This is the 10th Commandment: "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house; neither shalt thou desire... his servant, nor his handmaiden, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is his."
The tenth commandment forbids coveting the goods of another; so what are the ever increasing taxes on those who have "goods" in line with those commandments?
Our politicians, most of whom claim to be church going, apparently have not taken notice that their constant harping on having those who have some extra funds, (maybe because they work 3 jobs and take no vacations) therefore they need to pay more, and more in taxes fees or assessments of every kind.
At this time the top 10% of earners already pay in excess of 70% of all taxes, and about 50% pay no federal income taxes...so what is now expected? Are the politicians demanding that they pay 90% of their income?
The confiscatory rates that are mandated to be paid by those actually working hard and getting paid well, not only are counterproductive to human desire to improve oneself, but also clearly violate the 10th Commandment!
What else do the politician expect next? maybe that extra pint of blood we can donate...it is not really needed, right?
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