The early Marxist/Socialist etc., writers all advocated the slow takeover, the almost quiet takeover of various classes of assets from those who have them, and then the takeover of the minds of the lower classes through class envy ( they have stuff and you don't so let's tax their stuff away or just take it to "even the wealth"-does that sound vaguely familiar?))and then let's get all the rest!.

To those who did not pay attention in their History Classes in school, that was how it started in Czarist Russia, Nazi Germany, Cuba in the 6o's and now Venezuela and other "progressive" countries. It sounded so good, it sounded better and better as the economic forces created a worsening economy, as well. Does this all sound familiar?

Under the guise of "helping" the poor ( by giving them your money), the government is now prepared in the USA to do just that.

The start was the "health care" that was to be provided to the "poor" and others "who can not afford it" by taking yours away and "redistributing" the available care and dollars spent for it for the benefit of the poor. The 30 MILLION poor and the 20 million undocumented aliens who will now use YOUR MONEY to get the health care from your doctor, who will now not see you, because he is busy with those new patients, who are using your money to get it, while you have to wait in line to now get yours too, behind them...Got it?

So the 280 million who had it, will give it up and start to share it with the 20 million who now will get it with your money...follow that?

On to the next "redistribution". The student loan program will be ripped out from banks, and taken over by bungling government types...and again given to the "poor" more than the rich.

Today, it was announced that the deadbeats who are not paying their mortgages, need to get money "redistributed" from your pocket, those who pay the mortgages, and given to "help" them to pay theirs, or maybe forgive theirs or forgive and decrease just keep paying yours in full, after all somebody has got to pay...and that's YOU!.

On and on...the government is now stepping in. try getting a loan for anything on just your credit you could just a year ago or more. you have to prove you paid your taxes, you reported everything you have and get, and then your application will be bundled with all the others and your loan will be "insured" by FANNIE MAE etc., and reported to the government...that you are a compliant citizen.

Is there a pattern emerging here? I did not cover GM-government motors, and its lending arm GMAC-government motors acceptance corporation, and the banks, insurance companies and others who are now supervised by Czars, and bureaucrats telling them daily how they need to operate.

After months of criticism that it hasn't done enough to prevent foreclosures, the Obama administration is announcing a plan to reduce the amount some troubled borrowers owe on their home loans.

The multifaceted effort will let people who owe more on their mortgages than their properties are worth get new loans backed by the Federal Housing Administration, a government agency that insures home loans against default.

That would be funded by $14 billion from the administration's existing $75 billion foreclosure-prevention program. But it could spark criticism that the government is shouldering too much risk by taking on bad loans made during the housing boom. In addition, their existing mortgage companies will be able to receive incentives to lower their principal balances.

The program also includes assistance to help unemployed homeowners keep paying their mortgages. How about just paying their mortgages so that they can stay unemployed??! Why work if the government will pay?

Do you recall that dummy woman being interviewed in Detroit on TV saying we are going to get OBAMA MONEY? ( he is gonna pay for my car, I don't have to pay for anything...remember that?) She was asked where does he get the money, and her reply, just as expected from a public school "edumacated" dummy was, "I' don't know, his stash?". These are the people that like the new system, and they will be the permanent underclass that will always blindly follow the government since they are depending on everything to be free to them.

But the administration cautioned that the plan isn't intended to stop all foreclosures or assist all troubled homeowners. Oh really, why not? Let's stop them all, and then collapse the entire banking system by having no loans being paid back at all!

A Treasury Department document said, "investors and speculators should not be protected under our efforts, nor should Americans living in million dollar homes or defaulters on vacation homes." Oh, I see, those who sacrificed, saved and then got a better home, and actually took a vacation from WORK, should not be "saved", just the sloths should be saved....the truly "poor" again.

"Some people simply will not be able to afford to stay in their homes because they bought more than they could afford," the document said.

