Nobody was stupid enough to "invest" billions into a failed business model, except our elected representatives. I am sorry to have to say it even my Congressman

Surprise, they ran out of money already, needed more, and the government gladly gave it, again.
Also, the government has committed to give GM billions more to develop "green technology" cars that nobody will be able to afford to buy on credit that does not exist for the majority of Americans due to diminished credit scores.
The electric cars are planned for some time in the future at a minimum cost of $40,000 to $50,000, out of reach of the majority of working people since the average income of the majority of Americans is below that level.
Again, the government is forcing GM to make cars that drivers do not want, cars that have not yet been invented and at prices that they can not afford.- Taxpayers invested another $2 billion in General Motors Corp. this week as the struggling auto giant continued efforts to restructure and avoid bankruptcy court.
The Treasury Department said Friday it lent the additional money to GM on Wednesday to provide working capital. The loan pushes the total amount of GM's government aid to $15.4 billion after the company said it would need more money in the second quarter to stay afloat.
A government report revealed earlier this week that the Treasury was prepared to provide GM with up to $5 billion more in federal loans and Chrysler with up to $500 million more in bailout support as they race against deadlines to restructure.
GM has until June 1 to complete restructuring plans that satisfy the government's auto task force, while Chrysler has until Thursday to finish restructuring and ink an alliance with Italy's Fiat Group SpA.
GM, in a restructuring plan filed with the government in February, had said it would need $2 billion more in federal loans in March and another $2.6 billion in April. But last month Chief Financial Officer Ray Young said the company's expense cuts helped to hold off the need for the March installment.
GM CEO Fritz Henderson said last week that the automaker would need $4.6 billion during the second quarter ( can I add myself to the list with a more reasonable request for $100 million, that will be sufficient for my needs till the year end 2020 for instance). This is a much more reasonable total I I will also throw into the deal the fact that I too will develop a new car, maybe powered by steam for instance).
In addition to the $15.4 billion, the automaker's financial arm, GMAC Financial Services, has received $5 billion in government aid, plus GM received a $1 billion loan to buy more equity in GMAC. This is a new one, getting a loan to buy equity.
GM NEEDS TO FILE A CHAPTER 11 REORGANIZATION ASAP,AND IT WILL SOON ANYWAY, AND GET THIS MISERY OVER WITH FOR THE TAXPAYERS, SINCE WE DO NOT WANT TO "INVEST" IN THE gm STOCK ANYMORE....PLEASE SOMEONE TELL THEM IN WASHINGTON, THAT WE WOULD RATHER NOT HAVE THEM HANDLE OUR "INVESTING" FOR US.So far our "investments" made on our behalf have not been doing so well...let's see "we" now invested into AIG, the failed insurance company; GM, the failed auto company, CHRYSLER, the failed other auto company, and lots of other failed, failing or about to fail in the future banks, brokerages, and various businesses.
Every investment was into a DUD, that should have failed on its own or been able to reorganize using our bankruptcy process for an orderly business re-organization.
If we did not have to invest into these duds, we would still have $2 trillion in cash to be invested into something that was not a dud, for instance.
Don't you need an investment adviser or broker license to made investment decisions for "us"? None of these guys have one, oh that explains it then.
We are getting advice as to what to invest in by rookies.....that's the problem why we are only investing into the worst possible stocks!
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