Michael Moore, yes that Michael Moore, now has advice for how to run General Motors and a way to force us all to buy cars that have not yet been invented or priced to sell or able to fill up on electricity since there would not be sufficient electricity to fill up with; that's another story for another blog.
In his blog today his suggestion is for GM to retrofit its factories and start producing gas saving buses, and wind machines, cars, and green things, gadgets, of all types. He also suggests that we would be driven away from using gasoline if the Federal Government would assess a $2 a gallon gasoline tax.
He forgets one important thing: reality.
Consumers want to first suck out of the ground the available oil, because it is cheap to produce, and plentiful, no matter where it comes from. Also we can not all take buses where we are going, such as to grandma's house since she does not happen to live on a bus lane.
Also if we all take buses, who will need to buy cars?
Is it not an amazing thing to bring oil from halfway around the world, refine it and deliver it to our gas stations after the various governments add another $1 a gallon in taxes, and it still sells for $2.50?
Nothing we can produce at this time to meet the demand for powering our needed vehicles, delivery trucks, airplanes, can beat the price of gasoline, diesel or jet fuel.
It is nuts to think otherwise.
The infrastructure that is in place to find, refine and deliver gasoline, is so established and so available, having to create something that does not yet exist is not the way to go forward.
The promise of new jobs in the "green" industries is hogwash. The net gain is zero or less. For every job in the Green industry you have to lose one or more in the non green, so what was the point?
Going a little deeper into the alternative fuels, we discover that it would be impossible to replace the 137 billion gallons of gasoline purchased in the USA annually with some type of corn, corn husk or switchgrass derived fuel.
For instance, at present, government mandates provide (force the providing of )the
10% ethanol added to gasoline. It appears that if more is added, it destroys the engines of automobiles and voids engine warranties.
So the greatest amount of ethanol can be 13 billion gallons.
If one was to use various other green materials such as various cellulose based products to make just the shortly mandated 30 billion gallons of fuel, it would require 300 MILLION TONS of plant material.
This material would require the planting of 30 million acres of land to grow stuff just for that industry, and to figure out a way to transport it. That is impossible, just from a logistics standpoint.
Just for reference, 300 million tons is equal to the total weight of all the cars and trucks produced in the USA during the last 10 years;and that is only for less than 25% of the total need annually.
So realistically, it is impossible to produce by alternative means sufficient quantities to replace oil.
Worse yet, the other crazy ideas involve electric cars. That sounds nice, but on the other hand the proposed cap and trade taxes will make the electricity so expensive, that charging up your mini-mini cars will bankrupt you. Oh, one other detail-Moore opposes building more electricity generating plants or nuclear plants or coal plants, or anything that uses carbon---hello it is a natural by-product of breathing!
So Michael, your ideas are crazy, don't you understand that?
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