Russia is hanging on by a thread. other than selling its oil from fields mostly taken over from legitimate producers, it is struggling not to be forgotten on the world scene as a power broker-a world player.
Statistically speaking, Russia has literally no in-immigration and its birth rate is below the level needed to grow the population. In effect, in the next 50-75 years, it will decrease its population by 50 MILLION. It will be down to the population of ENGLAND or less.
So it is struggling to make itself a player, it is always talking big and arming dictators with bombs that don't explode correctly, and out of technology weapons systems, that are sold cheaply to those who want to buy them.
Now his latest proposal is to make the RUBLE a reserve currency along with the dollar and the Yuan. he has become friends with China, they both want to share the world stage....good luck Mr. Putin, don't hold your breath!
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