The chief economist at Moody's Analytics, estimated the plan could help between 1 million and 1.5 million homeowners avoid foreclosure. That compares to 4.5 million that are already in foreclosure proceedings or 90 days delinquent on their mortgages, he said. There are another 10 million homeowners who owe more than their homes are worth, he estimated.

The plan is the latest government give-away effort by the Obama administration to tackle the foreclosure crisis which has continued to grow under its watch. Home foreclosures have soared despite the administration's effort to prevent foreclosures, a complex and problem-plagued endeavor involving more than 100 mortgage companies. Only 170,000 homeowners have completed that process out of 1.1 million who began it over the past year. Those numbers are fudged as earlier it was reported as 2.7 million at least.

"We remain dubious about government mortgage modification efforts," wrote Jaret Seiberg, an analyst with Concept Capital's Washington Research Group. "So far none have lived up to expectations ( just like every government program-remember KATRINA?) and we see little reason to believe the latest effort will turn out any different." That is correct, and you can take that "to the bank."

The plan announced Friday will also require the mortgage companies participating in the administration's existing foreclosure prevention program to consider slashing the amount borrowers owe. They will get incentive payments if they do so. Oh and who will pay for guessed it, those of us who do not get our mortgage balances slashed!

It also includes three to six months of temporary aid for borrowers who have lost their jobs. And there will be additional payments designed to give banks an incentive to reduce payments or eliminate second mortgages such as home equity loans -- a problem that has blocked many loan modifications.

The four big holders of second mortgages -- Citigroup Inc., Bank of America Corp., Wells Fargo & Co. and JPMorgan Chase & Co. -- have now joined the government's program to modify second mortgages. That program was delayed for months but with Citi on board, the major players in the industry are now on board.

Critics have complained that the Obama administration has done little until now ( unless you do not count the TRILLION OF STIMULUS so far) to encourage banks to cut borrowers' principal balances on their primary loans. Nearly one in every three homeowners with a mortgage are "under water" -- they owe more than their property is worth -- according to Moody's

Remember that old saying, " I'm from the government and I am here to help."???


As a small employer, my reading of the proposed new health care takeover is that I would be bet positioned to cancel all my present employee policies and as soon as possible, when the alternative is available, pay the proposed fine for not providing such coverage, and then allow the employees to get the coverage on their own.

The programs as proposed, in my opinion, will cause all types of employers to dump their private coverage which cost will have to rise significantly since the insurers are going to be required to do what insurers can not do...provide an open ended no turn-away insurance coverage with NO LIMITS! That is totally insane! No actuarial forecasts can provide for anything but a significant increase in premiums for existing policies!

This alone will wipe out all possibilities of continuing anything but government single payer systems! No insurance company can survive with such onerous restrictions and the mandates placed on them such as 85% payments of all their revenues to policyholders, no limits, no preexisting conditions, no turn-downs for anything etc., etc....this is great for employers, but bad for employees as they will be hit with increases due to increases given the employers!

Insurance is insurance, it works on actuarial predictions of costs, and the fees needed to be charged to pay out the costs. talking to an actuary, he told me that it will literally be initially impossible to predict the unknown costs of care that must be provided to people who have preexisting conditions and want to apply for coverage.

For instance, if a person has HIV, or advanced cancer and files for coverage, he can NOT BE DENIED the coverage! What will be his premium as his costs will be, say $10,000 to $20,000 a month???? It is likely to be not affordable, so he will go into the government program, and the insurers will get fewer and fewer worthy applicants.


Oh, by the way in case you missed it, the new HEALTH CARE LAW did not propose one single new doctor to be added to serve the 30 million or MORE( if you include the illegal aliens maybe 50 million?) but it did PROPOSE 16,000 new IRS agents to make sure we all comply!


There are very few of us who know just what all the CZAR's do up in Washington..Here are their names and job descriptions.......should be educational to ALL matter what your political agenda. We should get angry at the one who put these characters on the payroll -- and never had to pass them past congress for approval. Why are they called CZARS, they are not Russian totalitarian bosses, or are they like decide if they are working in our best interest as Americans.

