It is time to screw the taxpayers again with the idiotic DAVIS-BACON ACT requirements that force the payment of "prevailing wages" on any construction projects involving even the slightest bit of state or federal funds.
When the government orders something to be built, it surely will be a stupid, overpriced, unneeded, or "in-the-family" project.
Now with all those stimulus funds just itching to be spent, the taxpayers will be forced to pay more than they need to on every stimulus related project, since the requirements of the Act will mandate that the labor component be paid at the unnecessary and artificially high union labor rates.
It is no wonder that 84% of all churches, schools, arenas, and airports are built with NON union labor and therefore save money; they operate in a highly competitive environment that provides price competition, not price fixing of labor costs.
The government should be encouraging free market competition to create the best value for the money for taxpayers money, instead of artificially in needlessly paying more than the jobs are worth for all infrastructure projects.
Hello, anybody listening in Washington?
These prevailing wages only protect inefficient union companies from going out of business, which they should, and give the rest of us a tax break from the silly and expensive Socialist experiments.
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