Clueless president Barack Obama (take note he is talking to the wrong end of the phone) toured a vehicle battery plant in Michigan, touting his administration’s focus on green technology and jobs, at a corporation where federal money authorized by the economic stimulus law that Obama signed at the beginning of his presidency had created "green" jobs at a cost of about $2 million in federal subsidies per job.
Obama told the employees of Johnson Controls Inc., in Holland, Mich., gathered at the factory that they represented how America can come out of a recession by making products that can be sold around the world. yes, but after we give them $300 million of our money!
“Look what’s happening in Holland, Mich.,” said the president. “Every day, hundreds of people are going to work on the technologies that are helping us fight our way out of this recession. Every day you’re building high-tech batteries so that we lead the world in manufacturing the best cars and the best trucks -- that just doesn’t mean jobs in Michigan. You’re buying equipment and parts from suppliers in Florida and New Mexico and Ohio and Wisconsin, all across America.”
The economic stimulus, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, provided $2.4 billion in grants to advanced vehicle batteries technology. From that amount, $300 million in grants went to Johnson Controls to manufacture batteries.
According to the White House, thus far the firm has added 150 jobs because of the grant. That means the government spent about $2 million per job, but only if no more jobs are added.
Some in the crowd at the factory held up signs, one saying, “Thank you for the jobs,” and another saying, “Hang tough, you’re right.” Michigan has a 10.5 percent unemployment rate, among the highest in the nation, and could be a contested state in the 2012 presidential race.
Obama reminded the workers that the government made the jobs possible.
“What made this possible? The most important part is you,” said Obama. “Your drive, your work ethic, your ingenuity, your management, the grit and optimism that says we’ve got an idea for a new battery technology or a new manufacturing process and we’re going to take that leap. But what also made this possible are the actions that we took together as a nation through our government.”
Johnson Controls planned a total $600 million investment in battery manufacturing. The federal grant allowed the company to open the plant in Holland, Mich., with plans for opening another plant near Toledo, Ohio.
The administration plans to create incentives for consumers to purchase electric vehicles, fuel cell cars, plug-in hybrids vehicles and incentives for manufacturers to make and market the products, the White House announced before Obama spoke.
The Obama administration announced this week new fuel-efficiency standards for trucks and buses built in 2014 through 2018 to reduce oil consumption from a projected 530 million barrels of carbon emissions by 270 million metric tons.
By 2018, the new standards are supposed to reduce emissions by 20 percent for big rigs and semi trucks, 15 percent for pick-up trucks and 10 percent for vehicles such as garbage trucks and school buses.
By 2014, capacity to build batteries will be three times greater than the demand, the Washington Post reported. In other words, there will be no need for these workers and they will all be fired!
The General Motors Chevrolet Volt electric vehicle, priced at about $40,000, sold just 125 models in July, according to Market Watch. Though the $7,500 tax credit for the car reduced the price, less expensive cars are still selling better, according to Market Watch.
The Presidential Task Force on the Auto Industry said, “GM is at least one generation behind Toyota on advanced, ‘green’ powertrain development. In an attempt to leapfrog Toyota, GM has devoted significant resources to the boondoggle Chevy Volt. While the Volt holds promise, it is currently projected to be much more expensive than its gasoline-fueled peers and will likely need substantial reductions in manufacturing cost in order to become commercially viable.”
Which in government translation means...NEVER!
This is OUR MONEY the government spent and is exactly why Spain went bust. It heavily invested in green energy and spent millions per job which resulted in higher energy costs and loss of jobs in the private sector.
John Hanlon
All those batteries require "rare earth" metals, many of which come from China. China is starting to regulate exprt of those materials to protect their industries (it is not "one world"). The electric cars now get most of their charge from coal buring power plants and 50% of that electricity is lost in transmission. So it takes twice as much dirty coal to get the same power to your wheels but you have a "feel good" car that leaves its emissions elsewhere. The whole concept is miss guided. We need a better solution.
He also refused to invite the Rebpublican congressman in whose district this event occured. Times have changed! Our new Repub governor didn't care to show up. And last year Peter Hoekstra showed up at the ground breaking and was chastised by this jerk of a president. This voting district is one of the most conservative in the states. They won't take kindly to this massive cost per job. Thank God Jennifer Granholm is gone. She's teaching at Berkley where she belongs!
With half the money, the workers could have lived off the interest without working at all.
La Billyboy
Electric Vehicles just move pollution from the tailpipe to the smokestack... with a lot less efficiency. It is a religion for the far left who will applaud the government subsidy for this and other debacles like windmills and solar that survive only due to heavy tax benefits and gov't subsidies. Even with the enormous government subsidy, sales of the electric vehicles has been anemic at best. The technology has a long, long way to go before it is commercially feasible. This would be a great area for the Feds to focus on for the huge upcoming budget cuts that have to be made...