OBAMA'S "CZARS"-- Read who they are and realize what they want to do.

Czar Position Summary

Richard Holbrooke
Ultra liberal anti gun former Gov. Of New Mexico. Pro Abortion and legal drug use. Dissolve the 2nd Amendment.

Ed Montgomery
Auto recovery Czar
Black radical anti business activist. Affirmative Action and Job Preference for blacks. Univ of Maryland Business School Dean teaches US business has caused world poverty. ACORN board member. Communist DuBois Club member.

Jeffrey Crowley
Radical Homosexual.. A Gay Rights activist. Believes in Gay Marriage and especially, a Special Status for homosexuals only, including complete free health care for gays.

Alan Bersin
Border Czar
The former failed superintendent of San Diego . Ultra Liberal friend of Hilary Clinton. Served as Border Czar under Janet Reno - to keep borders open to illegals without interference from US

David J. Hayes
California Water Czar
Sr. Fellow of radical environmentalist group, "Progress Policy". No training or experience in water management whatsoever.

Ron Bloom
Car Czar
Auto Union worker. Anti business & anti nuclear. Has worked hard to force US auto makers out of business. Sits on the Board of Chrysler which is now Auto Union owned. How did this happen, he surely knows how to run an auto business?

Dennis Ross
Central Region Czar
Believes US policy has caused Mid East wars. Obama apologist to the world. Anti gun and completely pro abortion.

Lynn Rosenthal
Domestic Violence Czar
Director of the National Network to End Domestic Violence. Vicious anti male feminist. Supported male castration.Imagine?

Gil Kerlikowske
Drug Czar
devoted lobbyist for every restrictive gun law proposal, Former Chief of Police in Liberal Seattle. Believes no American should own a firearm. Supports legalization of all drugs

Paul Volcker
Economic Czar
Head of Fed Reserve under Jimmy Carter when US economy nearly failed. Obama appointed head of the Economic Recovery Advisory Board which engineered the Obama economic disaster to US economy. Member of anti business "Progressive Policy" organization

Carol Browner
Energy and Environment Czar
Political Radical Former head of EPA - known for anti-business activism. Strong anti-gun ownership.

Joshua DuBois
Faith Based Czar
Political Black activist-Degree in Black Nationalism. Anti gun ownership lobbyist.

Cameron Davis
Great Lakes Czar
Chicago radical anti business environmentalist. Blames George Bush for "Poisoning the water that minorities have to drink." No experience or training in water management. Former ACORN Board member (what does that tell us?)

Van Jones
Green Jobs Czar
(since resigned, thank goodness).. Black activist Member of American communist Party and San Francisco Communist Party who said Geo Bush caused the 911 attack and wanted Bush investigated by the World Court for war crimes. Black activist with strong anti-white views.

Daniel Fried
Guantanamo Closure Czar
Human Rights activist for Foreign Terrorists. Believes America has caused the war on terrorism. Believes terrorists have rights above and beyond Americans.

Nancy-Ann DeParle.
Health Czar
Former head of Medicare / Medicaid. Strong Health Care Rationing proponent. She is married to a reporter for The New York Times.

Vivek Kundra
Information Czar
Born in New Delhi , India . Controls all public information, including labels and news releases. Monitors all private Internet emails. (hello?)

Todd Stern
International Climate Czar
Anti business former White House chief of Staff- Strong supportrer of the Kyoto Accord. Pushing hard for Cap and Trade. Blames US business for Global warming. Anti- US business prosperity.

Dennis Blair
Intelligence Czar
Ret. Navy. Stopped US guided missile program as "provocative". Chair of ultra liberal "Council on Foreign Relations" which blames American organizations for regional wars.

George Mitchell
Mideast Peace Czar
Fmr. Sen from Maine Left wing radical. Has said Israel should be split up into "2 or 3 " smaller more manageable plots". (God forbid) A true Anti-nuclear anti-gun & pro homosexual "special rights" advocate

Kenneth Feinberg
Pay Czar
Chief of Staff to TED KENNEDY. Lawyer who got rich off the 911 victims payoffs.

