I was waiting to watch President Obama's Labor Day speech scheduled to me made in that model city, Detroit. Now keep in mind the reason this was a speech, rather than a written document, is that fully at least half of the people in Detroit are illiterate!
I guess the White House must have given much ironic thought and the speech was well planned to be in a city that not only is testimony to the failed school system in America with all that lack of education, but also to the "look" of the decrepit buildings, abandoned buildings, crack houses and crime ridden neighborhoods...and then to top it all off to have a loser moron labor leader like Hoffa introduce a failed President as well.
What a terrific combination of losers...city, school system, failed leaders, failed everything. perfect example of what unions together with failed government programs do to America. Perfect Labor Day message...we got it Mr. President. Thanks for sending the perfect message for us to consider regarding your presidency.
Furthermore, if anyone is not a member of that failed union, the Teamsters who have single handedly destroyed good paying trucking jobs, they now definitely know not to become a part of a union headed by a total moron who will further destroy jobs by supporting the failed policies of Obama.
I like to look at the comments that readers of news stories post on the net that follow the story. Sometimes there are a lot of comments sometimes just a few, but they are quite revealing, and often much more interesting than the story itself.
I was amazed to see well over 3,700 comments on this story on one of the news web sites and literally all of them commented on the shameful introduction and then Obama's comments praising the loser leader, Hoffa.
Shame on you Mr. Obama, the President who was going to bring us all together...remember your promise?
As usual promises from politicians mean nothing...and this President did not fail to deliver...NOTHING.
This was the story:
Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa had some profane, combative words for Republicans while warming up the crowd for President Obama in Detroit, Michigan on Monday.
"We got to keep an eye on the battle that we face: The war on workers. And you see it everywhere, it is the Tea Party. And you know, there is only one way to beat and win that war. The one thing about working people is we like a good fight. And you know what? They've got a war, they got a war with us and there's only going to be one winner. It's going to be the workers of Michigan, and America. We're going to win that war," Jimmy Hoffa said to a heavily union crowd.
"President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let's take these son of bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong," Hoffa added.
Obama addressed the crowd shortly after Hoffa.
UPDATE: Obama Says He Is "Proud" Of Hoffa After Union Leader's Remarks
ABC is in the tank for Obama anyway so what is the point. This is the tip of the iceberg as to what has been going on for almost 3 years now. You only reported this because it is ALL OVER FOX and there is massive anger at Hoffa over this.
Posted by: mary olson |
This call for violence after Maxine Waters tell the tea party to “Go to HEll!” is an example of Obama’s call for civility. Hoffa junior may not remember but his Dad was a strong Nixion supporter. To bad the younger Hoffa has sold out to the mob thugs his father rejected.
However, maybe the Tea Party should follow the example of Obama supporters like Rev. Wright and alter his damning of the USA but shouting G>D> OBAMA and his unior goons!
Posted by: Guy |
I hope nobody fell for that sanctimonious BS back in January when Giffords got shot. These are the gutter rats of the dem party/coalition. Why are these comments even considered newsworthy – they are common.
Posted by: Rick H |
And Hoffa was Obama’s opening act. What a terrible bunch of people they all are.
Detroit is a wasteland, corruption , all dems-total progressive union thieving thugs.
This is out president.
Posted by: Donna |
The only real NEWS, here, is that ABC covered it. Hey, here’s another story idea, ABC: you should send a reporter to Niagra Falls so he can tell us if water is falling there.
Posted by: Greg S |
Where’s the outrage for dismissing the obamessiah’s “civility in discourse”? If this had been a Tea Party event, the poser in chief would have been saying the speaker had acted “stupidily”!
Posted by: Jeff |
This country is being shredded by Obama and the lame stream like you ABC…If things boil over dont be surprised if you become a target. This is what you want, right? Hoffa is a washed up loser!
Posted by: Ozzy |
jeff wrote:”’bout time the democrats started fighting back. It’s humorous that tea party doesn’t like the “name calling” when they were the ones who started the “uncivil discourse”.
DEMOCRATS have nothing else! Everything they do has shown to be a massive failure. They so hope that they can goad ANYONE that can be connected to the Tea Party into any kind of violent act. At that point their cohorts in the “news” media will take it from their and destroy the opponents of oBama.
Posted by: Michelle Shu |
DEMOCRATS have nothing else! Everything they do has shown to be a massive failure.
DEMOCRATS have nothing else! Everything they do has shown to be a massive failure.
