The company needs to change its name to GOVERNMENT MOTORS, the new name for the acronym, GM.
Just imagine what a car designed by the government would look like...????? See above.

We were against the type of forced loans foisted upon this company late last year, since all we saw was in effect a bailout of the union benefits, and we saw no benefit to the company or its stockholders.
It was such nonsense to believe that this company could survive by getting loans, and then it was to have a magical plan for its success that was to be presented in a few months?
Part of the problem was that this was a failed company to begin with.
The Board of Directors of this firm should all be sued and hung out to dry since they have violated their fiduciary responsibilities, and thus maybe the stockholders can recover though their director liability insurance polices, the money lost under the inept leadership of, Nosferatu-aka, Rick Wagoner.
Mr. Nosferatu, came on board in 2000. The GM stock was trading at $70 a share.
This year it hit $1.27. Would you as a board keep the guy responsible?
The GM Board has got to be the dumbest group in history.
Since 2004, the company has not made a profit, and since then has recorded a staggering loss of $82 BILLION.
When would have this inept leader be terminated by a still more inept Board?
One year of losses, two, maybe three? No, they still had no plans to terminate Nosferatu after 5 years of the staggering losses of $82 BILLION!
So, at least he is gone, but so is the company.
It is naive to think that any restructuring other than a total re-make of the employee contracts, as well as the redesign of its cars and a shrinking of the entire business model can accomplish a "turnaround".
If the normal free market forces were allowed to work their usual magic, the company would have entered into a reorganization, it could have changes its contracts, and possibly re-emerged as a new slimmer and healthy business.
There is no way that it can now...unless it takes the steps immediately.
Or it is too late?
With government running the company, mandating what cars to build and at what prices, and with what contracts, will we see a competitive business ready to survive on its own, or just another ZOMBIE, headed by another Nosferatu, the living dead?
Also, it is fair competition for other car makers to have to compete on uneven terms with this out of date dinosaur?
The US government is now standing behind their warranties issued on the sold cars, it is standing behind its sales contracts, and it is forcing the company to build cars that nobody wants to buy, such a tiny dangerous hybrids or cars to be operating using technology that is not yet invented.
Business needs tax incentives, lower taxes and all the tax breaks possible in order to jump start the economy.
Government Motors, needs to make it on its own using the "system" that was designed for that purpose: the Bankrupcy Law.
No investor would ever consider investing in or much less providing a loan to a business as troubled as GM. Common sense says that one invests or gives loans only to a well run profitable business, not a "dog with fleas".
So far, against every known common sense ideology, our government had instead, ONLY given loans or grants or handouts solely to BAD businesses-businesses that would never be granted loans in the free marketplace.
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