Cass Sunstein
Regulatory Czar
Liberal activist judge believes free speech needs to be limited for the "common good". Essentially against 1st amendment. Rules against personal freedoms many times -like private gun ownership and right to free speech.

John Holdren
Science Czar
Fierce ideological environmentalist, Sierra Club, Anti business activist. Claims US business has caused world poverty. No Science training.

Earl Devaney
Stimulus Accountability Czar
Spent career trying to take guns away from American citizens. Believes in Open Borders to Mexico . Author of statement blaming US gun stores for drug war in Mexico .

J. Scott Gration
Sudan Czar
Native of Democratic Republic of Congo . Believes US does little to help Third World countries. Council of foreign relations, asking for higher US taxes to support United Nations

Herb Allison
Fannie Mae CEO responsible for the US recession by using real estate mortgages to back up the US stock market. Caused millions of people to lose their life savings.

John Brennan
Terrorism Czar
Anti CIA activist. No training in diplomatic or gov. affairs. Believes Open Borders to Mexico and a dialog with terrorists and has suggested Obama disband US military

Aneesh Chopra
Technology Czar
No Technology training. Worked for the Advisory Board Company, a health care think tank for hospitals. Anti doctor activist. Supports Obama Health care Rationing and salaried doctors working exclusively for the Gov. health care plan

Adolfo Carrion Jr..
Urban Affairs Czar
Puerto Rican born Anti American activist and leftist group member in Latin America . Millionaire "slum lord" of the Bronx , NY. Owns many lavish homes and condos which he got from "sweetheart" deals with labor unions. Wants higher taxes on middle class to pay for minority housing and health care

Ashton Carter
Weapons Czar
Leftist. Wants all private weapons in US destroyed. Supports UN ban on firearms ownership in America .. No Other "policy"

Gary Samore
WMD Policy Czar
Former US Communist. Wants US to destroy all WMD unilaterally as a show of good faith. Has no other "policy".

How lucky are we that these are the people who are helping President Obama in the RUNNING of our country and the White House? You have the facts, now you decide. How many others are there throughout the administration as appointees of various types that we still have not vetted.

This is not what the hope and change was all about, or was it?


Well Nancy Pelosi Congressman Hoyer and the Socialist Democratic Party has succeeded in their attempt to take over one sixth of the US economy with their ominous takeover of health care bill. By the way, all members of Congress ( House and Senate) are totally EXEMPT from all these new onerous health regulations-none of these rules will apply to them or their families! If they are so good for us, why are they exempt from such a great program?

The IRS ( the new big brother gestapo like agency), the Internal Revenue Service will function as the government’s chief enforcer for health care reform, should President Obama sign the bill into law as expected, monitoring both businesses and individuals to certify whether they have the insurance coverage the government requires.

The tax collection agency will be responsible for monitoring and enforcing compliance with the individual and employer insurance mandates which form the backbone of the Democrats’ hard-won reforms.

The bill states that the purpose of the mandates is to regulate “economic and financial decisions about how and when health care is paid for, and when health insurance is purchased.”

The mandates require that all Americans carry a minimum level of health insurance or pay a separate tax for every month they are without such coverage. All employers with 50 employers or more will also be required to provide their employees with that same minimum level of coverage.

While that minimum level of coverage will be defined at a later date by the Department of Health and Human Services, it will be the responsibility of the IRS to monitor individuals and employers and to punish those who do not comply.

Under the bill, which passed despite bipartisan opposition March 21, starting in 2014 the IRS would be responsible for monitoring which employers are complying with the mandate and which ones are not. The IRS would begin such monitoring of individuals’ health insurance status in 2014 as well.

The IRS would monitor individuals and businesses’ health insurance statuses through the mandatory reporting the bill requires. Under the law, every individual and most businesses are required to report to the IRS, on their tax returns, whether they have purchased or provided the required level of coverage and disclose to the IRS which months, if any, in which they failed to do so.

