He was saying that due to his STIMULUS package, and the fact that the US Economy will "turn around", it will be stronger than ever.
Too bad that he did not take ECONOMICS 101; he would have known better than to make such a contradictory statement.
Let us do a short analysis of the "prediction" that was made.

The President wants to raise taxes on employers generally;
on the bad oil companies he wants their profits;
on multinational corporations headquartered in the USA he wants to punish them;
raise the FICA tax to infinity; force health insurance coverage and expenses on everybody;
wants soldiers to pay for their own medical treatment; wants to triple the cost of electricity;
wants to bail out only the losers in industry; wants to saddle the employers in costly industries to keep operating with loans from taxpayers;
wants to limit income and levy 90% taxes on excess earnings; wants every business to be unionized;
wants illegal aliens not to be rounded up; wants us all to buy American more costly goods only;
stopped free trade with Mexico in violation of the Treaty;
wants to force GM to make cars that nobody wants to buy; wants to use clean coal (a techology that has not yet been invented;
Need we say more?
How are any of these initiatives going to make the USA stonger?
The workers in the USA, are competing with wages of $.69 cents an hour in INDIA, and $.74 cents an hour in China. How are they going to emerge stronger, exactly?
To be perfectly honest with you, I and all of us, would rather pay $.99 cents for a comb from China or India, than the same comb being manufactured in the USA, by a UNION organized company, with wages and benefits at $75 an hour, and a $10 price for the comb.
So let's get real. We want prices to be as low as possible, that will only happen through global sourcing, which is a natural progression.
TATA MOTORS, an Indian auto manufacturer, just announced that their new car will sell for $1,995 at the dealer.
In the USA, due to the endless mandates, rules, regulations and needless litigation, $1,995 is the price for the airbags in a USA built car.
Again, I would rather buy the INDIAN manufactured car at $1,995, than just an airbag to inflate in the USA for the same amount.
We need to stop focusing on the wage rates, but rather help our businesses compete in the global marketplace on other products.
But instead, our government is consistently suing our most important industies, exporters, etc....they wanted to collapse Microsoft, Exxon, AT & T, the nuclear industry, they want to stop oil exploration and stop coal production.
The government wants to protect industries which operate in unsustainable cost structures, instead opf fostering devevopment of new indusrties that the entrepreneors are so cable of in the USA.
What would happen if the USA levied a simple 10% tax on businesses?
What if they gave out tax credits for employers who hire new employees?
What is a new business paid no taxes for the first 5 years?
Instead, the government is doing everything possible to force businesses to move its production overseas, and then it complains that the production moved overseas.
Let's see, if my worker cost me $.69 cents an hour, or $75 dollars an hour, where will I hire new employees?
Only the government would argue with that....so if we do not wake up soon, we will be paying those wages here, because people will have few options for employment. Learn Chinese...oh wait, you do not have to since Chinese schools are teching English so the next gebneration of Chinese, will be English speaking.
In the next decade, the largest English speaking country in the world will be CHINA.
Can you guess which will be the largest Spanish speaking country in 2050?
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