President Obama urged businesses to hire workers now!
That statement clearly shows a total lack of understanding of why and when a business would hire employees.
Here is a quick primer Mr. President:
1. Businesses add employees when they are necessary due to business expansion.
2. Businesses hire employees when they are comfortable and gearing up for planned growth in a stable business environment.
Businesses do not just hire workers to stand around!
Let's take Illinois for instance; why would any business want to add workers in Illinois as it has just doubled its income taxes for people and businesses ? It has some of the highest rates for electricity, workman's compensation insurance and real estate taxes that can cripple a homeowner or business.
It has more government entities ( over 8,000 ) than any state in the Union, more taxing bodies and regulations for every type of business and work.
There is absolutely no reason to remain in Illinois when a business can more across the border to Wisconsin and Indiana, or even Kentucky which are all more business friendly and seeing the business.
Mr. Obama's last "home" state is a model for what not to do to attract business. It is a "model" in every possible way, including literally every former governor ending their terms in a jail cell.
Business always operates in the most efficient way possible because it watches its spending, it has its limits on what to spend...it spends its profits investing into the business...it does not operate like a government with an endless and bottomless checkbook!
Why would any businessman or any taxpayer for instance, listen to anything the president advises from a financial standpoint when he is running the country into the ground through his unsound and reckless financial decisions.
No business, and no individual can operate like the government....we all live withing the financial guidelines we have, so who is the President telling us what to do when his financial house is a total disaster?
Obama Told Companies to 'Step Up' and Hire Workers
President Obama urged businesses to "step up" and hire workers, pressuring corporations to do more to help an economy that he said would take "several years" to recover fully. What the heck is he talking about; recovering fully? How can there be a full recovery when 8 million jobs were lost?
In a town-hall style meeting conducted by CBS News,Obama said the weak housing market and high gasoline prices were the biggest "headwinds" dragging on the economy.
He is the one responsible for the high prices and weak housing! His actions are causing both! Does he think that our population ( other than the 50% illiterate population of Detroit as reported this week) is so stupid they can not see that is is his policies that cause these problems.
"We've got a lot more work to do to get businesses to invest and to hire," he told the audience. No Mr. President, YOU have a lot more work to do to unravel the mess you are creating. You have agencies that make up rules to cripple the economic engines, the businesses of America. Boeing for instance was prohibited from opening a new plant in a non-union environment! This is not the old Soviet Union, Mr. President.
"It's going to take us several years for us to get back where we need to be."
What is this man talking about, nonsense?
The strength of the U.S. economy is likely to be the main factor that determines whether Obama will succeed in holding on to the White House next year.
He said businesses and banks that reaped the rewards of extraordinary measures to pull the country out of a deep recession had a responsibility now to invest hordes of cash into U.S. jobs. Hello, Mr. President...read this post.
"It is time for companies to step up," Obama said. They are trying, they are being beat down by the government such as in the Boeing case.
"American taxpayers contributed ( but did not want to at all, as most taxpayers said do not bail out businesses or banks) to that process of stabilizing the economy. Companies have benefited from that, and they're making a lot of money, and now's the time for them to start betting on American workers and American products."
Obama said his administration was looking at ways to extend programs to help people struggling with mortgage payments on houses that had lost much of their value. I hought that this was going on for years now?
"We're going to continue to work with Congress to see if we can propose more legislation to encourage longer loan modifications," he said. "We are trying to expand the loan modification program to reach more people." What people, more people that are not in default?
Obama said the White House studied oil price movements every day and some increase in fuel prices was inevitable because the economy had improved, boosting demand for energy. DRILL BABY DRILL, is the answer.
"When the economy started growing again, worldwide demand for oil went back up," he said, noting that disruptions in the Middle East, especially Libya, had affected oil prices.
But he said his administration hoped to see gasoline prices down significantly by the summer and was working to crack down on speculation and price gouging. This stupid talk is continuing on and on, all you have to do Mr. Obama is to exploit the vast energy resources we have in the USA!
"As oil prices on the world markets go down, we want to make sure that's reflected in the pump," he said. It is, do you not understand how this works every day???
In response to concerns from small businesses about needless regulation, Obama indicated his administration would announce changes in the coming weeks in regulations to ease the burden of excessive paperwork, that was created by hiring another 180,000 federal workers to control more of every aspect of our lives.
Have you noticed the federally mandated amount of water in the urinals and toilets posted on these appliances? And he says the regulations are easing? YOU, LIE!
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