New Yorkers under 30 plan to flee city, says new poll; cite high taxes, few jobs as reasons
BY Kenneth Lovett
They may have come to the city to get a law degree, but a hefty percentage of young New Yorkers plans to flee the city in the next five years.
They may have come to the city to get a law degree, but a hefty percentage of young New Yorkers plans to flee the city in the next five years.
ALBANY - Escape from New York is not just a movie - it's also a state of mind.
A new Marist College poll shows that 36% of New Yorkers under the age of 30 are planning to leave New York within the next five years - and more than a quarter of all adults are planning to bolt the Empire State.
The New York City suburbs, with their high property values and taxes, are leading the exodus, the poll found.
Of those preparing to leave, 62% cite economic reasons like cost of living, taxes - and a lack of jobs.
"A lot of people are questioning the affordability of the state," said Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion.
An additional 38% cite climate, quality of life, overcrowding, a desire to be closer to family, retirement or schools.
The latest census showed New York's overall population actually increased, though parts of upstate shed population and jobs.
A full 53% think the worst is yet to come for the state's economy, while 44% say things should start improving.
"As the state of the economy fails to recover, New Yorkers see this not as a sluggish rebound, but as a sluggish economy," Miringoff said.
During a visit to Buffalo yesterday, Gov. Cuomo yesterday said attracting and retaining jobs is a priority for his administration.
"We have to keep jobs here and we have to develop new jobs," he said. "And we want to start bringing back jobs from other parts of the country."
New Yorkers are voting with their feet on state's sky-high tax burden; planning to leave in droves.
The real news is that 64% of American young adults are apparently willing to live in a dysfunctional, Socialist state, with corruption at every level of government and in every union, especially public unions, with schools that permit criminal behavior by students on a daily basis and won't teach their children anything while putting them at physical risk. If they think that any "investment" in New York housing will ever accumulate equity they are fools. What would it take to get them to move at most 100 miles?
anyone else notice that the Wall St. bailout enabled a lot of highly-paid people who don't deserve to be to keep making premium incomes, and keep paying premium rents/mortgages, making NYC and the nice suburbs even less affordable for the rest of us at a time when free market economic theory would imply that the cost of living should have come down? when the markets are booming, they price us out...when the markets collapse, they get bailed out - with our money - and price us out. if you want to complain about socialism, take a look at the corporate welfare that takes from the middle class and gives to the rich - this is not capitalism.
New Yorkers have created their own hellish cesspool where criminal politicans and public employee unions wring every last dime out of a brain-dead population of lemmings. A word of advice to these bail-out liberals who now seek to infect other cities: steer clear of Arizona.
I would erg the other Southern conservative States not to accept these children of Liberal Democrats. The NY Liberal Socialist run school systems has indoctrinated them and they will bring their liberal tax and spend values with them and ruin your State as well. Let them rot in their own Democrat voting, parent made mess.
This is a very difficult discussion to have with people. You have those who simply can't move away, and they will find small tiny positives and justify their staying, even thou they know they are miserable and will have to work till the day they die. It's kinda like listening to a man or woman in a miserable marriage, you ask them "how is married life" and they reply "well we have 2 beautiful children" or "marriage is work, but I wouldn't give it up for anything". Most people would move if they had the option to, yes many yell, I can move if I want but love it here, but then you most really know their situation. I moved out of there 3 years ago, when I left I was making 65k a year, had 0 saved as it was impossible (I lived in rego park). Now after 3 years I have 35k in savings and make the same amount of money and have a better quality of life. I am far from set up but at 27, I am doing better then most of those still trying
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2011/05/13/2011-05-13_new_yorkers_under_30_plan_to_flee_city_says_new_poll_cite_high_taxes_few_jobs_as.html#ixzz1MQBcznPB
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