The lies and deceit of Barack Obama regarding the OBAMACARE plan has started to catch up with his administration's signature health overhaul law, under relentless assault by Republicans, has suffered its first major casualty - a long-term care insurance plan.
This crazy scheme hatched by Obama's advisers, assumed that people would pay $50 a month, voluntarily to get these benefits, but now the incompetent HHS Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius, admits that the true premium should have been in a range of $235 to $3,000 monthly to make it sustainable!
Look at the lies and misconceptions that were rammed though on OBAMACARE!
The program, expected to launch in 2012, had been dogged from the beginning by doubts over its financial solvency. Did any one of us have doubts that this was a failure since it was just another outward lie from Obama? It was supposed to be certified to be solvent for at least 75 years! It did not even make if for a few months, instead of 75 years, due to the lies and distortions made by Obama.
Proponents, including many groups that fought to pass the health care law, have vowed a vigorous effort to rescue the program, insisting that Congress gave the administration broad authority to make changes. Long-term care includes not only nursing homes, but such services as home health aides for disabled people.
"This is a victory for the American taxpayer and future generations," said Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., spearheading opposition in the Senate. "The administration is finally admitting (the long-term care plan) is unsustainable and cannot be implemented."
Known as CLASS, the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports program was a long-standing priority of the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass. Thankfully both this deceitful program and that pervert Kennedy are both now the same, R.I.P..
Although sponsored by the government (bad sign tight there, and doomed to be a failed program), it was supposed to function as a self-sustaining voluntary insurance plan, open to working adults regardless of age or health. Workers would pay an affordable monthly premium during their careers and could collect a modest daily cash benefit of at least $50 if they became disabled later in life. The money could go for services at home or to help with nursing home bills.
But a central design flaw dogged CLASS. Unless large numbers of healthy people willingly sign up during their working years, soaring premiums driven by the needs of disabled beneficiaries would destabilize it, eventually requiring a taxpayer bailout.
Now tell me folks, why would I sign up at say, age 25 to get this plan when I am 85 years old and pay from $235 to $3,000 voluntarily, monthly all those years???? That's more than most people's mortgages and rent!!! Yet, that moron Kennedy and Barack Obama, neither of whom even read the bill, made the assumption that millions of people would voluntarily start paying in the this crazy scheme!
After months insisting that could be fixed, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius finally acknowledged Friday she doesn't see how. What a fricking rocket scientist she is!
"Despite our best analytical efforts, I do not see a viable path forward for CLASS implementation at this time," Sebelius said in a letter to congressional leaders. And this incompetent moron heads up this incompetent agency!!!!
The law required the administration to certify that CLASS would remain financially solvent for 75 years before it could be put into place.
But officials said they discovered they could not make CLASS both affordable and financially solvent while keeping it a voluntary program open to virtually all workers, as the law also required.
Monthly premiums would have ranged from $235 to $391, even as high as $3,000 under some scenarios, the administration said. At those prices, healthy people were unlikely to sign up. Suggested changes aimed at discouraging enrollment by people in poor health could have opened the program to court challenges, officials said.
I guess nobody looked at the existing long term health care plans now that exist all over the country to see how they work or what they cost to see that at their planned $50 a month, no way could such ever be solvent, since these plans now average $1,500 a month and up..so how could a substitute be offered for $50???? MORONS!
"If healthy purchasers are not attracted ... then premiums will increase, which will make it even more unattractive to purchasers who could also obtain policies in the private market," Kathy Greenlee, the lead official on CLASS, said in a memo to Sebelius. That "would cause the program to quickly collapse." NO Sh..t, Sherlock!
That's the same conclusion a top government expert reached in 2009. Nearly a year before the health care law passed, Richard Foster, head of long-range economic forecasts for Medicare, warned administration and congressional officials that CLASS would be unworkable.
His warnings were disregarded, as President Barack Obama lied and declared his support for adding the long-term care plan to his health care bill.
Another lie by this insufferable moron of a leader destroying our financial future, not to mention our health care system!
