The basic business model for a new business would be centered on a low cost economic climate to start a new business, and that the STATE or city needs to be receptive and helpful to businesses.
Michigan has chosen as its spokesman, the actor from DUMB and DUMBER, Jeff Daniels, as the best person to "pitch" doing business in Michigan.
Smart choice! The DUMB and DUMBER guy telling business people to open a business in Michigan!
Have they considered maybe the founders of AMWAY for that job instead?
If they do not get many takers, maybe they should consider the spokesman, who makes me bust out laughing every time I see the advertisement-"DUMMY SAYING COME TO MICHIGAN", is all I can think of seeing that ad.
According to all the known statistics, Michigan is a BAD state to start or base a business in by any measurement you could consider. I remember it was that way back in 1986 when I had the "privilege" of starting one there. I can just imagine how "great" it must be now.
When I started the business there, I was planning to employ about 10 people, but the STATE did everything possible to discourage me from doing so though a scary list of licenses, permits, registrations, taxes, applications, high workman's compensation rates, insurance rates, medical costs and union rules.
I then decided to save some money by only hiring 3 people, and minimizing my business presence in that state.
Now imagine it today-leading in unemployment, in insurance rates, and in the costs of taxes levied at all levels, and an UNFRIENDLY TO BUSINESS GOVERNOR WHO HAS RAISED TAXES OF EVERY KIND.
WHAT A WASTE OF MONEY ON THOSE ADS...THEY PERHAPS NEED TO GET the Trumpster? Oh, but then again all his businesses in the casino business are in trouble again, who can we get, a spokesman from Chrysler, no make that GM, oh gosh, we are running out of spokesmen for Michigan.
It would be so much easier to attract business by just saying...LOW TAXES, easy permitting and great business friendly climate?.
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