Posted by: Michelle Shu Jas |
Its seems they have the threat of mass violence..and a president that looks the other way, because he is mad at America for rebuking his policies
Posted by: President Zero |
Its seems they have the threat of mass violence..and a president that looks the other way, because he is mad at America for rebuking his policies
Posted by: President Zero | September 5, 2011, 8:56 pm 8:56 pm
Posted by: John |
The lesson here? Actual violent rhetoric by liberals is OK. What does Hoffa mean by “take them out”? Is Obama and his propaganda dept in the media really going to condone this crap even after all they said after Gabby Giffords got shot? More liberal hypocrissy.
Posted by: painful-truth |
Yeah right…. Maxine Waters, Andre Carson, Jimmy Hoffa, all just “encouraging people to vote”….. yup… there is a pattern there all right…. looks like we are seeing the desperate flailing of DEMOCRATS who know their goose is cooked. But oBama will give ANOTHER speech and everything will be all right.
Posted by: President Zero |
Hoffa comments were appalling. Why does Obama support these thugs?
Posted by: President Zero |
Hoffa is a pathetic man (I use that term loosely) with limited intellect. He is well-paid with known perks that include full-time security and a top-shelf expense account. I support the Tea Party and its embrace of limited government and Constitutional guidance. I have absolutely no fear of him or any of his crew, i.e., Trumka. As far as Obama and Biden, I’ll work as hard as I can as an ordinary citizen to help defeat them at the ballot box in 2012.
Posted by: Ozzy |
Another obvious example of Liberals who so rarely apply the same standards to themselves that they demand of others. When using the violent terms “at war” and s.o.b.’s and “take them out” it’s clear he intends to leave an impression. Real principals don’t waiver based on the situation but partisan, political and unethical rhetoric blow with the breeze. Indignation is contingent on the political parties involved. I’m glad some in the press are starting to call it out. Biden’s comments have been no better. Other than disagreeing with the Democrats policies very effectively what actions has the Tea Party taken that warrents this over the top speech?
Posted by: Kal Albi |
I’ve surprised Hoffa called his political opponents ‘sons-of-a-#######’ in public. We know this kind of talk commonly goes on in private in both political parties, but in public its not very smart.
Everything else Hoffa said was fine, because it was simply a call to arms to get out and vote.
See what your union bosses think of you, brothers and sisters. The low esteem they hold you in, to think that this type of rhetoric would be welcomed by you.
That Obama has not immediately repudiated these remarks only confirms our worst suspicions, he is a man without honor, a power hungry thug seeking to rule by any means, regardless of how foul or base.
Posted by: kanawa |
As a Charlottean I find this type of rhetoric VERY UPSETTING. We expect when the DNC comes that they and their constituencies will be peaceful and law abiding. That is not what Hoffa’s speech leads me to believe.
Posted by: Charlottean |
Here’s the thing. Now imagine Sarah Palin had said the exact same thing except about unions? Can you imagine the media play?
Posted by: Bill |
PLease…Obama doesn’t walk the walk—-let’s see…we have the Vice President of the US calling Tea Partiers “barbarians” and “terrorists”…we have a Congressional Rep. Maxine Warters telling Tea Partiers to “Go to hell”…we have the head of the Teamsters calling for a war on the Tea Party and making statements that can be considered threatening…we have many liberal TV hosts (i.e. the Lamestream media) calling the Tea Party racist…and this moron of a President doesn’t say a word about it….I wish that all the idiots that were so taken with this moron in 2008 just because of one speech and a stupid slogan can look back on their vote and feel proud they voted in one of the most divisive Presidents in history…shame on all of you.
Posted by: Nick, New York, NY |
Please call Homeland Security and voice your anger at Hoffa for threatening Americans.
Posted by: David From Texas |
The left always leverages hate as compassion. Nothing has ever changed for the socialist insurgents of the democrat party.
Posted by: Georgie_Bushie |
When you surround yourself with evil men, you are evil
Posted by: Jim |
At the very least, the White House should call for civility. No. They are out to ruin America. I can’t think of one other President who would allow such talk. This is a HATE SPEECH. I agree with other posters that he is threatening AMERICANS, and OUR POTUS supports it.
Posted by: ergros |
More hate speech supported by OUR President. What is he trying to do? Create unrest, riots, etc.
Posted by: max |
What’s most irksome about Hoffa’s comments is that they’re terribly misleading and/or misinformed. The tea party had nothing to do with 9+% unemployment, the frigid jobs environment nor the spending binge that consumed Washington. In fact the tea party was borne out of at least one of those. What Hoffa is really bemoaning is that the Tea Party has had a hand in reducing union influence in Wisconsin, Indiana and Ohio. That’s a far cry from being “anti-worker”.
