It is hard to believe that after all the lessons learned from the gigantic mistake made by the election of Jimmy Carter in 1976, voters have forgotten such near term history and elected an even dumber leader again to lead the usa, Barack Hussein Obama (or Barry Soetoro, which is the name he used in school?), but all the schools have no records nor does anyone ever remember this guy attending.
But then again, after some 28 years after the defeat of Jimmy Carter, new voters voting for the HOPE AND CHANGE guy, knew nothing about the history of the disastrous election and 4 years of misery under Carter.
I well remember, as in trying to by a house from my retiring father, I had a home mortgage rate of 16% to deal with thanks to the moron, "Jimmy", who brought us nothing but financial disaster during his one term as president, as well as the first use of the term "nukuler", in addition to allowing our embassy personnel to be held 444 days by radicals in Iran, as well as handing over the Panama Canal...etc. etc...
Now we are faced with the next generation of a failed president, an even more dangerous and incompetent one, "OBAMA, THE INCOMPETENT DECEIVER".
He promised unity, his minions promised the "most open and transparent government ever" (Nancy Pelosi said so) he promised racial bliss, he promised two chickens in every pot and utopia for all, and he promised a "total transformation" of the country. But, the transformation he was imagining, was not the transformation his voters were imagining.
People now realize he was planning to take from those who have a job that pays a salary now to the person performing the job, and give a part of that salary to someone who is not doing anything...just to make it fair. It was called "compassion" or better known as a 99 week unemployment check handout.
Added to that concept were a number of other "redistribution schemes" that took from one group and "gave" to others.
Remember "cash for clunkers"?, or debt forgiveness of unpaid mortgage payments that were due to those evil mortgage lenders that forced people to buy a house they could not afford by lying to the evil mortgage lenders about what they could afford?
Remember how every relative of every member of the Obama White House staff or political donor somehow received a bailout, a grant or a loan for some "green project" that never had to be paid back...does Solyndra come to mind?
Every federal agency is now headed by an agenda driven incompetent, and every agency is declaring war on the businesses that it is supposed to assist...such as the Energy Department and the EPA which instead of easily making our country energy independent by using the world's largest oil and gas contained in the USA it is hampering development.
Obama himself stated in his own words. that his energy policies will "necessarily cause the price of electricity to skyrocket".
This statement alone should be not just cause to get rid of this moron, but cause to impeach him for such a statement. The president should instead do everything possible to lower the cost of living for its resident, to make it more affordable to afford a lifestyle not to make it more expensive!
Every single thing you can think of costs more now than it did before this buffoon was mistakenly elected.
I like to think of shopping at WAL-MART and comparing prices of items there as a quick and very accurate of if the policies of the "OBUMMER" and helping me or hurting me ( and every other citizen).
The simple mathematics of this survey accurately reflect the real facts without needing an expert to tell us if the policies are helping or hurting all Americans.
WAL-MART and its low prices allow all consumers who shop there to save money on their purchases, so that they can buy more products that they want. Shopping at WAL-MART actually helps other retailers to sell their products as well, since a consumer who spent less of their disposable income by saving at WAL-MART, can now go out and buy something with those extra available dollars at the mall, helping other retailers!
I will now give you a real world example of the failed policies of OBAMA, the OBUMMER.
After his election I was able to buy at the checkout counter of my local WAL-MART, Reese's Peanut Butter cup 2 pack for 50 cents. I know the price well, as this is an item I always purchase as my final purchase upon check out, while waiting in line and scanning the latest news headlines of the National Inquirer.
This is a product made in the USA, by real USA residents and exported all over the world. I have actually seen them for sale on a remote island in the Caribbean as well as every other place I have traveled around the world.
It cost 50 cents. It cost 50 cents while Bush was president, it cost 50 cents while the OBUMMER got in, and remained there at 50 cents.
Then there started a spiral of cost increases due to the higher costs of all the mandates and "can no longer do's" mandated by Obama- of delivering my Reese's two pack to the WAL-MART; the decline in the value of the dollar to buy the chocolate, to transport the chocolate from the foreign countries that produce it, the cost to deliver the printed packaging of the item, and the fact that the disposal of the ink that was used to print the wrapper and to document the disposal of the glue to close the wrapper and then to pay for the mandated health care of the WAL-MART worker, and then to help WAL-MART fight the attempts by the government to unionize the WAL-MART employees, and to pay their lawyers to fight the government in the big unionized cities that do not want a WAL-MART ( Chicago comes to mind in a 10 year battle to finally open a store), the increased real estate taxes on the WAL-MART store, the increased mandates of how much the company can charge on its credit cards, or how much time to give deadbeats to pay without interest, or how many people of what color they have to hire, no matter how incompetent they might be just to meet the government's race quota, etc., etc....
Today I paid 69 cents for my peanut butter cup.
So now, I buy less of other things, so I can afford that peanut butter cup at checkout. In fact I buy less in total, but pay for for the smaller amount of products.
When I buy less of other products, the companies that make those products, make less of them, since the demand is less. They lay off some employees, since they don't need as many, and those employees spend less at checkout since they have less to spend... and then they get only that 99 week unemployment check to spend...
This is the way it really is, this is the reason why the economy can not just shoot upwards...it can not due to the higher price of peanut butter cups.
Now finally an easy to understand reason for why the economy is tanking, that even the WALL STREET PROTESTERS can understand.
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