Politicians are now learning that they can fool the people for only so long. That time has now come to the long suffering California residents through higher taxes, runaway spending and uncontrolled growth in government mandated programs and directives that are tanking the entire state's economy.
New businesses were at one time attracted to a state that was business friendly and people friendly with more than just good weather. However, as the state has attempted to do nothing about illegal aliens, provided free health care to illegals as well as other payments, enacted crazy rules for everything ranging from not cutting down forests since a certain ant lived there, or an owl liked the tall trees for instance.
The owl supporters were shocked to discover that the owls and other birds of prey preferred to sit on top of the tall light posts rather than on tall trees, so they tried to suppress those photos.
That was so funny to read, as apparently the owls and other birds of prey really liked the new lights and really liked sitting on the high posts, since the light made it easier for them to see the various varmints that they were trying to catch!
So much for the Sierra Club helping our birds by NOT putting up lights and NOT cutting trees! The birds hate the Sierra Club, in fact I though I spotted the birds with little protest signs at the sierra club offices.
Remember this is a politically incorrect blog.
"KALEEFOORNIAA" as its governor, who hardly speaks understandable English calls it, is SOL...yes SOL, due to its desire to lead the country as the nuttiest state in the Union.
It complains about high gasoline and oil prices but does not want to drill for the oil that is there. It complains about fuel mileage standards, and wants companies to build cars to sell there that nobody wants to own since they can not climb up 14,000 foot mountains that residents can then ride back down on their mountain bikes, and have helicopters take them back up again.
It wants to offer free health care for pregnant illegal Mexicans, Guatemalans, and whatever other countries there are between Mexico and South America because it wants to be "kind". It does not want the Navy to dock in San Francisco but wants to be protected from foreign terrorists.
It wants to have the highest paid teachers, public service employees and forcing as many people as possible into expensive over priced homes that they can not afford.
It has overlapping jurisdictions and taxing bodies for every conceivable mosquito abatement district, each of course with commissioners, and a budget to spend as they see fit.
It has some of the highest taxes in the country for real estate, income and just about everything else. You even have to return your water bottles there for a refund.
It has the largest deficit of all the states (provided the others are actually reporting correctly).
Now it is in "TROOOBEL" according to its Austrian governor. HE WAS SUPPOSED TO RIDE IN ON HIS MOTORCYCLE AND KILL OFF THE BIG SPENDERS, just like in the move! But instead he apparently fell off the bike and hit his head so he can not remember why he got elected.
It is spending so much more money that it will have an estimated $20 billion plus shortfall this year. That's $20 billion ( every billion is ONE HUNDRED MILLIONS) SO THAT IS IS SHORT 2,000 MILLION DOLLARS (I is a produkt of the skool systeem)!
The saying is "as goes California so goes the nation."
What a stupid statement it is now that we have had the benefit of hindsight, but how true indeed!
Why are we modeling our nation's future to be like California? What is attractive to a system that makes it impossible to live there due to the high costs and the ever increasing taxes?
Businesses would be crazy to move there.
Sure they may need to have an office there, but they may choose to have a sales office staffed by people who work from their homes and thus put the entire burden of the state's heavy bureaucratic state on them rather than the company.
The state has destroyed industry after industry ranging from forest products and lumber to the very industry it first attracted; high tech.
I know of an engineering and design firm which specifically decided to recruit in the Silicon Valley area technical people earning in the $150,000-$200,000 level who lived in 900 square foot two bedroom homes without a basement, on which they had a $600,000 mortgage. These people were offered jobs in a lower tax Midwest state, where they could be paid $75,000 yet can afford a beautiful 3,000 square foot Victorian home that only costs $89,000 and has a mortgage payment of $400!
Also, no smog, no illegal Mexicans, no drug wars or gang turf battles---add to that sitting on the front porch and not having to lock your doors for safety.
I suggest that other states easily run campaigns to attract residents by just showing that the owls and eagles and hawks, in their state sit on well lighted street light poles and are happier and they will be more visible in the light for photo opportunities.