The fact that Obama didn’t say anything about it is par for the course. It’s a lot easier to do when people aren’t being civil to you rather than when your side isn’t being civil to others.
Posted by: focusonjobs1 |
“Take them out…” Not “vote them out…” and this from the son of THAT JImmy Hoffa. Irony abounds.
The liberal apologists are out in full force. The hypocrisy of the left is exposed yet again.
With friends like that…
And so it goes. September is starting off to be no better a month for President Obama than was October.
But wait!
Make no mistake. Let me be clear. The time for partisan politics is over. Time to get to put down that Slurpee, get in the car that was pulled out of the ditch, and to get on the train (to move the metaphor toward Shanghai-style high-speed rail).
We all have another speech to look forward to! Pass the popcorn but we’re switching as soon as the pre-game is on.
Posted by: cony007 |
Hey Hoffa, a bunch of your union workers are Tea Party Members.
If you take them out your membership will decrease even further.
Posted by: cony007 |
Obama said: “I do believe there is hope for civility. I do believe there’s hope for progress,” ….. Not while you in office Mr. President. You are just as bad as the T-party and the right wing.
Posted by: Noz |
Hey Max! Oh yes he is….left, right, black, white, Hispanic, Muslim, youth, labor and religious all pissed off! What a great job this president has done to rip this country apart! So of course, he will not say a word. It’s his plan…top down, bottom up…squeeze the middle! Until he has totally transformed American.
Posted by: focusonjobs1 |
Maybe Hoffa thought he didn’t have an open mic; maybe he thought he was dreaming. Usually things like this are only said when a mic is thought to be off and the speaker is trying to explicitly impress someone about his fervent opinion. I think saying things like this Howard Deanian speech will only paint the Dems as crazy radicals and come back to bite all Dems in the hind end.
Posted by: cony007 |
Mr. Obama belittled the Office of the President by taking the stage after such comments by Mr. Hoffa.
Shame on you, Mr. President.
Posted by: todd|
A criminal statement by a criminal and the son of a criminal. Will this White House wink or will it stand up for American values/ The question answers itself, scum.
Posted by: todd | September 6, 2011, 12:36 am 12:36 am
Obama should be ashamed of himself and his Union Army. They are bankrupting the country. They have no clue how to run a business much less a country. On top of that, they threaten us fiscally sound brothers/sisters just because, we disagree with them.
What do we as a Nation have to show for the $4 Trillion Obama has spent? We don’t even have a new bridge to brag about. Obama canceled the F22. Obama canceled SDI. Thanks to Obama we are now hitch hiking into space. Yet, we are $4 Trillion further in debt. Unemployment is through the roof. More than 45 Million fellow Americans are on food stamps. Businesses are forced to lay off more workers because of increased expenses (due to the nightmare that is Obama Care, oh yes, Obama has allowed 1700 waivers to his buddies, most of them UNION)
We are against Wars because they cost so much. What about the War on Poverty? That is costing us more than a $1 Trillion annually for years and years now. Yet, Obama, Maxine Walters, Pelosie, Ried, Hoffa want more and more and if they don’t get their way, THEY THREATEN THEIR FELLOW CITIZENS.
Obama whines about big businesses not paying their taxes, but his best buds GE and Warren Buffet have been avoiding paying corporate taxes for years. Yet those mean old oil companies have been paying corporate taxes totaling in the 10s of billions year after year.
WTG Obama. (You are rapidly becoming the worst President ever.)
Posted by: cony007 |
What do we as a Nation have to show for the $4 Trillion Obama has spent?
Posted by: Lydia |
A believer in Hope and Change is calling others lemmings? Lol
Posted by: Susan |
Obama continues to give huge no-bid contracts to Halliburton for military support services.
After the Congresswoman was shot, we were told it’s all the Republicans fault because their politic rhetoric is laden with violent verbiage.
yeah right
Posted by: dan |
The Tea Party IS the middle class. Anyone who has ever attended one Tea Party meeting or rally already knows this. Proof once again that spending too much time at Think Progress, TPM, or Daily Kos lowers your IQ.
Posted by: Susan |
The Tea Party IS the middle class.
Posted by: Todd |
How would you know that? You’ve never attended a meeting or rally. Here’s something else you don’t know: Democrats are heavily represented at Tea Party rallies. About 30%-40% of the rally attendees in my area are Democrats. Shock!
Why are the lefties freaking out anyway? Daily Kos has been assuring everyone for two years that the Tea Party is irrelevant. Now all of a sudden these old folks in lawn chairs are a huge danger? So which is it? Lol
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