture has written. Use anything else out of the 10′s of thousands of articles short enough to learn.
I beg to differ, I taught school in the Philippines for 8 years and we never had the students recite the pledge or the National Anthem. We did have them do theirs in English. I wonder if they should be made to recite what ever the pledge of Iran is if they are in a middle eastern studies class? Or as said above, muslim students in english classes? Another example of the “we hate the US” crowd.
How do you know its false outrage? If a muslim didn’t want to recite our Pledge of Allegiance would that be false outrage? You have no right to judge this young girl. I admire her for even thinking beyond the assignment to what it means to actually say a pledge to any country. A thinking young person!!! Good for her, its rare.
Such a sheeple response but nevertheless patently ignorant of what is happening around you. It‘s people like you that ignore the warning signs before it’s to late. It’s people like you that say we should be tolerant when behind the scene they spit on our flag, burn our flag. It’s people like you who bury their heads in the sand when disrespectful occurrences happen towards our nation. It’s people like you who take being an American for granted. It’s people like you who seems to think that compromise ones principles is okay. It’s people like you who are to ignorant to notice little by little our republic is slowly being eating away from invaders. It‘s people like you who don’t understand Islam and Christianity can never compromise and/or get along. It’s people like you that are the useful idiots amongst us.
It describes how the Mexicans will be 150 million strong here by 2050, as predicted by the US CENSUS BUREAU.
1st a Father
You know, you’re right. If I moved to a different country either permanently or temporarily, I would expect I would be fine with learning such materials. They have moved here. They have committed to be here, why are they requiring US citizens to recite the Mexican pledge? If this were just an exorcise in reciting the pledge, why would they have the student make the solute while reciting it. Sure, show the solute, but requiring them to do it during the recitation. Something is definitely wrong here.
It‘s time to stand up to the school districts and tell them it’s wrong. Time for parents to review the curriculum being taught to their children. Get involved.
SEC777. (rolling eyes)
Please, Obi Wan, enthrall us with your extensive knowledge! Please, oh please, continue to explain to us how it would simply NOT BE POSSIBLE to teach the American pledge in Spanish (or any other language) like it’s been done in many other classes across this fine country for years and years. And please bestow upon us your wisdom regarding the teacher’s inability to find anything else written in Mexico from which she could have chosen her assignment. Oh, we wait with bated breath for the wisdom to flow from your keyboard….. (cough)
what planet are you living on? i lived on the border for 16 yrs. my nieces who have a spanish last name had to take all spanish classes even though they only knew english and didnt want to learn spanish. using that same logic there if your last name was german they would teach you in german. bi-ligual education is forced on schools and it is very expensive and waste of time. we spend more money per student educating illegals than we do our own. 30 yrs ago lemon grove ca was a beautuful place go today and it is unrecognizable
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