If you were really broke, and heavily in debt, you would spend less and be more careful with your money, wouldn't you?
Not that clueless President Obama and the US government! They are broke, and have a National Debt of 14 + Trillion dollars and yet continue to give money away all over the world, and spend like drunken sots. I didn't want to say sailors, because I love our military.
So about a year ago, someone in our Federal Government authorized the purchase of two Prevost (made in Quebec) motorhomes, for $1.1 million each. They could have purchased Newells, Damons, Tiffins, or any number of super motorhomes built in the USA, but decided to help our neighbor Canada employ a few of their workers.
As a motorhome owner I really like and admire Prevost pronounced Pree-voe'coaches, but unless I get a whole lot of people to contribute to my cause, alas, I cannot afford one.
The coaches were delivered recently, through a dealership in Tennessee. Their first use, by the Secret Service, was to help the President talk about farms and jobs in Iowa and Illinois.
Did they DRIVE the motorhomes to Iowa and then to Illinois? Noooooooo! They were flown in by TWO C-117's! The largest transport aircraft in our fleet.
Read about them here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_C-17_Globemaster_III . Each C-117 can carry only ONE Prevost, as the cargo compartment is 88 feet long, and the Prevost is a little over 45 feet, so they needed two.
The President flew to Iowa in his 747, accompanied by TWO C-117s, each with a Prevost in its belly.
Then, as the President hopscotched across Iowa and Illinois, the Prevost not being used was loaded into one of the C-117's and flown to the next town. Over and over the C-117's took off and landed, with the President making his police escorted grand arrival in the motorcade of 45 cars.
Do you know how much FUEL the 747's and C-117's burn during takeoff? Thousands of TONS! For what? These were campaign trips, pure and simple, but YOU paid for them. Congratulations, bozo. I helped pay for them too, so I am also a bozo.
What was the f**cking point of the whole trip? The STUPID waste of money is beyond the pale. They have NO CONCEPT of cutting expenses or saving money, whatsoever.
What about the carbon emissions and global warming? While he tells YOU to drive an electric carand add air to your tires, HE travels by 747, C-117, and in a Prevost that gets 5 miles per gallon! Are you tired of this s**t yet?
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