The president was quite an orator at the commencement speech at Arizona State University. We decided to watch his speech as it was carried live on many "news" channels. We are a couple of businessmen with collage age children who will be wanting to perhaps take the advice of the president as to what is best to do with their life.
Commencement and graduation speeches are usually on the same theme no matter who makes them. They kind of sound like this, no matter who makes them: " Go out there and succeed-make a name for yourself-take advantage of the education you received-follow in the footsteps of successful people-invent something useful-succeed on Wall Street, etc....etc...."
We were shocked at what he was saying. he claimed we we were overspending and abusing credit (his administration of course does no such thing and leads by example); financial success was a "bad" thing to desire; graduates should not look to being proud of achieving financial success in the future but should consider quiet lives of no fame and fortune and consider working for a NON PROFIT or consider public service instead! These graduates did not go to college to NOT want to be rich and successful, just like him and his wife wearing $500 sneakers!
We should not be lulled by the glitter of money.
This tirade continued with references to abuses by past administrations, and the military, and continued with apologies and contrition for being AMERICA or proud Americans.
Our mouths sagged as we listened to this from the President, who is supposed to be the best cheerleader for AMERICA !
The graduates who studied education were urged to work at an inner city school (his children go to an elite school of course), and he opposes school vouchers, he suggested that only non-profits would help society...wow, who do you think supports the non-profits? The graduates who will be working will donate to a non profit, in fact all non-profits all think of only MAKING MONEY.
Did he not just say recently, and over and over that we will create a better, more successful America, stronger than ever? How will this happen if we all take public sector jobs (paid for by some taxpayer, if there will be any left) and disavow all needs for being financially successful or well compensated?
We watched and wondered if our kids would have any interest in running our businesses after this speech. It was getting worse, we just turned the channel, there was nothing motivating or memorable in that speech. If we were the graduates, we would feel no motivation now that we got this degree in hand, since he was advocating that we now consider the rest of our lives a life of volunteerism and sacrifice and no financial goals, greed as he positioned it.
Oh he also wanted the graduates to consider finding new energy sources (he forgot we have a few hundred years of present energy resources already found and cheaper than the fantasy expensive promises of other energy sources).
This did not bode well for the economy of the next four years if graduates are derided for wanting financial success, and to accumulate wealth. That was the basis in America for all its resident. They could come here as immigrants (legal), work hard to achieve financial success, and then be able to enjoy the fruits of their labor. But not as a result of this speech.
I do not know how many entrepreneurs watched this speech, business owners, and maybe future business owners. But after hearing it, I would not want to be entering the work force of the future as envisioned by this president.
We decided to sell our stocks the next morning and put up our companies for sale, if there is anyone out there to still want to buy them. Seriously, what is there to look forward to if we live in this seemingly arrogant country of greed and living high with our desire for financial success.
It was ironic that in that speech the president chastised people wanting to show outwardly their success with material possessions, such as houses and cars, etc....I though he wanted us to go out and buy a Cadillac or a big house and help the economy.
Double talk..."do as I say, not as I do"....you know that story.
Then we can invest our money from the sale of the business in the Chinese currency, with a Chinese bank and watch it grow with interest paid in Chinese currency that China earns by owning US BONDS (funny and ironic).
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