Some of the greatest financial minds have been tapped by our government to solve CRISIS after CRISIS.
There is the housing crisis; not having enough new homes being built or the bad mortgages not being paid.
There is the auto industry crisis; not enough cars being bought.
There is the unemployment crisis; people do not have jobs.
The government has decided that their way to solve all these CRISES is to spend a minimum $4 trillion dollars by throwing the money at the problems....none of which appear to have been fixed, nor do they appear to be forecast to be fixed any time soon.
A client proposed that the solution to all these CRISES could be made, with immediate impact, and with immediate beneficial results, spending the same $4 trillion more effectively.
We sent this memo around to our experts, and we are in unanimous agreement that the proposed $4 trillion that the government has spent, will not solve any of the CRISES, but instead we should take the advice from the email to solve all these CRISES immediately.
The proposal is something like this-easy to understand.
We randomly pick through a lottery 40 million people over the age of 50, and mandate that they must retire from the work force if they take the deal.
The deal would be that they get $1 million as a grant ($4 trillion?) in total.
Each person quitting leaves a job opening to be filled (40 million new jobs available-a historic record of job creation).
Unemployment problem fixed in one day.
With this money they will each buy a new car (40 million new cars ordered). NOTE, the USA sells about 10 million at the present rate annually.
The auto industry fixed in one day.
Each recipient will then either pay off his mortgage, or buy a new house with no mortgage.
Housing problem fixed, housing industry booms.
Bank mortgage problems, and housing problem fixed in one day.
The balance of the money, after the mortgage and housing and the car purchase goes into a retirement fund that invests in the market indexes, thus driving up the market on all this buying to DJIA 20,000 ????
The 401K's fixed in a day.
All problems fixed in one day.
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