Waxman, the strange looking guy in the sausage outfit is the culprit. Nancy Pelosi said that this was a jobs bill, other Democrats joined by 8 Republicans passed the craziest legislation in this decade yet!
No jobs will be created from this bill, other than for illegal aliens!
President Obama stated that this will definitely "skyrocket" utility costs....why would he support such a piece of legislation?
Every product manufactured in the USA, will now either cost more it it will get manufactured in China...kiss your manufacturing job goodbye. Kiss your truck driving job good buy, kiss your wallet goodbye(did you know that when you exhale you are now polluting)?
Businesses that pollute can do so, by buying credits for such pollution from others who do not...what a great idea from the people who brought you the New Orleans rebuilding effort.
Hope for a kill in the SENATE....and remember who voted to kill your job and raise the cost of everything manufactured trucked or use in the USA....then VOTE in 2010....
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