I am so sick and tired of hearing over and over that whatever is happening in our economy is not the fault of this President but that it is always somebody else's fault: Big banks, small banks, traders on the exchanges, the Arab Spring, Israel, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and of course the RICH and my favorite...WE ARE NOT PAYING ENOUGH TAXES!
Obama's speeches are so boring and pointless lately and their theme is the same: " I need more money from the taxpayers, to pay to and employ the non-taxpayers!"; "I need the rich to pay more than the 70% of the taxes that they are paying, to be more fair to everyone"; and my all time favorite..." We need to stop spending and need to make the deficits smaller!".
Are we the morons or is he the moron here?
This is like that mind control thing used by the jedi in the Star Wars movie, where the drones end up "hearing" what the jedi is saying to make them believe it?
Does anyone ever believe this divisive race hater, rich people hater and class envy generator, no matter what he says?
Yes, they do...there is a solid group that do not read the papers, know anything out politics and will believe anything that they may hear in the 10 second sound bites..they are called THE DEMOCRATIC BASE.
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