The early Marxist/Socialist etc., writers all advocated the slow takeover, the almost quiet takeover of various classes of assets from those who have them, and then the takeover of the minds of the lower classes through class envy ( they have stuff and you don't so let's tax their stuff away or just take it to "even the wealth"-does that sound vaguely familiar?))and then let's get all the rest!.
To those who did not pay attention in their History Classes in school, that was how it started in Czarist Russia, Nazi Germany, Cuba in the 6o's and now Venezuela and other "progressive" countries. It sounded so good, it sounded better and better as the economic forces created a worsening economy, as well. Does this all sound familiar?
Under the guise of "helping" the poor ( by giving them your money), the government is now prepared in the USA to do just that.
The start was the "health care" that was to be provided to the "poor" and others "who can not afford it" by taking yours away and "redistributing" the available care and dollars spent for it for the benefit of the poor. The 30 MILLION poor and the 20 million undocumented aliens who will now use YOUR MONEY to get the health care from your doctor, who will now not see you, because he is busy with those new patients, who are using your money to get it, while you have to wait in line to now get yours too, behind them...Got it?
So the 280 million who had it, will give it up and start to share it with the 20 million who now will get it with your money...follow that?
On to the next "redistribution". The student loan program will be ripped out from banks, and taken over by bungling government types...and again given to the "poor" more than the rich.
Today, it was announced that the deadbeats who are not paying their mortgages, need to get money "redistributed" from your pocket, those who pay the mortgages, and given to "help" them to pay theirs, or maybe forgive theirs or forgive and decrease theirs...you just keep paying yours in full, after all somebody has got to pay...and that's YOU!.
On and on...the government is now stepping in. try getting a loan for anything on just your credit record....like you could just a year ago or two...no more. you have to prove you paid your taxes, you reported everything you have and get, and then your application will be bundled with all the others and your loan will be "insured" by FANNIE MAE etc., and reported to the government...that you are a compliant citizen.
Is there a pattern emerging here? I did not cover GM-government motors, and its lending arm GMAC-government motors acceptance corporation, and the banks, insurance companies and others who are now supervised by Czars, and bureaucrats telling them daily how they need to operate.
After months of criticism that it hasn't done enough to prevent foreclosures, the Obama administration is announcing a plan to reduce the amount some troubled borrowers owe on their home loans.
The multifaceted effort will let people who owe more on their mortgages than their properties are worth get new loans backed by the Federal Housing Administration, a government agency that insures home loans against default.
That would be funded by $14 billion from the administration's existing $75 billion foreclosure-prevention program. But it could spark criticism that the government is shouldering too much risk by taking on bad loans made during the housing boom. In addition, their existing mortgage companies will be able to receive incentives to lower their principal balances.
The program also includes assistance to help unemployed homeowners keep paying their mortgages. How about just paying their mortgages so that they can stay unemployed??! Why work if the government will pay?
Do you recall that dummy woman being interviewed in Detroit on TV saying we are going to get OBAMA MONEY? ( he is gonna pay for my car, I don't have to pay for anything...remember that?) She was asked where does he get the money, and her reply, just as expected from a public school "edumacated" dummy was, "I' don't know, his stash?". These are the people that like the new system, and they will be the permanent underclass that will always blindly follow the government since they are depending on everything to be free to them.
But the administration cautioned that the plan isn't intended to stop all foreclosures or assist all troubled homeowners. Oh really, why not? Let's stop them all, and then collapse the entire banking system by having no loans being paid back at all!
A Treasury Department document said, "investors and speculators should not be protected under our efforts, nor should Americans living in million dollar homes or defaulters on vacation homes." Oh, I see, those who sacrificed, saved and then got a better home, and actually took a vacation from WORK, should not be "saved", just the sloths should be saved....the truly "poor" again.
"Some people simply will not be able to afford to stay in their homes because they bought more than they could afford," the document said.
The chief economist at Moody's Analytics, estimated the plan could help between 1 million and 1.5 million homeowners avoid foreclosure. That compares to 4.5 million that are already in foreclosure proceedings or 90 days delinquent on their mortgages, he said. There are another 10 million homeowners who owe more than their homes are worth, he estimated.
The plan is the latest government give-away effort by the Obama administration to tackle the foreclosure crisis which has continued to grow under its watch. Home foreclosures have soared despite the administration's effort to prevent foreclosures, a complex and problem-plagued endeavor involving more than 100 mortgage companies. Only 170,000 homeowners have completed that process out of 1.1 million who began it over the past year. Those numbers are fudged as earlier it was reported as 2.7 million at least.
"We remain dubious about government mortgage modification efforts," wrote Jaret Seiberg, an analyst with Concept Capital's Washington Research Group. "So far none have lived up to expectations ( just like every government program-remember KATRINA?) and we see little reason to believe the latest effort will turn out any different." That is correct, and you can take that "to the bank."
The plan announced Friday will also require the mortgage companies participating in the administration's existing foreclosure prevention program to consider slashing the amount borrowers owe. They will get incentive payments if they do so. Oh and who will pay for this...you guessed it, those of us who do not get our mortgage balances slashed!
It also includes three to six months of temporary aid for borrowers who have lost their jobs. And there will be additional payments designed to give banks an incentive to reduce payments or eliminate second mortgages such as home equity loans -- a problem that has blocked many loan modifications.
The four big holders of second mortgages -- Citigroup Inc., Bank of America Corp., Wells Fargo & Co. and JPMorgan Chase & Co. -- have now joined the government's program to modify second mortgages. That program was delayed for months but with Citi on board, the major players in the industry are now on board.
Critics have complained that the Obama administration has done little until now ( unless you do not count the TRILLION OF STIMULUS so far) to encourage banks to cut borrowers' principal balances on their primary loans. Nearly one in every three homeowners with a mortgage are "under water" -- they owe more than their property is worth -- according to Moody's Economy.com.
Remember that old saying, " I'm from the government and I am here to help."???
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