The movie "MINORITY REPORT" was a glimpse into futuristic America, where a special police unit arrests people BEFORE they commit a crime, "pre-crime" thus claiming to thwart it.
Well, the future in NOW based on actions taken by the FEDS in shutting down web sites BEFORE they are alleged to be committing a "crime". But most startling is which of the hundreds of various FEDERAL agencies was orchestrating the "pre-crime" action.
The federal government has seized the Web addresses of 10 websites that allegedly (as in that they might stream) live stream sporting and pay-per-view events online, shutting them down just days before one of the biggest televised sporting events of the year: the Super Bowl.
The U. S. Attorney’s Office of the Southern District of New York, working in conjunction with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, seized the Web addresses Tuesday. The seizure affidavit was unsealed Wednesday.
The websites, which include channelsurfing.net and Spain-based rojadirecta.org, were said to illegally provide access to content from the major professional sports organizations, namely the National Football League, National Basketball Association and the National Hockey League. The sites do not host the pirated sporting content themselves, but instead provide links to other websites where people can access it illegally.
Government officials argue that the sites are not only distributing pirated content illegally, but in the process, are also denting the revenues of the professional sports leagues and broadcasters as well as negatively impacting viewers.
“The illegal streaming of professional sporting events over the Internet deals a financial body blow to the leagues and broadcasters, who are forced to pass their losses off to fans by raising prices for tickets and pay-per-view events,” said Preet Bharara, U.S. Attorney in Manhattan. “With the Super Bowl just days away, the seizures of these infringing websites reaffirm our commitment to working with our law enforcement partners to protect copyrighted material and put the people who steal it out of business.”
Fans have increasingly abandoned watching sports games on their television sets, opting instead to watch them on their computers via the Web instead. The shift has jolted professional sports organizations, which are grappling with how to control the growing problem of the illegal streaming of sports games online in real time. The organizations copyright the content of their sports games — from the audio, video, text and images — and restrict others from distributing it without prior written approval.
But the government’s action didn’t provide a permanent solution to the problem. One of the sites that was shut down on Wednesday, ATDHE.net, has already reappeared at a new Web address, ATDHE.me.
The federal government launched a similar campaign last November that shut down 82 websites offering counterfeit goods and digital music and movie content. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and ICE Director John Morton had warned that the two agencies were committed to going after more websites that offer copyrighted content illegally.
Morton repeated that message during Wednesday’s operation.
Is that really what these agencies are in charge of????
Our border is OPEN for any illegals to cross, but they are doing this?
Feb. 2, 2011 - 1:12 PM EST
Welcome to police state oligarchical collectivist America.
All hail Big Sis!
Incrementalism is becoming more rapid with O'Bambi.
This is just the beginning people with Obozo at the helm. Soon he will be controlling everything, just like the dictator of Egypt WAS. He isn't anymore and if Obozo thinks we won't be in the streets if he tries to become a dictator, he better think again. We're not going to stand for some piece of garbage, marxist, commie taking over this country of OURS. We're not waiting 30 years. Wake up people.
So we are using Homeland Security resources to protect private enterprise profits...and essentially the TV/Movie Industry.
Econ Guy
Seems like guilty until proven innocent...
WOW, prosecuted and sentenced before the crime even happens. Next I'll get a speeding ticket for starting my car.
Apparently our government can be bought. How much do you think the NFL paid DHS to do this?
What should we expect when football owners are Class B members of the Federal Reserve?
"The U. S. Attorney’s Office ... , working in conjunction with the Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agency, seized the Web addresses ..." I have watched my country invaded and colonized by the country of Mexico, until my state (California) is financially ruined. My country is occupied by 20,000,000 invaders, who procreate with abandon, so that my nation will be inherited by their descendants. And now I learn that Immigration and Customs Enforcement is spending its resources shutting down football sites on the Internet? No comprende!
It has taken almost 250 years, but Britian seems to be on the road of regaining the colonies. At least we'll be using the same government template again......Jefferson is still correct 250 years later....
This is so important....... while our border is a sieve.
Does it seem that the administration is putting and naming EVERYTHING a Homeland security problem?
Everything BUT the border.
Wow! Talk about SCARY!
Thank the Lord the Dept of Homeland Security is ahead of this. The system works! Now, when you get naked body-image scanned and groped at the airport, you'll know you're safe! Did Roger Goodell fly to DC in a private jet, far away from the scanners and gropers, and have lunch on the taxpayer dime with Janet Incompetentano to discuss this urgent national security problem? Too bad the underwear bomber wasn't caught before he streamed an NFL game! We are so screwed.
Thanks again to all the folks who scoffed when we were warned about the Obama administration's agenda before the 2008 election. It's working out nicely, isn't it?