Using this information, the IRS would then determine whether an employer or individual falls under the mandate, which contains exceptions for religious conscience, hardship, incarcerated persons, and members of Indian tribes.

If either an individual or a business has failed to comply with this mandate for any month out of the year, they are required to pay a separate tax to the IRS. For individuals this is a maximum of $750 per person (up to $2,250 per household) and $750 per uncovered employee for businesses.

Because these penalties would each apply on a monthly basis, individuals and employers would have to pay 1/12th of the maximum penalties for each month they failed to comply with the mandates.

In order to carry out its new monitoring and enforcement duties, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the IRS will need $10 billion in additional funds, funds which were not made available under the health reform bill.

An analysis done by Republicans on the House Ways and Means Committee estimated that this $10 billion could go to fund an additional 16,500 new IRS agents and other personnel to monitor and enforce the new mandates.

“[T]he IRS could add more than 16,500 additional agents, auditors, examiners, and administrative support personnel to enforce large portions of the nation’s health insurance system,” the report said.

The IRS will also be in charge of collecting the new taxes on high cost insurance plans and on so-called unearned income from couples making over $250,000 per year and single filers making over $200,000 per year.

Both of these provisions could be modified should the Senate approve a budget reconciliation measure the House also passed March 21. Whichever final form they take, they are both direct taxes and thus will be directly administered by the IRS.

Because these new mandates and taxes are under the purview of the IRS, taxpayers and businesses could incur additional penalties normally reserved for normal income tax cheats, paying fees over and above those for not complying with Congress’ new mandates.

The IRS currently charges potentially hefty penalties for, among other things, filing false or fraudulent returns, filing late returns, and failure to pay a tax on time.

Taxpayers and businesses could be hit with these extra penalties because they are required to use their tax returns to prove to the IRS that they are complying with the mandates and because they will have to pay any tax penalties to that agency as well.

Welcome to the new hope and change and least you get three meals a day and free housing????


So much for helping the economy and stimulating the creation of jobs..SOCIALIST HEALTH CARE took the top spot in the minds of Democrats in passing the so called Health Reform Bill. Reform? How about health care Destruction Bill for its real name, or its more accurate name? Remember, in the next election, and any election, when you are wondering who to vote for, any candidate with a "D" after name is who you DO NOT VOTE FOR!

This is no longer going to be the America of business growth, of opportunity for businesses to add least not more than 50 employees. As soon as any business gets to 49 employees, that's it, after that, every person will be a contracted employee, an independent contractor, or some other designation.

As an employer, I have to further consider all the additional tax burdens proposed on various income earners, the job producers throughout the economy. Additionally, if you are in a high tax state like California, or New York or New jersey, etc., the tax rates for individuals may exceed 54% of income EXCLUDING the real estate taxes, sales taxes and all the other taxes that are paid....then when you die, if your estate exceeds a certain amount you will be fleeced while in the coffin for up to 55% of what is still in your pocket when you are dead!!!!!

I am intrigued by the gullibility of the media sources who are extolling the virtues of some of the key provisions of the Bill. For instance, every outlet other than Fox, has touted how great it will be that there is a going to be no lifetime cap on how much you can spend on your health care...anything even $100 million I guess for person is now going to be normal for an insurance company to spend!

Hello, has anyone ever heard the term "underwriting standards?" An insurance policy by its very nature is based on the actuarial calculations of what it may cost to pay out versus what it will take in...therefore, by having a totally open ended payout, and a controlled and limited pay-in, makes no sense whatsoever, unless the premiums go SKY HIGH to guess what the costs will be...GUESS the costs?...that is no way to underwrite policies. Only the government can do this, and leave the consequences till later!

Most dastardly is the plan to FORCE people to get insurance, I I doubt that those provisions will hold up at the Supreme Court...this PROPOSED LAW is totally in violation of the Constitution...forcing us to buy insurance? How Socialist is that?

Come on Supremes, save us from the socialist hell unleashed by this administration.


