We keep hearing about the endless meetings by politicians of the two parties and the White House relating to how many trillions they are going to either cut from the budgets over the next 10 years.
Are we now on some type of old Soviet 10 year plan being put forward by a congress that has failed to even supply and pass a budget for the country the last two years?
Our elected representatives, especially those elected in the "sweep" of 2010, already forgot what they got elected to do in Washington! Repeat and reminder....STOP SPENDING, STOP SPENDING, STOP SPENDING!!!!!!
The rest of them failed to take notice that this was the reason for the "sweep".
Instead of taking heed of the reason for the election sweep, now there are discussions to continue to spend approximately $1.5/$1.8 TRILLION more than is taken in by the federal government each year for the next 10 years!!!!
As unbelievable and unsustainable as that is, this is the discussion in Washington reduced by amounts that have now dwindled to $3.5 TRILLION as the proposed "reduction" in spending over the next 10 years.
So let's see, even my mediocre American school system arithmetic tells me that if the government operated at an unprecedented deficit spending binge, and generated $15-$18 TRILLION in excess spending over 10 years, but reduced this by $3.5 trillion, there would still be the unprecedented increase in the debt by another $15 trillion, bringing it to 200% of the GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT OF THE UNITED STATES!!!!
No country on earth could support such a staggering national debt, as can be seen now with Greece and the other European countries starting to default.
It seems that the Democrats are voting to keep up the spending with no abatement, and the Republicans are allowing it to continue at such unprecedented rates.
This will create a devaluation of the dollar, our savings will buy less and less and our mortgages will be worth less and less...EVERYTHING WILL BE WORTH LESS AND LESS.
The worst suffering will be by those people living on a fixed income such as Social Security payments which will buy less and less!
call your representative and tell him/her that they are out in the next election if this continues and you will tell everyone you know to vote them out too....let's start with a fresh slate that listens to the election outcome!
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