So please DO NOT USE CALIFORNIA ( I MEAN Kaleeefoornia), as the role model for the rest of the country...please, just say to NO to California!
An angry electorate soundly defeated a slate of special election budget measures Tuesday in California, leaving it with a $21.3 billion budget shortfall.
Governor Schwarzenegger and lawmakers called the special election in February as part of a plan to solve a $42 billion deficit that had been projected through mid-2010. which is NOW a fact.
They asked California voters consider a complex mix of spending reforms, higher taxes, borrowing and funding shifts.
Most of the measures lostby wide margins, with at least 60 percent of voters rejecting them, according to partial returns. Even with every possible illegal alien voting, they were a DUD.
Voters approved just one of the six propositions, a measure prohibiting pay raises for lawmakers and other state elected officials during deficit years (BRAVO, they actually read what they voted on).
The ballot also included a race for the Southern California congressional race that opened when former Rep. Hilda Solis was named U.S. (anti)labor secretary (another genius) to help destroy American jobs.
The results for the ballot propositions mark a new low for the Republican governor, who struggled to live up to a campaign pledge to restore fiscal stability to the most populous state in the nation. Oh and the voters believed that!
Tuesday's results echoed Schwarzenegger's special election four years ago, when voters rejected all four of the measures he described as government reforms. maybe they just could not understand what he was saying, very few people do. I like the Jay Leno impression of the governator.
Sentiment at polling stations throughout the state reflected a mix of anger toward politicians and resignation that the state would continue to face financial turmoil no matter the outcome of Tuesday's vote.
Even if voters had approved the propositions, California would have had a $15.4 billion deficit. California's chief banker said the state has been scraping by on loans and deferring payments for a decade.
The recession has revealed the depth of the structural imbalance between the revenue the state takes in and its spending obligations.
Voters themselves are partly to blame, approving initiatives in years past that have created or expanded programs without identifying how to pay for them, taking the lead from the politicians.
Tax revenue coming in far below projections, because California's businesses are MOVING OUT and so are its LEGAL residents.
Unless a compromise is struck by the end of June, the state could have trouble paying its bills by the end of July. PLEASE DO NOT USE OUR FEDERAL TAX MONEY TO BAIL OUT THIS WACK STATE GOVERNMENT!
Political observers say Schwarzenegger and lawmakers will have little choice but to go after even politically sacred programs such as schools. hOW ABOUT CUTTING THE PAY FOR ALL POLITICIANS TO zero, AND GETTING RID OF ALL THE FREE OFFICE HOLDER PERKS, DEPUTY ASSISTANTS, ETC.????
Earlier this year, the governor and lawmakers cut spending by $15 billion and raised sales, income and vehicle taxes by more than $12 billion, but those moves proved insufficient against the rapid decline in the state's economy, DUE TO THE BUSINESSES IMPACTED moving out.
Plunging tax revenue caused the deficit to re-emerge (WHAT A SURPRISE).
It is now projected to hit $21.3 billion in the fiscal year that begins in July, nearly a quarter of the governor's proposed general fund spending.
Last week, the governor said he will consider shortening the school year by seven days, laying off up to 5,000 state employees and taking money from local governments, which likely would translate into cuts to police and firefighting (EVER HEAR OF VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS?)services.
Tens of thousands of teachers also face the prospect of layoffs, THE KIDS WON'T KNOW THE DIFFERENCE-WE HAVE ALL SEEN THE California high school movies.
Schwarzenegger's warning did not sway voters, many of whom said they did not trust that the ballot propositions would do much to solve California's budget trouble.
The majority of registered voters (70%!) didn't bother to vote at all (yeah, the dummies stayed home otherwise they may have noted in all the tax increases since they do not pay taxes anyway (do not want to put ILLEGAL ALIEN on the employment description line.)
That number is expected to rise over the next month as provisional and vote-by-mail ballots that were returned on Election Day are counted.
The lowest turnout on record for a California special election was 36 percent in 1993. Imagine what the turnout could be if we just allowed internet voting!
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