Doctors to EPA: Extraneous Air Regulations Will Increase Health Care Costs
The EPA has justified much of its job-killing regulatory agenda by citing promises of improved public health and reduced health care costs to treat respiratory illnesses it claims are exacerbated by airborne pollution. They’ve even recruited advocacy groups like the American Lung Association to publicly endorse the rules.
However, the medical community remains unconvinced. Medical professionals and U.S. Reps. Paul Broun, Larry Bucshon, Michael Burgess, Bill Cassidy, John Fleming, Phil Gingrey and Paul Gosar have written a letter to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson urging her to delay implementation of the proposed Utility Maximum Achievable Control Technology rule (MACT), which imposes stringent new standards on coal-fueled power plants.
Why this particular policy? Well, the Utility MACT rule is expected to cause widespread shutdowns of power plants across the country. The letter signers state that the proposed rule will actually hurt public health by raising electricity prices and thus health care costs, therefore negating any supposed longer-term health benefits.
From the letter:
We ask that the EPA take into account the direct and indirect costs associated with the proposed rule and withdraw the rule until we can be assured of its positive contribution to public health…
It is well established that additional costs placed upon the healthcare and economic sectors of our country may actually damage public health and raise premature death rates. Given the extremely high cost of the Utility MACT proposal – perhaps the most expensive in the Agency’s history – we ask that the EPA take into account the direct and indirect costs associated with the proposed rule and withdraw the rule until we can be assured of its positive contribution to public health. The American public deserves no less.
Unlike Jackson and other EPA bureaucreats, those who drafted and signed the letter all have medical degrees and thus presumably know what they’re talking about when it comes to healthcare costs.
Now, one would think that this development would spur the EPA to rally their existing allies within the medical community, but think again. As the American Lung Association does the administration a solid by airing ads promoting the EPA’s job-killing agenda by dubiously tying enforcement of the Clean Air Act to asthma prevention, the agency is pulling the rug out from under the group by moving to ban asthma inhalers:
Asthma patients who rely on over-the-counter inhalers will need to switch to prescription-only alternatives as part of the federal government’s latest attempt to protect the Earth’s atmosphere.
The Food and Drug Administration said Thursday patients who use the epinephrine inhalers to treat mild asthma will need to switch by Dec. 31 to other types that do not contain chlorofluorocarbons, an aerosol substance once found in a variety of spray products.
The action is part of an agreement signed by the U.S. and other nations to stop using substances that deplete the ozone layer, a region in the atmosphere that helps block harmful ultraviolet rays from the Sun.
But the switch to a greener inhaler will cost consumers more. Epinephrine inhalers are available via online retailers for around $20, whereas the alternatives, which contain the drug albuterol, range from $30 to $60.
Yes, you read that right; the EPA is legitimately trying to argue that over-the-counter inhalers used by the tiny percentage of the population that suffers from asthma are significantly contributing to air pollution.
Between these two developments, the EPA had better come up with some new justifications for imposing its punishing Utility MACT rule on American businesses and taxpayers. The public health argument is a dog that just won’t hunt.
I don't know how to put this . . . let's just say this . . . still can't do it.
Try breathing through a piece of wet duct tape.
Anything that makes these lives more difficult to live is criminal. When done on the nebulous concept of saving the environment it make me upset. Add this to the endless list of things that liberal democrats do when they have power and the force of government to carry out their irrational and duplicitous whims.
Duuuuh 113p
I would offer a penny for your thoughts Joe... but the federal regulatory, usage fees, taxes and surcharges on it are killing me.
But they feel they are doing the right thing and they can't let facts get in the way. Their feelings are so damn important.
The problem for these MD's (and I am one as well) is that they are forgetting this is the GOAL of the EPA, not a side effect
Nick Shaw
If asthma sufferers were just purchasing their "breathalyzers" and shooting them off into the air, yeah, maybe, MAYBE, the EPA might have a point.
But, they don't! They breathe the medicine in along with the propellant. Where is the study that says they exhale all the chlorofluorocarbons? What part of this chemical is actually exhaled from a single dose? Does anybody know?
