We all are watching another world changing event occurring in the Middle East, and yet the biggest readership in the USA was about the upcoming Super Bowl and which team was the favorite. In Europe however, the top headline articles were about events in egypt and Tunisia and Jordan.
As usual Americans are isolated from true world events by the media which chooses what stories should be the headlines of the day. I am amazed at how many times the two minute radio newscasts led the headlines by Lidsay Lohan leaving or entering rehab, instead of important world events.
I have to watch BBC WORLD NEWS to find out more or go to the the Drudge Report, since Ms. Couric seemed to miss the real world stories, instead focusing on Sarah Palin's hair cut as the news we needed to know.
The world events now playing out in the Middle East are just simply the events that play out due to the seething frustration of the population.
We in America are somewhat removed and isolated due to the oceans in between, but the disenchantment of the "masses" the lower classes who feel increasingly frustrated by the administration is a shared world-wide phenomenon that should not be overlooked.
What would it take for Americans to take to the streets after their homes are repossessed, bank accounts seized by creditors, credit lines pulled by banks, credit cards denied???? It may not take much, as the people have similar grievances throughout the world; in our case we just live in better housing...that's it. Oh, and our poor people may have two cars and televisions, although both may be 20 years old, so there is somewhat of a relative difference.
Amazing at it is now playing out in Egypt and the rest of the Middle East, civilization started in Egypt, and long before it turned to Islam, and started to decline as a world power.
Our naive president made what he thought was moving speech in Cairo, thinking again that somehow Islam and its followers were going to somehow consider him the pied piper and follow him. he must have no idea that he committed the worst sin of Islam, he converted to Christianity, and that may be punishable by death!
Islam, does not allow for a democracy to thrive due to the Sharia Law which governs every aspect of life for a follower of Islam. there is no freedom of the type we cherish. But then again, we Americans are now being subjected to our own form of government intervention into our daily lives to a similar degree.
For instance, just try to open a factory or even a store and see how many licenses, and bureaucrats are going to tell you what to do and how to do it, never running their own business; a form if Sharia law.
Sharia can creep in, it already has done so in the United Kingdom, France and even Sweden, it can creep into our country too.
But in the meantime, we have seen slowly creeping similar freedom grabbing accomplished though foreclosures, the courts and government mandates.
In Egypt, the entrenched government elites are similar to the USA in that the old crusty never to leave politicians are the cause of problems, since they never leave and thus cause all the worst of everything to occur: cronyism, nepotism, entrenched positions and corruption.
It is good to see a new face in office every 4 years or so...
It is only a matter of time that the rest of the world will be reading about the protests in America, as people camp in the streets throughout the country and attempt to bring change that we so sorely need.
STOP SPENDING on needless wars, needless defense, etc., ans start spending on the people of America who need help in these trying times.
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