Crazy ideas like always, tend to get crazy followers to "buy-into" the idea. This is exactly the case with the UN ministers, heads of various obscure panels and advisory councils usually made up of America haters (or democracy haters) at that world body.
Now, the nations that produce nothing but misery, poverty and brutal dictators, want to dictate to the industrial nations that they need to go back to the stone age and become just like them; poor and generally stupid.
They want the CO2 emissions brought to dinosaur era times...well not exactly since it appears that there may have been a toxic atmosphere back then, but at least they want the US and others to move into caves, at the very least and stop driving cars, and maybe stop factory output. America should be like Darfour?
Climate talks ending on Friday made progress towards a new U.N. treaty to curb global warming but fell short of calls by developing nations for the rich to make deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.
"I look back on this as a significant session that has advanced our work in important ways," Yvo de Boer, head of the U.N. Climate Change Secretariat (another waste of our money), told a news conference of the June 1-12 meeting among 183 nations.
He said governments staked out far clearer views after a first review of a draft legal text of a treaty due to be agreed in Copenhagen in December to succeed the Kyoto Protocol. It will curb greenhouse gases mainly emitted by burning fossil fuels.
"There is no question that industrialised countries need to raise their sights in terms of mid-term emission cuts," he said, despite recession racking many developed nations.
This genius, De Boer, said cuts presented by rich nations amounted at best to average cuts of up to 24 percent below 1990 levels -- far short of demands by developing nations.
Like they are the ones that should be driving world economic development.
And his number excludes the United States, which plans merely to cut emissions back to 1990 levels by 2020, a cut of about 14 percent from 2007. Including the United States would roughly halve the average cuts by industrialized nations.
Developing countries also called for more. Should we be even giving these "green" morons the time of day?
"We finally managed to have a positive exchange on the numbers" for developed nations, China's climate ambassador Yu Qingtai said. China and the United States are top emitters.
Now let's see if China stops producing the stuff that the USA uses, and the USA stops buying what china produces, the rest of the world could stop counting on the US aid to keep these dinky nations afloat. Their typical dictators would then not be able to build palaces, and perhaps we could save some money.
"I view that as a sign of progress but still we hear repeated statements resisting calls for further meaningful cuts," he added.
China and many developing nations want the rich to cut by at least 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2020 to avoid the worst of global warming set to spur more droughts, floods, rising sea levels, disease and extinction of species of animals and plants.
Oh yeah, and who would China sell to then?
"We have advanced perhaps a couple of miles towards Copenhagen. We still have thousands to go," said Jennifer Morgan of the London-based E3G think-tank.
Start thinking Jennifer!
She said that heads of government, at summits such as the Group of Eight in Italy in June or at the United Nations in September, would have to tackle the deadlock on key issues.
Yeah like we want to maintain a lifestyle living with electric lights and driving our cars.
"We've had a useful discussion about targets -- the first ever since 2005 when negotiations started (in Montreal)," said Alf Wills of South Africa. "That's a first step. The challenge is to convert options into negotiation on numbers."
Japan set a goal on Wednesday of a cut of 8 percent below 1990 levels by 2020, disappointing many delegates.
Outside the talks in a Bonn hotel, protesters brought along two live camels and laid out some sand to illustrate fears of creeping desertification.
How about they ride their camels, instead of the private 747 jets that they travel on instead?
"We spit on weak targets," one banner said, another said: "Shrinking targets, growing deserts".
Suggestion, start drilling for water, instead of developing nuclear arms and hatred.
The chair of a group looking at new actions to curb emissions by all countries said a draft text had swollen with new ideas from about 50 pages to 200. Big breakthroughs were likely to happen only in Copenhagen, he said.
"This is like the evolutionary process in reverse. The Big Bang comes at the end," said Michael Zammit Cutajar, of Malta (another world power).
When will this idiocy end?
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