The US Postal Service warned on Friday that it could default on payments it owes the federal government, just days after the US government itself narrowly averted a default.
No surprise here, it should file for bankruptcy reorganization NOW, as soon as possible and get rid of the expensive pensions and health plans and union rules as well through the reorganization process.
The government's mail service said it lost $3.1 billion in the period from April to June, blaming "the anemic state of the economy" and the growing popularity of electronic communications over old-fashioned letters. This is not the correct reason, and we all know it!
The real reason that the electronic communications are part of the reason, and only a part, is the horrific service especially in the large metropolitan areas. The worst service is at the windows of the post offices themselves; surly workers, seemingly doing customers a favor by actually providing service at the window.
Going there for service is like a trip to a bad dentist, or a used car dealer to complain about the lemon he sold you.
The over-staffing and the inability of management to actually have workers DO WORK, is the main problem.
The USPS has started coming up with technology itself...for instance the self service KIOSKS that work hard 24/7 and actually provide a service ( whenever they are in service and not needing repair). There can be more...they are able to do for the USPS what the ATM has done for banking as well.
I am now able to do all my banking at the ATM! No human contact at all!
There is no need to worry about the proverbial "rural" post office not getting service...this can easily be replaced for service with a KIOSK and a person at a local grocery store or with a proper postage cost for delivery to such places....so what it it cost $1 to mail a letter to a rural post office or say .75 cents otherwise and have 5 day delivery?
What happens when a business starts to provide a service or its manufactured product below cost? IT RAISES PRICES OR GOES OUT OF BUSINESS or files for bankruptcy reorganization and cuts costs and reorganizes to operate at a lower cost structure!
With president DUMBAMA, with his penchant for UNIONS such as demonstrated in the GM bankruptcy case,we can never expect a real solution to anything as this clueless "leader" would fight any attempt at real financial responsibility...but there are solutions to all financial problems.
As a result of its mounting losses, the US Postal Service said it would not be able to make a legally required $5.5 billion payment in September to a health-benefits trust fund. SOLUTION....FILE FOR BANKRUPTCY REORGANIZATION NOW.
"Absent substantial legislative change ( this means loan from government), the Postal Service will be forced to default on payments to the federal government," it said in a statement.
Dating back to 1775, the US Postal Service was once a crucial branch of the federal government, but in recent years it has come under increasing fire from critics ( meaning everyone who uses the service or has had to actually go to a post office in person) who consider it bureaucratic and inefficient.
In July, it unveiled plans to identify nearly 3,700 under-used post offices around the United States for possible closure. The Post Office has been hemorrhaging billions of dollars in recent years.
Lets add another few thousand....also quite easily all new hires can be hired at a typical starting wage at say $12.00 and hour with very basic benefits and Social security as the retirement plan...there would be plenty of takers....
Let's start making decisions NOW to stop the waste and impossible wages...a friend of mine who is a long time clerk at the post office...told me that last year he grossed over $80,000 in salary, plus he had the various benefits on top of that...he was going to retire but then he learned that he would be up for increases due to the contract so he is staying to get more money!
Ok here is a popular USPS joke:
"A lady that was with child was standing in a long line at a local United States Postal Service Office. When it was her turn to go up to the counter she told the clerk that she was going to have her baby. The clerk told her a pregnant woman in your condition shouldn't be in a postal office. The lady replied, "I wasn't pregnant when I got in line."
Job Story: Postal Service Clerk....good pay, but too many Post Office psycho nuts.
I am an almost 13 years at the Post Office. For 19 years, used to work in heavy manufacturing. I thought I had worked for a bunch of stupid managers, but they were "brain surgeons" compared to the ones I see in the post office. Most of them cannot manage or wish to do anything. We have to many useless reports to fill out because of some "seat warmers" need to feel important, and even if there is some purpose for the numbers they can't figure out how to use them anyway. We are a dumping ground for vets that do not want work and are looking towards retirement from the day they are hired and work like they are retired, and the postal service owes them a job. When I was in the private sector I used to respect vets, but now all I see these people as a bunch of whiney babies. If it wasn't for the customers I serve and the decent pay I would quit.
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