As a small employer, my reading of the proposed new health care takeover is that I would be bet positioned to cancel all my present employee policies and as soon as possible, when the alternative is available, pay the proposed fine for not providing such coverage, and then allow the employees to get the coverage on their own.
The programs as proposed, in my opinion, will cause all types of employers to dump their private coverage which cost will have to rise significantly since the insurers are going to be required to do what insurers can not do...provide an open ended no turn-away insurance coverage with NO LIMITS! That is totally insane! No actuarial forecasts can provide for anything but a significant increase in premiums for existing policies!
This alone will wipe out all possibilities of continuing anything but government single payer systems! No insurance company can survive with such onerous restrictions and the mandates placed on them such as 85% payments of all their revenues to policyholders, no limits, no preexisting conditions, no turn-downs for anything etc., etc....this is great for employers, but bad for employees as they will be hit with increases due to increases given the employers!
Insurance is insurance, it works on actuarial predictions of costs, and the fees needed to be charged to pay out the costs. talking to an actuary, he told me that it will literally be initially impossible to predict the unknown costs of care that must be provided to people who have preexisting conditions and want to apply for coverage.
For instance, if a person has HIV, or advanced cancer and files for coverage, he can NOT BE DENIED the coverage! What will be his premium as his costs will be, say $10,000 to $20,000 a month???? It is likely to be not affordable, so he will go into the government program, and the insurers will get fewer and fewer worthy applicants.
Oh, by the way in case you missed it, the new HEALTH CARE LAW did not propose one single new doctor to be added to serve the 30 million or MORE( if you include the illegal aliens maybe 50 million?) but it did PROPOSE 16,000 new IRS agents to make sure we all comply!
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