Solar Decathlon's Rainy Start
Steven Chu is another moron in Washington, who heads up the Department of Energy. Shall we say that it should be called the DEPARTMENT AGAINST ENERGY, or the ANTI ENERGY DEPARTMENT?
Since its creation under the second biggest fool as president, Jimmy Carter, this department has been responsible for the USA producing less self sufficiency in terms of the energy it was empowered to stimulate than ever.
Why is it that every time a new unnecessary department of "something" is dreamed up in Washington, it just creates a new web of needless bureaucrats and a new regulation that typically will stand in the way of whatever they are supposed to stimulate or stand for?
The Department of Energy's Solar Decathlon kicked off today in Washington on the National Mall, under inauspiciously dark rainy skies. In a press release announcing the competition, Department of Energy Secretary Steven Chu is quoted as saying, "The Solar Decathlon collegiate teams are showing how clean energy products and efficient building design can help families and businesses reduce energy use and save money...The event challenges talented students to become pioneers of clean energy technology and helps ensure that out nation remains competitive in the workforce of tomorrow."
This moron, actually thinks that "families" can afford to own such a solar home? And what happens when it rains or is cloudy for a few days? I guess then there is no power to pump out the sump pump water, or to power your phone, internet or grandma's oxygen tank power supply as well.
Chu has reason to be hopeful that the competition pays off: The Department of Energy gives a $100,000 grant to each team just to participate in the Solar Decathlon, in addition to all the other costs of hosting and producing the competition. (Some of the other costs are offset by the myriad sponsors--from Lowe's to Pepsico.)
The City College of New York's team proudly showed off their house to me this morning at the competition:
Teisha Villegas, a fifth year ( are collages 4 years?) architecture student at CCNY, was a bit cagey with the details, but it looked nice inside! "I'm not sure," Villegas said when I asked how many kilowatts the 40 solar panels on the roof were bringing in today. "I haven't had a reading on a bright sunny day." (ANSWER: NONE!!!!!)
The house has the potential) key word here...potential) to bring in 8 kilowatts of energy (although not on a day like this). This is like saying that there is the "potential" that there will be peace in the world!
When asked how much the house cost, Villegas was again slow ( translation: wanted to lie a lot ) to reveal the details. "Not one of the cheap ones," she said, saying that since it was built in New York City it had to meet the city's strict codes. "I can't say the price tag because we're still negotiating with the affordability people." One element of the competition is to be able to build affordable green energy housing. NOTE KEY WORD HERE...AFFORDABLE!!!!!
Notice that this college student did not know anything about the cost or could even answer basis questions about the home...typical of of education system!!!!
Finally (after realizing that he was sounding really stupid and a liar), Villegas conceded the price tag came to about $450,000, "which is just parts" since CCNY students did all the labor ( make that another $100,000?). Another student from the same team, Yinery Baez, also a fifth year architecture student, said that $500,000 is a more accurate figure, but that they believe the price could be dropped to about $300,000 if it were ever to be mass produced ( just try doing that with union labor in a big city-unless you are expecting these to be mass produced in India).
Oh, yeah, they also forgot that a house has to sit on some land...which would add another $100,000-$200,000 to its price....so now we are at $750,000???? Oh yeah, affordable family housing...the size of a garage????
Depending on who you asked, the square footage of the home is either 650 (Villegas) or 750 (Baez). More morons with answers! They should have asked Chu, he probably had NO idea at all! This is the size of a two car garage!!!! What family is supposed to live there....one from Haiti, or the Sudan perhaps?
Also how exactly can we be competitive at about $1,000 a square foot to build these?
Since the Department of Energy only picks up $100,000, I wondered how the college teams were able to pick up the rest of the costs. For the CCNY team, they are fortunate enough to have generous benefactors, including the Spitzer family (of which former governor Eliot Spitzer is the most famous member...another pervert loser!!!!).
Villegas shows off the CCNY home's Murphy bed to soggy onlookers:
The Department of Energy's press release ends by saying, "The Solar Decathlon also provides participating students with hands-on experience and unique training that prepares them to enter our nation's clean energy workforce (what workforce, everyone in the clean energy business of solar is closing up after eating up all the taxpayer money to start it up like the half billion just thrown away on SOLYNDRA) , supporting the Obama Administration's goal of transitioning to a clean energy economy while saving families and business money." What a lie, when will a "family" afford to live is a two car garage that cost $750,000????
But while there might not be many clean energy jobs for these students to get after graduation, this program must surely be a cheaper alternative to investing in solar energy than Solyndra was for the Obama administration--both in terms of capital and political capital: $500 million thrown out with all the executive invoking the fifth amendment in replying to what they did with the money!
Please stop wasting our money!!!!
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