The demise of CLASS immediately touched off speculation about its impact on the federal budget. Although no premiums are likely to be collected, the program still counts as reducing the federal deficit by about $80 billion over the next 10 years. That's because of a rule that would have required workers to pay in for at least five years before they could collect any benefits.
So let's see, this is a program that collects no money, yet it REDUCED THE FEDERAL DEFICIT BY $80 BILLION???? WHAT A CROCK OF LIES AGAIN!!!!
"The CLASS Act was a budget gimmick that might enhance the numbers on a Washington bureaucrat's spreadsheet but was destined to fail in the real world," said Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky. WELL SENATOR, STEP UP AND INVESTIGATE THE LIARS WHO PRESENTED THIS...!!!!
Administration officials said Obama's next budget would reflect the decision not to go forward. Even without CLASS premiums, they said the health care law will still reduce the deficit by more than $120 billion over 10 years.
Kennedy's original idea was to give families some financial breathing room, while everybody else, the paying taxpayers of course again pay for everything. Most families cannot afford to hire a home health aide for a frail elder, let alone pay nursing home bills. Care is usually provided by family members as was the case for the last 1,000 years or so.
"We're disappointed that (Sebelius) has prematurely stated she does not see a path forward," AARP, the seniors lobby, said in a statement. "The need for long-term care will only continue to grow."
AARP, the dumbest organization that has actually contributed and supported the $500 billion MEDICARE cuts, now wants a plan that is unsupportable. These morons need to start thinking about helping the seniors that they claim to represent, instead of blindly following the dumbest President ever elected ( close second to Carter) and believing all his lies and distortions about the OBAMACARE failed programs.
Sebelius said the administration wants to work with Congress and supporters of the program to find a solution. But in a polarized political climate, it appears unlikely that CLASS can be salvaged. Congressional Republicans remain committed to its repeal.
Hey Ms. Sebelius, have you ever heard of "INSURANCE" and how that program operates???? People who want coverage buy it, if they can afford it, and if they can't or do not want it they do not. We can not as a country just provide everything to everybody, as it all has a cost....realistically, we all will die and that is a natural occurrence. No amount of money will make us all live forever.
The only thing that will last forever are pointless government programs.
It could of, it Obama simply raised taxes and then went out and bought everyone insurance. But he didn't. Of course, now he is telling the Supreme Court it was always a tax from the beginning. Obama is an idiot. He does not want to tax 1/2 the population, but he wants raise taxes on the other half. He flat out said Obamacare was not a tax when he was selling it and now calls it a tax. He is a liar on top of being an idiot.
The government is not going to be able to "mandate" jack squat without a mass rebellion. This is just the first domino to fall in this illegal and socialist mess of a healthcare fraud... The rest will fall soon enough, even if it takes until January 2012 when this psychopath is kicked the he11 out
With a mandate it's not insurance, it's redistribution of wealth.
Yep. Too bad that pesky little Constitution gets in the way.
The final irony begins, Obama has moved so far to the right in a desperate scrabble for vote that he is now repealing his own signature legislation lol
More like, jack@$$, I mean Obama, has realized what a disaster this thing is. Wait until the rest kicks in, if the Supreme Court doesn't get rid of it then Obama and Co will be busy scrambling to undo their mess, or the next poor sap of a President will be.
Do you even know the difference between left and right? There isn't a right bone in Obama's body...
Far to the right? Of whom? Karl Marx?
I'm told you can compost old people especially democrats because all that hot air encourages fermentation of the biomass
Sure is a good thing that we put Government in charge of everything. Us dumb sob's can't even wipe our A$s
That is some power. In one swipe, a whole insurance program within the Health Care program is eliminated by fiat.
fu23--you're right: It's about the willingness, even the eagerness, of the left to spend and waste other peoples' money. If you feel strongly that people ought to be entitle to some kind of institutional help, start some charity to collect voluntary donations for that purpose. Trying to force oth... more
Odd, my Grandfather worked his butt off his entire life, defended his Country in war, and was able to provide for his family so as not to burden them with financial debt. And he never asked for or expected anyone to pay for his eldercare, he was responsible, and planned ahead.
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