I thought hard about that and came up with a list of stocks that seemed like they may have some staying power this year; it was a very short list.
Actually it seemed like a list of stocks that are likely not to GO DOWN as much as other stocks, so I thought about that some more. Why would I want to buy stocks that will go down, but not that much?
What is the alternative to this strategy, of NOT LOSING TOO MUCH?
It dawned on me that this was a pretty stupid strategy...to not lose too much, but yet lose some money.
I did a little more research, and it seems that the investment advice gurus throughout the country, all seemed to be touting the fact that some managers out there, lost LESS than others.
They had statistical tables and comparisons of who lost less then others...and these smaller losers were touted as be best of the best. Those who lost less than the 50% decline of the DOW JONES AVERAGE, were described as performers to follow, performers to recommend as investment gurus!
Imagine that; if your investment adviser lost less then 50% of your money in the last 12 months, he could be a genius! You should be proud of his "outstanding" performance on your behalf.
I would argue that he should be hung upside down, and then you get to pick up the change that falls out of his pockets as your own (as a minimum).
These charts of who lost less than the DJIA, all stopped in the negative...every one of the "well known" recognized experts lost money on the comparisons, some less than others, and some MORE!
So, I thought about that, and wondered how I, not a financial guru could be compared to these experts? What about my financial advice? How would my advice as to the financial strategy compare to these investment mavens in the lst 12 months?
The DOW Average lost 50% of its value, the gurus "beat" that performance by losing only 44%, 35%, 30%, 20% and the best performers lost 15%-19%!
My advice caused absolutely NO LOSS. I was at 0% loss, and 0% gain...my advice was the best overall performer among all the gurus in the investment field!
My advice beat the DOW AVERAGE, and it beat all the well known names in the business all of whom LOST MONEY!
What is my advice for this outstanding performance?
Is this something that the average investor can use ?
YES, my secret strategy can now be revealed; IT IS YOUR VERY OWN MATTRESS!
Everyone has always known this secret, it is widely discussed (put your money into your mattress).
If all the investment gurus just put YOUR MONEY into a mattress, you would have done the best for yourself. Your investments would have been ZORO LOSS AND ZERO GAIN. You would have outperformed pretty much the entire invetment community, worldwide!
Even though past performance is no guarantee of future performance, (the usual disclaimer used by investment advisors) my suggestion for the next 12 months should again be a top performer!
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