Man, this GM deal is working out GREAT! $8 Billion loss on bonds; $11 Billion loss on equity position, Volt sold 125 units WITH a $ 7,500 tax credit (more GM special treatment). Now the suppliers to GM are rising to the top as massive losers, too. This "green jobs" thing is wonderful, I wonder why nobody thought of it before...OH, wait, yeah, that's it ...nobody ever needed an excuse to take over a company and GIVE it to a labor union, creditors be damned. If there is somebody out there that can see this as ANYTHING OTHER than criminal activity tell them to turn in their Socialist Party Member card and leave the country. And better yet, the Chrysler deal hasn't even finished turning in all the same kind of success.
honestynow and 8 more liked this
Zander Thomas
Got that right! We have LOST OUR REPUBLIC! Nothing but BIG GOVERNMENT FROM YOU, MR. OBAMA! WE DO NOT WANT BIG GOVERNMENT, BIG GOVERNMENT IS NOT IN AMERICAN'S DNA! Our Nation is coming apart at the seams, we have a President that does not know how to lead and thinks that America's greatness comes from BIG GOVERNMENT! This man also thinks that the FREE MARKET is the enemy, he wants to destroy our Freedom and Liberty but first he must destroy our economy (and it looks like he is doing a great job), yet we have more people worried about Bert and Ernie getting married and other "Mickey Mouse" issues! More people need to be focused on stopping this Big Government and Tyranny that they are wanting to impose on us! It will be Orwellian! Our System of Government is the BEST IN THE WORLD, We LOVE our US Constitution and Bill of Rights! It's the corrupt politicians running the show that are the problem!
You know this "Green Battery Plant" that Obama went to yesterday, they got 300 million dollars from the "Stimulus" so they could employ 150 people, in the "Private (FREE) Market" it would have only cost about 3 million! They would still get paid the same! See how wasteful Government is with our TAX MONEY?!? And they want MORE!
“There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt.” ~ John Adams
What a load of horsefeathers. Government efficiency at its finest.
Steven Moshlak
I wouldn't:
Buy Obama dog food
Follow Obama out of a burning building
Follow him to a free buffet.
'nuff said. Okay people, you proved you weren't "racists" in 2008. With 95% of Blacks voting for Obama, we know who the racists are. Now prove you aren't "stupid" in 2012.
Are this the shovel ready jobs. Good for Obama he succeeds again, 125 cars sold, I wonder did he buy all of them? Looks like it, and using our tax money
OBama doesn't know ONE Person who had to create wealth ( besides his felon best friend Tony Rezko...we forgot about him). All his advisors only know how to fill out forms to ask for government endowments. He still thinks that the Federal Government creates wealth - he nor his advisors understand the money comes from the TAXES we pay !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Obama also makes sure to mention that Johnson Controls is "buying parts" from New Mexico,Ohio,Florida and Wisconsin.......ALL states he needs in 2012.....be cause of what HE did with this ridiculous grant.
It only costs 2 million a year in federal subsidies to create a 25 grand a year job? Wow, I don't know why were not all recovered right now. Stimulus me some more, I'm stupid.
Now do you see why we don't think the government shouldn't be given all our money? They are irresponsible and horrible shoppers. I can PROVE that I manage my money better. So hands off. I don't need you to take care of me. I can do it BETTER myself.
honestynow and 9 more liked this
Dysfunctional utopian liberals spending OPM and picking losing companies. They simply refuse to live in the real world. If I had 40K to spend on a new vehicle, it wouldn't be a roller skate on wheels that I need to plug-in at night. GOD! I wish I HAD 40K to buy a new F-150!
Rod Anders
Barack Hussein Obamoron is the biggest, f**g, lying, piece of s**t I've seen in 70 years. Who are his followers....?
Dear President Obama,
I read this morning that you are going to go on the “America would have been worse without me” tour to boost your partys poll numbers. Being a natural born and bred capitalist I find this fascinating. Think of it this way; if I invented a new car with square wheels and then did a tour around the country trying to convince people, that those square wheels are just too darn efficient and useful - how many people could I convince? Not many. Unless they are attendees of the “Nut Roots” convention, you could probably sell a whole bunch of my square wheeled cars to those people!
See, Mr Obama, in my world I’ve got to do or create something that others find enough value in to part with their money, that they could use for an infinite number of purposes. To illustrate this; take Al Gore for instance. Does Al buy another massage at the happy ending saloon, or, does he buy more earth polluting energy efficient light bulbs? Tough call. If he was real careful he could have as much fun with the light bulb I guess, but even Mr. Gore would have to realize it was not worth the risk. In your world, Mr. Obama, you have to create words on a page that will either use force or coercion to get my fellow citizens to do the federal governments bidding. Do you see the difference? One is based on a voluntary association the other being foisted upon a citizen through threat of death or financial coercion.
So you, and other liberals, must go on tour and tell us how we can be best managed by those of your ilk rather then on our own. Now, Mr. Obama, it would be one thing if liberal progressive democrats had a record worth aspiring to. But no sane citizen can make that claim, every program that you and those of your ilk have pushed has placed this nation in bankruptcy - morally as well as fiscally. In essence the United States of America has had its perfectly round wheels converted into square ones and now you, Mr. Obama, must explain to us why we must abandon the round ones and drive our lives on the square ones.
To borrow a phrase from you, “Make no mistake,” if there is one person that can convince America to commit suicide your election is proof that you have that ability. Maybe while you are touring you can link up with Dr. Kevorkian and discuss the death panels? After all you always claim that you are seeking the most experienced minds on any given topic - until you decide only to use them as cover all the while spouting the liberal line, and ignoring their advice anyway. Senator Judd Greg is darn near clairvoyant on this reality. Have a good week Mr. President and please remember that every dollar you will be spending on your travel and entertainment my kids are paying for, so take it easy on the Jet A and the Kobe Beef. Maybe you should figure out which President bought his own postage stamps, and tear a page out of his code of conduct and follow it?
Respectfully, Joe Doakes
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