The amount of propellant actually used in an inhaler is minuscule. It is logical to assume the amount exhaled is even less, even if it hasn't been chemically altered by passage through the lungs.
The EPA is totally out of control if all they have to do is look for "problems" this ridiculous!
Hell, now that I think of it, this problem doesn't even reach the level of ridiculous! Herman Cain would get rid of the EPA first!
But it will damage the coal industry dammit! And that's what Obama, Jackson the enviro-whacko's and their enablers and handlers really want. This is not about "clean air", it's about the government and the left getting one more hand on the levers of power. When are we the people going to tell the EPA to take a long walk off a short pier?
"When are we the people going to tell the EPA to take a long walk off a short pier?"
That would be when... "we the people" get the right representatives in office that will start regulating (or abolish) the EPA. Until then... expect more taxation without representation. Vote for Cain!
Just looking at Lisa Jackson's mug shot brings only one thing to mind. Valerie Jarrett.
The former CEO of Habitat Company wasn't content with managing Grove Parc Plaza into a rat-invested hell hole for Chicago's poorest. No. The woman who whispers sweet-nothin's into POTUS 44's ears wasn't content with bilking hundreds of millions for the Solyndra boondoggle.
Poison Queen Valerie Jarrett won't stop until we STOP that SKANK or until she leaves the USA in worse condition that Grove Parc Plaza. Her track record is there for anyone who can still open their eyelids. If you think for one second that she didn't know - more than likely it was her idea - about Fast & Furious...(insert swamp land jokes here)
They don't care. The lights will burn bright in the White House while they eat cake and Kobe steaks.
dcase 135p
using regulatory agencies to kill off American business is part of The Plan...
It's quite simple, really. Look at drilling in the Gulf. US companies can't. But the Red Chinese are.
Obama won't permit offshore drilling due to 'safety concerns' but will give $2 billion in YOUR money to his pal Lula Da Silva to drill in the DEEPEST waters off of Brazil.
What do all these things have in common? Punishing US business while 'redistributing' the wealth abroad.
Transparent? What do you think?...
gvik 90p ·
Unfortunately, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for them to do it. It's pretty obvious they have gone rogue, and are hell bent enacting their agenda.
That this agency operates without any real Congressional oversight and as a separate, despotic government is an absoluter outrage. Americans should NOT have to tolerate this gaggle of Marxist, self entitled tyrants.
October 3, 2011 The EPA Gets Caught in a Big Fat Lie
The notion that the Environmental Protection Agency uses “science” to justify their regulations is false, just like most of the claims they issue on various aspects of the nation’s environment. Their favorite scam is to estimate the number of deaths they will prevent with some new draconian regulation.
"The time is near at hand which must determine whether Americans are to be free men or slaves."
George Washington
The Environmental Protection Agency has overtaken the Liberty Protection Entity called the republican form of government.
EPA is now Marxist....no room for the Marxists involved....purge and prosecute....the worm has turned...get their damned hands off our energy grid...
GOVT running amok...pure Marxism...pure criminal....pure PURGE required....punish the overLords and seize their personal wealth...turnabout's fair play....
Electric Bills About To Spike Oct 5, 2011 12:14 AM EDT
Utilities across the country need more money for grid updates and pollution controls, and are passing the huge bill on to consumers. Laura Colarusso on why electricity bills are rising.
You can bet there is some democrat donor who owns the company that will make this new clean air equipment, and that they will get federal funding. And those non-compliance fines will bolster our gov'ts budgets and provide economic stimulus...HOW STUPID!
Phryj 84p
Lisa Jackson is a radical statist envirozealot. She's cut from the same extreme left-wing fanaticism cloth Barack Obama is, and that's why she got the appointment.
It isn't about protecting the environment or helping people, it's about control.
"Why this particular policy? Well, the Utility MACT rule is expected to cause widespread shutdowns of power plants across the country."
I'll go along with shutting down the plants — but only if we can generate power by making nanny statists like Lisa Jackson run on little wheels like the rodents they are.
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