So much for helping the economy and stimulating the creation of jobs..SOCIALIST HEALTH CARE took the top spot in the minds of Democrats in passing the so called Health Reform Bill. Reform? How about health care Destruction Bill for its real name, or its more accurate name? Remember, in the next election, and any election, when you are wondering who to vote for, any candidate with a "D" after name is who you DO NOT VOTE FOR!
This is no longer going to be the America of business growth, of opportunity for businesses to add employees...at least not more than 50 employees. As soon as any business gets to 49 employees, that's it, after that, every person will be a contracted employee, an independent contractor, or some other designation.
As an employer, I have to further consider all the additional tax burdens proposed on various income earners, the job producers throughout the economy. Additionally, if you are in a high tax state like California, or New York or New jersey, etc., the tax rates for individuals may exceed 54% of income EXCLUDING the real estate taxes, sales taxes and all the other taxes that are paid....then when you die, if your estate exceeds a certain amount you will be fleeced while in the coffin for up to 55% of what is still in your pocket when you are dead!!!!!
I am intrigued by the gullibility of the media sources who are extolling the virtues of some of the key provisions of the Bill. For instance, every outlet other than Fox, has touted how great it will be that there is a going to be no lifetime cap on how much you can spend on your health care...anything even $100 million I guess for person is now going to be normal for an insurance company to spend!
Hello, has anyone ever heard the term "underwriting standards?" An insurance policy by its very nature is based on the actuarial calculations of what it may cost to pay out versus what it will take in...therefore, by having a totally open ended payout, and a controlled and limited pay-in, makes no sense whatsoever, unless the premiums go SKY HIGH to guess what the costs will be...GUESS the costs?...that is no way to underwrite policies. Only the government can do this, and leave the consequences till later!
Most dastardly is the plan to FORCE people to get insurance, I I doubt that those provisions will hold up at the Supreme Court...this PROPOSED LAW is totally in violation of the Constitution...forcing us to buy insurance? How Socialist is that?
Come on Supremes, save us from the socialist hell unleashed by this administration.
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