Illegal aliens have now morphed into "deserving immigrants" right in front of our eyes as more states and certainly the Federal government offer a variety of programs to provide sanctuary, subsidize college education tuition, and in addition offer free healthcare, welfare and a variety of programs paid for from taxpayer's pockets.
The supporters of these programs include no less than the Mexican government who wants us to "be fair" or Governor Rick Perry of Texas who feels that those of us who oppose these policies have no heart, etc.. Now we have no heart for you, Mr. Perry! Karma is really something!
Have you noticed that the welfare lines, and use of the various government programs are not dominated by "immigrants" from Poland, or Russia or Yugoslavia?
But, when there is a well publicized "round up" of illegals ( now limited to the roundup only of those who committed murder, rape or similarly outrageous crimes), the reporters, when naming the countries that these illegals are from, always add an Eastern European immigrant who overstayed his visitor visa, rather than killed someone. Thus is makes it appear that the illegals come from all over the world.
The difference is simple....the Eastern European is working his butt off, not going on welfare or burdening the local school system with multiple kids getting free lunches, and they plan on going back, unlike the Mexican illegals. See the difference?
Another argument that is used is that "we can not deport 12 million, or 20 million people because it would be SO COSTLY TO DO". Huh?
The amount that each state and the Federal government spends on their "subsidies" of every type, including un-reimbursed health care is estimated at $300 billion annually as a minimum...and probably way, way more!
The way I see it, deporting all illegals would be a very simple step and would create an instant boost to the US economy in many, many ways.
For the most part, most would "self deport" if they were unable to work here, or to obtain any financial benefits and healthcare.
So, a simple FEDERAL LAW that provides for 10 year mandatory jail sentence for any employer who employs an illegal alien from any country, and a monetary penalty of $1 million for each person so employed would pretty much stop the secret employment issue. Furthermore, a reward would be paid to any "whistleblower" who turns in such an employer would also do the job.
Next, any landlord or lender who knowingly rents or makes a mortgage loan to an illegal alien, is also subject to the same penalty AND a confiscation of the property!
There would be such a boom to the bus companies, trucking companies, junk auto sale used car companies, travel agents, airlines, fast food places along the interstates on the way toward Mexico, gas stations, paint stores selling purple paint, rear view mirror bead manufacturers, boom box manufacturers, and of course, the biggest boost of all would be that the currently 20 million unemployed people would actually be offered jobs, as they need to fill the now empty positions!
Everyone wins, especially citizens and LEGAL immigrants.
Everyone would be given a 60 day window to leave, hassle free, giving them time to still pack, wind up their affairs, commit whatever crimes they have to before leaving before being caught again, and "thanks for visiting, come again" legally.
You can allow the legal seasonal work permits in the agriculture industry after employers show an inability to fill the positions, but a simple identity card will do, and anyone here without it to show the legal status, is again going to subject the employer to the sanctions.
The present system provides a highly dangerous environment for legal resident, as the law enforcement officials in many jurisdictions are unable to ask the legal status or even for an ID! That is so crazy, I can not even conceive how anyone tolerates that.
Interim solution...change the political landscape by electing only those who favor strict controls, and deportation....otherwise they are out! That message would be heard loud and clear, and things can change only if the voters decide to change their votes.
What a wonderful idea.
If you try working in Mexico without being a citizen you go directly to prison, we are more compassionate and will allow them to return hassle free.
Justice Department lawyers are reviewing four new state laws targeting illegal immigrants in a move that signals an escalation in the Obama administration’s battle with the tough laws. The Justice Department has already sued Arizona and Alabama over their laws, The Washington Post reported.
The four new laws under scrutiny are from Georgia, Indiana, South Carolina, and Utah. “I don’t recall any time in history that the Justice Department has so aggressively challenged state laws,” Jonathan Turley, of the George Washington University Law School, told the Post.
While Republican presidential candidates are calling for getting tough on illegal immigrations, President Barack Obama is working the other side of the street. He recently told a group of Latino reporters Arizona’s immigration law created “a great danger that naturalized citizens, individuals with Latino surnames, potentially could be vulnerable to questioning. The laws could be potentially abused in ways that were not fair to Latino citizens,” the Post reported.
The Obama administration has been criticized for suing over Arizona’s law, with conservatives charging the suit is being used to court Hispanic voters. The charges have been denied and Obama told the Hispanic journalists that “we can’t have a patchwork of 50 states with 50 different immigration laws,” the Post reported.
Read more on Newsmax.com: Obama Targets More State Immigration Laws
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