We are always told by the press secretary how hard our President and Secretary of State work for us, the little people.
Today we heard from the White House that the economy is going in the right direction....up I hope.
I frankly do not understand the thinking put out by a President who has no idea how the economy works-it is driven by entrepreneurs, great idea thinkers, businessmen willing to put their capital on the line to start or expand a business.
Our top management in and around the White House does not have one businessman in the group, but a lot of life-timers in government "public service".
Nobody has run a business that they started, or that they built up.
Nobody there has dealt with the crooked building inspector coming around for a pay-off, or an OSHA inspector, or a Department of Labor bureaucrat visiting to check your employees time cards. Nobody has run a business ruined by union organizing or run out of busijness due to local rules and taxes.
Now these same people are trying to sell the business community a bill of goods telling us that the business outlook is improving...it will be just great!
What is in their executive private chef's soup?
What industry group is hiring employees?
What business group is forecasting higher revenues? AUTOS, HOUSING, MANUFACTURING, TRAVEL, AIRLINE, STEEL, TRUCKING; who exactly is showing the improving signs?
The improvements could come very quickly if business taxes were low, such as 10% flat tax on profits, but we are hearing the opposite----TAX EVERYTHING IN SITE AND ESPECIALLY TAX THE JOB CREATORS, THOSE EVIL PROFITEERS, THE BUSINESSES THAT MAKE A PROFIT OF OVER $250,000 A YEAR!
These erroneous forecasts are very destructive to the average person who then sees a glimmer of hope, and is later snuffed out when he attempts to get a new credit card or a new house, and his application is denied.
Where are the signs, REALLY?
Unemployment is scheduled to keep climbing though 2009, and into 2010 or even though most of 2010. It will be a domino effect as people lose jobs, they buy less, the factories that produce goods for them lay off employees, those employees buy less and default on car loans, home loans, etc.....etc.....THE DOMINO EFFECT IN FULL GEAR.
An important component of the possible new job growth is the ability of the job creators to have the capital to start a business or hire a new employee. These people have lost half of their stock investments, half of their reserve capital-why would they now risk the rest in an "iffy" economy with the threat of even higher taxes?
So, Mr. President, maybe you need to get on that swing and get someone to push you who actually ran a real business, you might get a better idea of the real world (same goes for Hillary).
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