The Senate voted to repeal a piece of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul, rolling back a new tax reporting requirement that’s been universally panned by business owners.
The amendment to repeal the 1099 reporting requirement passed 81-17 with broad bipartisan support.
The provision was one that Obama identified in his State of the Union speech as something that Democrats were willing to change. WOW, now that they know that this dumbest of all possible provisions was in this bill, they decided to vote it out!
The Senate voted several times last year on repealing the requirement, but all the attempts failed amid partisan bickering over how to pay for it. Republicans made an attempt to repeal the provision by taking money from the health reform law’s prevention and wellness fund. Democrats tried to repeal it without paying for it.
The provision would have required business owners to file 1099 tax documents on all cumulative purchases from a single vendor that total more than $600 in a year.
It was included in the health law ( how does this apply to health care?)
because it would have raised about $17 billion in previously uncollected taxes. A bipartisan collection of business groups have opposed the provision, arguing that it would bury them in paperwork.
The amendment was proposed by Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.).
This is the absolutely brainless Senator, the lowest net worth Senator who last time reported a NEGATIVE net worth ( has no money or assets) and actually woke up out of her hibernation state and did something....congratulations!
“This amendment is a common-sense solution for business owners who need to be focused on creating jobs, not filling out paperwork for the IRS,” she said.
Democrats blocked a similar amendment from Sen. Mike Johanns (R-Neb.) last year.
He had offered the amendment this week, but Stabenow’s got the vote. Wow what a powerhouse from Michigan which she has had the effect of destroying all of its major industries.
It’s a victory for the business community, churches and charities and state and local governments.
The repeal would be paid for by requiring the Office of Management and Budget to find the funding in unspent but appropriated funds.
Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) offered another amendment to repeal the provision but paid for it by issuing new taxes on oil companies. Now Mr. Levin, who is the second most dumb member of the Senate after his counterprat Ms. Stabenow, must have forgottenthat Michigan is the home to the auto industry which would be affected by his stupid and brainless proposed amendment.
Are you people in Michigan just brainless, how can you continue to elect these morons as your Senators?
“We cannot pass that buck and we should not,” Levin said. What is this idiot talking about?
His amendment failed, 44-54. And would it be nice if he could just go out with his amendment, and resign?
Save us all from the most destructive legislation that OBAMACARE is...now another 2699 pages to go!
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