The dollar is not only being attacked by China, Russia and Iran as a means of settling debts, but now by cities, and businesses all over America as they start to issue their own currencies to increase their business.
The process is really nothing new, but it is becoming more and more in use than ever before as a means to stimulate local shopping at local businesses.
The process is really simple, and you may have already used this new currency without realizing it when you purchased a gift certificate from a store at a discount, and gave it to someone as a present, for instance.
The process is simple. You buy $1 worth of the "currency" that can be used at a particular business or a group of businesses (such as any stores at a mall), for say $.90 and thus get a 10% discount and spend the full dollar value at the selected stores.
I just got a $50 certificate for $25 to use at a group of restaurants. That is a better deal than outright buying the dinners directly.
So the "currencies" not only work, but they are better than using the dollars directly. Why use the dollars directly?
This is a great idea that can catch on big time!
All cities can thus issue these currencies at a discount, and the buyers get a great deal at redeeming the currency at face value at local businesses.
The indirect bad thing is that the businesses are offering a discount on their normal pricing so will they do better, or worse-will they even survive?
Only a free market could come up with such ideas?
With the government programs in place now, you pay $1 and get 90 cents worth or product for instance.
What a difference there is between the government and the free markets!
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