The clueless President, Obama is now preparing his third annual rehash of the post Labor Day speech.
This clueless would be dictator, is sure to propose the same old tired socialist, class envy political speech again.
Obama's idea in his proposed speech of adding jobs, is to take your money and give it to unemployed construction laborers....that is not creating jobs, it is shifting jobs, nothing more.
As readers of this blog will recall, a businessman will consider adding a "job" when another person is needed to conduct the business, or to manufacture a product or is necessary to maintain the business level or customer service level to satisfy its customer base.
No incentive of a "tax credit" will create a job.
Clueless Obama, in one of his speeches actually said something like.." those corporations should use their extra money to hire workers, they need to spend the money to hire workers..!!"
It is getting frustrating listening to this "leader." He knows absolutely nothing about how business operates since he never worked in a real business, met a payroll or created one job...ever!
Hello, Mr. Obama, if my corporation has an extra million dollars in the bank, it is because I have worked my butt off to accumulate this extra cash from MY work, and from MY risk, and from my 80 hour work weeks, not due to government regulations.
I am not going to hire another employee and pay him a salary just because the company has funds on hand....is this not making sense to you...Mr. President?
What is this employee to do...just get a salary?
Obama is going to again accuse others of impeding his plans, he will offer tax credits for hiring and then call these credits corporate welfare or something and then further discourage hiring due to the onerous OBAMACARE regulations starting to kick in.
He will want unions to organize your workplace so that morons like Jimmy Hoffa, Jr., the president of the Teamsters Union can call employers evil...while wanting them to employ his lazy workers, and to fund their underfunded pension plans.
Mr. Obama, please resign as soon as possible so we do not have to wait till the next election...oh no, what am I saying, that would bring on that other moron, the Vice President- "JOBS" Biden, another clueless politician that never had a real job either.
How is it that our politicians are so clueless?
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