That miracle prediction must have come to him in a dream perhaps, sort of like the TV show, MEDIUM, where he dreams an event and it come true. And now another prediction from the one, the only, Ben Bernanke. Let's all just sit quietly while the GREAT BEN sees directly into the future

Oh, it is now becoming clearer, Ben is now about to predict an occurrence that has never happened before in the history of the world....but it is so, Ben said so, and he smiled too!
It must happen, it will happen; all will be just great by the end of 2009!
Now that we heard the dream, let's analyze the reality, by studying the results of polls of purchasing agents, retail sellers, hiring officers and of course the SAGE OF OMAHA, Warren Buffet, a former adviser to the administration.
These front time people do not agree with the FED Chairman as they see a continuation of sluggish sales, sluggish hiring and sluggish inventory and raw material purchasing.
So how can these predictions be so different, after looking at the same data?
The answer is the new economic model called "WISHFUL THINKING."
Simply put, just keep saying it and it will happen-it is that simple.
So, just keep saying: "I will hire more people, even though I do not need any more; I will buy more supplies and inventories, even though the bank has not given me more credit to so so with; I will buy a new house even though I do not have the down payment, etc.
What, you say, those are contradictory terms?
Now you understand, how opinions are just that, opinions. But coming from the FED Chairman, one would hope that there was more than just an opinion, but something based on real facts.
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