"Feds seize sports sites"
But. But. But. Isn't this what the left has been working for all this time? Don't we now have what the left has always wanted? Isn't this the culmination of every thing the left has worked so arduously for? Are you now complaining about getting what you wanted? JUST KIDDING! (How's that for humor)? Those sites don't sound like 'sports sites' to me! The point is "Illegal is illegal. What's to debate?"! Just remember, that quote applies to a great many 'other' things that the left does appear to advocate!
"OK. I'll prosecute THIS illegal activity, but I won't prosecute THAT illegal activity! I 'support' THAT illegal activity, so I don't believe it's justifiably illegal. That absolves me of blame."! For instance the FEDS are not complying currently with the judges finding that the health care debacle is UNCONSTITUTIONAL....SELECTIVE ADHERENCE AND ENFORCEMENT!
The Department of Homeland Security, and ICE made this bust? UMMM....ICE should be on the border looking for illegals!!!!!!!! DHS I am not sure where to begin, it is a useless department, it needs to be done away with. We have some 16 security organizations in this country anyone ever think to maybe consolidate these monstrosities!!!I am sick of this Bull AND WASTED MONEY ON USELESS BUREAUCRATS!!!!
No due process, no trial, no nothing.
Our government is too big and too out of control.
From the article, "...mistakenly believe it’s worth the risk to take copyrighted programming and portray it as their own."
As their own? Channelsurfing and Rojadirecta claimed the NFL footage was their own? Somehow, I doubt it.
Welcome to the beginning of the Precrime Ministry, sans telepaths. These sites are being shut down prior to the crime.
Welcome to the Land of the Illegal, Home of the Tyrant. I wonder when the PEOPLE will reassert themselves as the true masters of this nation. Obama and his gang of corrupt cronies forget that they work for us, not the other way around.
This is how crony capitalism works.
Let's see, did the sports broadcasters buy a license to broadcast that the Feds then felt obligated to protect? No, silly, then we taxpayers at least would have made some revenue from the license, that would have made too much sense.
They bought Congressmen who passed laws puting the Feds to work at the service of whatever private entity is large enough to command political attention.
Where are the lefties when you need them?
The past few weeks of shutting down websites appears to be just a "test-run" to see what us Sheeple will let the Masters in Government get away with. I remember the media, civil rights groups and pundits whipping up sentiment that the GWB administration would be the one that started stomping on our "rights" when the Homeland Security Act was passed. Those same "actors" are pretty quiet now that it is the Obama administration doing the jack-booted stomping.
The networks themselves are dinosaurs awaiting near term extinction. Cable too. Sorry about that Comcast. It is simply inevitable that the web will be the provider of all media content in the future, SO LETS FIGURE OUT A WAY TO SATISFY ALL.
Wouldn't it be better if ICE and Homeland Security concentrated on border security and preventing terrorism instead of who's watching streaming TV?
I do not remember that being one of the important anti-terrorist positions for these departments????
“This swift action by our Homeland Security Investigations New York special agents and analysts sends a clear message to website operators..."
Hey - good to know Homeland Security is protecting us from entertainment that nicks the wallets of billionaire team owners and millionaire team players! I feel SO MUCH MORE SECURE from marauding Al Queda threats now!
Apparently we are just going to have to get the streaming address through word of mouth.
It's not like anyone is actually going to watch it on TV.
And eve if we did. Does anyone REALLY think that we are going to buy a product based on some stupid commercial.
The paradigm is failing. It will be dead soon, and then we can all get on with out lives.
It will cost much, much less to allow anyone who wishes to broadcast all game events. the "one and only one" protected broadcaster if a failing option.
Best bet is, at least for now, if you have to watch on T.V., skip the commercials.
The Feds wouldn't stop WikiLeaks, but they're all over a site that provides LINKS to other sites.
This would be funny if it weren't so dangerous.
The Feds should seize our counterfit president. Now his bogus birth certificate is "lost". His aunt said she was in Kenya when he was born...???
This is chilling on a number of levels. Money talks, justice walks! It's also good practice for shutting down certain websites while leaving others unaffected -- something that is likely to happen if the American people protest peacefully.
Incidentally, I've heard tornado warnings broadcast from speakers on telephone poles in southern states. I won't be surprised to see such speakers installed all over the country so that our government can communicate orders and warnings to the people. As Orwell wrote, "Slavery = Freedom and War = Peace". Al Gore would have us believe that "Cold = Warm". It's interesting to witness how easy it is to twist the average American's brain.
In the upper echelons of government, whether the bureaucrats call themselves liberal or conservative, they're basically all the same (and united) when it comes to gaining power and control over the population. So, sad to see the decline of the US on so many levels these days. Our Founding Fathers advocated very limited government. It appears that we're getting just the opposite.
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