A Daily Caller investigation has found that in addition to the failed company Solyndra, at least four other solar panel manufacturing companies receiving in excess of $500 million in loan guarantees from the Obama administration employ executives or board members who have donated large sums of money to Democratic campaigns.
And as questions swirl around possible connections between political donations and these preferential financing arrangements, the Obama White House suddenly began deflecting The Daily Caller’s questions on Wednesday to the Democratic National Committee.
Asked Wednesday to comment on the connection between large Democratic donors and Obama administration loan guarantees to the companies they represent, the White House responded to The Dc with a single sentence: “We refer your question to the Democratic National Committee.”
Concerns about the long-term viability of Solyndra, first made public by The Daily Caller back in February, have now expanded to include the financial health of other loan-guarantee recipient firms as well.
These companies have suffered from declining stock prices despite their favored status in the White House. Yet as the end of the federal government’s fiscal year looms on Friday, a new series of loans could be finalized amounting to more than nine times what taxpayers have already lost on the failed company Solyndra.
“Who was visiting the White House during this period of time?” Texas GOP Rep. Joe Barton asked when contacted by TheDC. Barton is a former chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. “Who were they talking to and what were they talking about? Are there more loans at risk of not being paid back? Are these good investments or political favors?”
“The American people just lost a half billion dollars and they deserve answers to these questions before more money is wasted. Until we know exactly what happened, I think we should slow down this loan program and take a closer look at each case.”
“It is becoming more clear with each revelation that warning signs were ignored in the Solyndra case,” Barton continued. “Yet in the next 48 hours — because of a deadline that can still be changed — the Department of Energy is going to hand out another $5 billion in loans.”
Companies like First Solar, SolarReserve, SunPower Corporation and Abengoa SA have already, collectively, received billions in loans through Obama administration stimulus programs to build solar power plants in the southwestern United States.
Yet each, with the exception of the privately held SolarReserve, has seen its stock price hammered at the same time it was lobbying the Obama administration and Congress for billions in loan guarantees.
The Hill newspaper reported Wednesday that the Santa Monica, Calif.-based SolarReserve has secured a $737 million loan guarantee from the Department of Energy for a Nevada solar project.
That company has ties to George Kaiser, the Oklahoma billionaire who raised $53,500 for President Obama’s campaign in 2008. Through his Argonaut Private Equity firm, Kaiser holds a majority stake in Solyndra.
Argonaut has a voting stake on SolarReserve’s board of directors in the person of Steve Mitchell, who also serves on Solyndra’s board of directors.
We are actually seeing the benefits of shouting climate change. It is not to save the planet, it is to line the pockets of those who support the sham.
BINGO.. it never was about the environment.... well it was for the liberal voters, but Vladimir Lenin referred to these people as useful idiots.
AGREE.....AGREE.....AGREE !!!!!
It's time for Darrell Issa to call for a Special ProsecutorIllinois pay to play has posted another must read !Patrick Fitzgerald: Intrepid Crime Fighter? Or, Politically-Driven Leaker? The Silent Mole & A Complicit Newspaper (Part 5)Check out this web sitehttp://illinoispaytoplay.com
All of this smells of criminal corruption and people need to be charged and punished.
Ron Pelosi sits on the board of one of these companies getting a bribe worth hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars....just a coincidence, I'm sure!
Hard earned taxpayer dollars at work...part of the $1,000,000,000,000 stolen by The Fraud In Chiefright out of the gate, to "stimulate" his base and owners with (13) months to go before the inevitable swamp draining!
Most of us have to deal with what's facing us right now, not ten years back. You "blame Bush" people continue to try to deflect from the monstrosity that is the Obama administration. It won't work any longer.
Obama screws up everything he touches. We need to remove him from office.
Bush was investigated and there was nothing there that was untoward. Energy policy should be shaped by energy experts and producers. Not those seeking to disrupt the process.
No, energy policy should be shaped by technology and consumer demands.
Anything else is government intervention.
10 years ago we all had jobs and a future. Now, we have neither and it's getting worse.
All I know is that gas was $1.80 a gallon when Bush left and now it's $3.60. Obama wants gas prices to go even higher so "green" energy can be competitive.I was never a Bush fan but he sure is looking good today!
I remember those days fondly. Unemployment was only 5% and gas was about $1.35 per gallon. Not only that, but we had actual optimism, not just manufactured hope.
The big difference being that oil and gas companies paid far in excess of their exploration tax breaks in tax revenues. Solar companies did not. they only took and paid little back because they're failing and failed business models. They don't generate billions in tax revenue while taking much less in tax breaks. Now, that doesn't absolve the government of Bush, Clinton, etc. going back decades from any crony capitalism they've engaged in, because government should not be in the business of subsidizing businesses that cannot survive on their own, like solar, and those that can survive and thrive without help, such as oil companies.
But there is a salient difference. The oil company execs paid their donations to both republicans and democrats alike to keep them off their backs, not to curry favor for loans to be kicked back in campaign donations.
Nope. THAT won't wash. WHAT "subsidies"? The ones applying to searching for "alternate" fuels? Tax cuts? The ones that were subject to public hearings? And there's no way you can make this an equivalent to direct payments--I'm talking straight, quid pro quo, cash payments--to Obama contributors. We've been subsidizing solar power for 40 years and no one has yet figured it out. Regardless of Chaney meetings, no oil and gas legislation went through any secret channels in pieces of legislation written by clerks and hacks and passed without members reading it.
Big difference. The companies were legitimate and they still exist and are employing hundreds of thousands of people. Not true for the Global Warming Sham companies.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2011/09/29/more-solar-companies-led-by-democratic-donors-received-federal-loan-guarantees/#ixzz1ZLw8LVuv
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