By Anthony Martin
Conservative Examiner
In the latest example of Barack Obama's war on oil, the EPA stopped Shell Oil from drilling in Alaska. The news comes as gasoline prices continue to skyrocket and OPEC announced cutbacks in production.
A clear pattern has developed over the last 3 years indicating that the Obama Administration is hostile toward American oil companies and the attempt to get our own oil here and offshore. Geological surveys have indicated that the U.S. possesses some of the richest oil deposits in the world, even more than the Middle East.
Yet the EPA, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, and Barack Obama have undertaken a coordinated effort to thwart U.S. attempts to drill for and utilize our own oil, coal, and natural gas. Salazar placed off-limits thousands of acres of land that contains enough oil, coal, and natural gas to meet America's energy needs for over a century at the very least. The EPA added new regulations after the Gulf oil spill that hamstring U.S. oil companies from doing what is necessary to get our oil. And Obama not only called a dead-halt to oil drilling in the Gulf but went to Brazil, gave them permission to conduct deep-water oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, and handed over $2 billion dollars of taxpayers' money to the state-owned Brazilian oil company to conduct deep-water drilling in the Gulf.
Obama Administration policy on energy is basically incoherent, irrational, and punitive. Oil companies in the U.S. are treated as evil barons who rape the land, while Brazil is not only praised but rewarded for deep water oil drilling in the Gulf. Obama talks incessantly about the dire necessity of the U.S. utilizing its own energy resources, yet appears to have a clear disdain for oil, natural gas, coal, and nuclear, all of which will be necessary to sustain the American way of life. Obama's initiatives toward 'green' energy sources are bound for failure due to the fact that these sources alone are not adequate to meet the nation's demand. Over 95% of the American economy is driven by oil. Presentlly there is no logical way for 'green' energy to replace that dependence on oil. To attempt to do so would shut down the country.
And then there is the moral issue at play in using food sources for fuel. Enviromentalist extremists love biofuels. But biofuels take crops that would normally be used for food and use them instead for energy. How can this be justified from a moral/ethical perspective, when millions of people around the world are starving?
Apparently, despite the rhetoric, Obama wants the U.S. to remain dependent on foreign oil. This keeps the price high. And that helps the government. While the 'big bad oil companies' make a mere 8 cents per gallon in profits at the pump, the government, including local and state governments, make upwards of 70 cents per gallon in taxes, depending upon the region of the country. The 'evil barons' are the ones in Washington who make windfall profits from oil. The more a gallon of gas increases, the more government collects in taxes.
Make no mistake, the development of alternative sources of energy is prudent. Wind, solar, fuel cell technology are all needed. But it will be many decades before any of these will be capable of totally replacing oil, if ever.
Continue reading on Examiner.com: Obama's war on oil--Shell stopped from drilling - National Conservative | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/conservative-in-national/obama-s-war-on-oil-shell-stopped-from-drilling#ixzz1LxNqZEve
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