Social Security payments are made from the trust fund that is solvent, and so stated by Mr. Obama and Joe Biden recently.
yet the big lie was exposed when the president let out a statement that checks may not be going out unless the debt ceiling is raised!
OOPS!!!! Cat is out of the bag...there appears to be no trust fund as repeatedly lied about!
The president in effect said that if he could not borrow the money, the checks were not going to go out! hey what happened to the TRUST FUND????? Who robbed that fund?
Did anyone out there catch that slip up???
Barack Obama tells CBS: I cannot guarantee Social Security checks will go out
CBS, CBS Evening News, Scott Pelley,
In an interview with CBS’ Scott Pelley, President Barack Obama explains the possible fallout if a decision isn’t reached to raise the debt ceiling by Aug. 3.
Anchor Pelley asks: “Can you tell the folks at home that the Social Security checks are going to go out on August the 3rd? There are about $20 billion worth of Social Security checks that have to go out the day after the government is supposedly going to go into default.”
Obama responds: “Well this is not just a matter of Social Security checks. These are veterans’ checks. These are folks on disability and their checks. There are about 70 million checks that go out.”
Pelley asks: “Can you guarantee as president those checks will go out on August the 3rd?”
Obama says: “I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August 3rd, if we haven’t resolved this issue. Because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it.”
This is either the dumbest person on earth or just a liar, you decide!
Additionally, can anyone make a short list of what has improved while this hope and change president has been in office???? race relations improved? housing improved?
jobs improved? dollar stronger? USA status in the world better? deficit smaller?
oil prices lower? cars cheaper? alternative fuels cheaper? taxes lower? your job more secure? world safer? crime lower? electricity lower prices? has anything improved for you?????
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