I do not know about you, but I am really sick and tired of seeing the daily photos of our clueless Obama riding a bicycle like a dork, or eating ice cream or having Michelle sitting next to him with her iPod headphones on.
Oh did I forget to mention that his vacation home is costing $50,000 a day?
I do not think that all may vacations during me life cost me $50,000, but then again he is the President and he did earn those book royalties from his wonderful memoirs.
That really is not what I expect the President to be doing.
First of all I am not the only one who noticed that. Last week Maxine Waters. a racist white hating dingbat of a Congresswoman from some hellhole that is dumb enough to elect this total moron to represent them, complained that Obama never seems to visit with black folks.
His friends are apparently Warren Buffet and Hollywood celebrities, not the 95% of the black folks who voted for him. I can not remember the last black person who rented a $50,000 a day vacation home on Martha's Vineyard. Or for that matter I did not notice black vacationers there either.
He despises and considers terrorists the Tea Party members, does this clueless leader even understand who are the members of the Tea Party?
This was to be the President to bring us all together, remember?
He has instead been the most divisive and extremely class war monger ever!
While people are looking for jobs, and getting food stamps, the nation is being led by a clueless financially illiterate president.
He claimed to be taking a listening tour...remember his bus and the 45 attending automobiles and trucks?
he lectured, like he knows something. he did not listen to anyone, and now we are forced to endure the wimpy look on the bicycle?
His counterpart, Vladimir Putin of Russia no less, instead lectures him on the stupidity of spending, and onerous regulations as stifling business growth and prosperity in the USA. Russia just lowered its corporate tax rates.
Putin is shown in photos of doing "manly" things like hunting, arm wrestling and in stately positions of heading the government, while Obama is back to being ready for the photo op to be next at the children's petting zoo, kissing a baby lamb.
We need a President with Gravitas....not a flunky who can not reveal his grades from College, and is leading the country astray.
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