"If we're fighting to reform the tax code and increase exports, the benefits cannot just translate into greater profits and bonuses for those at the top. They have to be shared by American workers, who need to know that opening markets will lift their standard of living as well as your bottom line," President Obama told the Chamber of Commerce on Monday morning.
Now it can not be any clearer that the President's ideas are Socialist; right from his own mouth!
It may not be so bad if he also said that the workers should then also share in the risks of the business, if it loses money, they chip in. When there is a new factory to be put up, they will pitch in money to do so. They will share the liabilities associated with operating the business just like any owner or shareholder would.
Well we did not hear that part, oh no.
The president is pretty uninformed about how business operates and continues to not educate himself...that he is in America where the owner of the business takes all the risks, without any help from the workers or the government ( in fact the government will do all it can to make it difficult or impossible or very costly to start a new business).
Then the president wants the business owner, or owners to put up their capital, sign loan guarantees, build a building perhaps to house the business, and sign for a 30 year mortgage loan. Then in addition they need to put up some capital which will all be at risk if the business fails, but on the other hand if it succeeds, it is supposed to give the employees the profits of the business...beyond their salaries, wages, benefits, etc.!!!!
The employees do not have to do anything but show up for work, take no risks, but share in the business success if it occurs!
Then, after this nonsense from our leader, he is wondering why businesses are not hiring new workers!
This again is wisdom from a man who never owned a business, never met a payroll, was coddled though school due to his race, never worked for a for profit business, and never had direct dealings with the bureaucrats that stifle business every day.
My best recollection is that the owner/s of a business are the ones who get the profits ( if there are any) and they get all the losses ( without asking the employees to share the losses). That is the very definition of a capitalist society, Mr. President.
The reason that a business makes an investment is for the opportunity to make a profit from that investment, after taking the risk. Additionally, when a business is profitable Mr. President ( write this down) it tends to expand by hiring new employees, etc...!!!
As a final nail in the coffin of employers, the president has urged more than doubling the unemployment taxes payable by businesses.
President Barack Obama's new budget proposal is expected to give states a way to collect more payroll taxes from businesses, in an effort to replenish the unemployment-insurance program. The plan could cause controversy at a time when the administration is seeking to mend fences with corporate America.
The proposal would aim to restock strained state unemployment-insurance trust funds ( which Mr. Obama keeps depleting by the ever longer and longer eligibility for unemployment payments, by raising the amount of wages on which companies must pay unemployment taxes to $15,000, more than double the $7,000 in place since 1983.
The plan, which would take effect in 2014, could increase payroll taxes by as much as $100 billion over a decade, according to a person involved in its construction.
By proposing to enlarge the pool of wages subject to unemployment taxes, the White House appears to be offering states a more politically palatable way to raise revenues than to boost tax rates. States could keep the tax rates they have, or even lower them somewhat, and still raise considerably more revenue than they are raising now.
The unemployment insurance program is a joint federal-state program. The federal unemployment insurance tax rate of 6.2% on the new, larger base would be reduced, so that the U.S. would be taking in no more revenue than it does under the current system, a person familiar with the plan said.
To avoid hitting businesses with a tax increase during the economic recovery, the proposal would delay the new rules until 2014. The plan is expected to be included in Mr. Obama's budget proposal for fiscal 2012, to be released Monday.
Any proposal would need congressional approval.
State governments have had to borrow heavily from the federal government to cover the jobless benefits they provide. States are responsible for the first 26 weeks of benefits, and many have seen their reserve funds wiped out.
More than 40 states raised their unemployment-insurance payroll taxes last year to boost revenues.
The proposal comes as the White House is trying to improve relations with business groups while also pushing them for financial help to shore up the unemployment insurance system, drained by prolonged high joblessness.
Republican aides on Capitol Hill reacted warily. Increasing levies on businesses in the next few years could hit a wall of opposition among Republicans, said one senior G.O.P. tax aide in the Senate. Mr. Obama delivered a speech on Monday to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, trying to repair frayed relations with business and offering areas of possible cooperation.
Mr. Obama has promised business an effort to simplify the corporate tax code while lowering the corporate tax rate. Pushing for higher unemployment taxes could reignite tensions. No kidding, and stop any new hiring!
Don't you wish that time can be sped-up like a future time machine so it would be November 2012..oh, well wishful thinking.
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