Deciphering Obama becomes progressively easier with each controversy that he is confronted with.
His unwarranted and disruptive injection into the Wisconsin budget crisis that is being admirably and competently addressed by the sitting Governor of that State, again reveals Obama as the most despicably divisive individual who has ever occupied the WH.
One really should not be surprised at the conditioned response of our petulant adolescent, since the only skill that he had ever acquired was that of 'Community Agitator' for ACORN. With a Governor responsibly addressing a looming budget shortfall, Obama instinctively assumed the role of 'spoiler' by dispatching his Administration thugs to the scene; and, encouraging the Unions to defer any negotiation on the matter with his prompt that Gov. Walker's agenda was solely: "an assault on the Unions" -or- in his words "Union busting." Obama would contemptuously disregard the remaining five-million Wisconsin citizens who are footing the bill for public-sector wages and benefits that significantly exceed their own.
All to appease his vocal minority base of Union supporters. It's the reason that America will NEVER resolve our rapidly escalating federal debt crisis so long as Obama occupies the WH. Hopefully the Wisconsin tax-payers will etch in their memories thru Nov. 2012, Obama's attempt to scuttle their States fiscal well-being by his precocious intervention into their legislative process.
Observing Gov. Walker skillfully address a National audience on wide ranging details of the Wisconsin budget controversy, even without the aid of an Obama teleprompter crutch, makes one ponder why we settled on such a misguided buffoon to oversee even greater responsibilities at the Federal level?
by: Greg Neubeck
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