From the L. A. Times
1. 40% of all workers in L. A. County ( L. A. County has 10.2 million people)are working for cash and not paying taxes. This is because they are predominantly illegal immigrants working without a green card.
2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.
3. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.
4. Over 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal, whose births were paid for by taxpayers.
5. Nearly 35% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.
6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.
7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.
8 Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.
9. 21 radio stations in L. A.. are Spanish speaking.
10.. In L. A. County 5.1 million people speak English, 3.9 million speak Spanish.
(There are 10.2 million people in L. A. County . )

(All 10 of the above facts were published in the Los Angeles Times)

Obama now backs plan to legalize illegals.

President Obama gave a thumbs up Thursday to the outline of a plan to legalize illegal immigrants and create a flow of low-skilled foreign workers for the future, saying the immigration bill being worked on by a Republican and a Democrat is "promising."

In their broad blueprint, Sens. Charles E. Schumer, New York Democrat, and Lindsey Graham, South Carolina Republican, call for illegal immigrants to be put on a path to citizenship, offer green cards to keep high-skilled foreign university graduates and would create a temporary program for low-skilled workers, with some also getting the chance to become citizens.

The senators also proposed to turn all Social Security cards into tamper-proof IDs to be checked by employers when they are about to hire a worker. The cards would include biometric information designed to prevent counterfeiting -- but the senators said the information would not be stored in a government database.

"I congratulate Senators Schumer and Graham for their leadership, and pledge to do everything in my power to forge a bipartisan consensus this year on this important issue so we can continue to move forward on comprehensive immigration reform," Mr. Obama said in a statement soon after the two senators published their blueprint in a column submitted to The Washington Post.

The carefully orchestrated rollout came just three days before immigrant-rights advocates expect at least 50,000 supporters to rally and march in Washington, D.C., calling for Congress to act. The organizers of the rally had met with Mr. Obama last week and told him he needed to embrace a bill or else the thousands of marchers would be told that he had failed to live up to his promises on this issue.

But the outline is just a first step in what's still a very rocky legislative path.

Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, said flatly that it can't pass.

"The bill doesn't have a prayer, because the American people oppose rewarding lawbreakers, which then encourages illegal immigration," he said. "Allowing millions of illegal immigrants to stay and take jobs away from citizens is like giving a burglar a key to the house. Illegal immigrants should return home and play by the rules like millions of legal immigrants."

And adding to the bill's troubles, Mr. Graham has warned Democrats and Mr. Obama that if they use the budget process to push health care through Congress -- known as reconciliation -- that could poison any chance for bipartisan cooperation on immigration.

Also, the blueprint is broad, and doesn't delve into many key details that could still split the coalition of labor, business, religious and ethnic groups that have joined together to try to pass a bill.

Still, Ali Noorani, executive director of the National Immigration Forum, said backers have now checked off the first several steps on their to-do list: The senators have published their outline, Mr. Obama endorsed it, and earlier this week Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick J. Leahy, Vermont Democrat, said he was looking forward to moving a bill through his committee.

Mr. Noorani said the next challenges are to see if more Republicans will jump onboard the effort, and to get commitments from House Democrats to move legislation through their chamber.

"We have a bipartisan framework that is going to define a piece of legislation. From here onward, it's a political and legislative battle to get the 60 votes we need [to pass the Senate] and the 218 in the House," Mr. Noorani said.

Congress last took up immigration in 2007, when President George W. Bush joined with Democratic leaders to write a bill. But a bipartisan majority of senators joined a filibuster to block the bill.

The supporters of the 2007 effort concluded that Americans didn't trust the government to secure the borders and enforce the laws, even as they were offering legalization, particularly since illegal immigration has only grown since a 1986 amnesty.

To combat that impression, Mr. Graham and Mr. Schumer said they'll include new enforcement at both the border and in the country's interior.

"Once it is clear that in 20 years our nation will not again confront the specter of another 11 million people coming here illegally, Americans will embrace more welcoming immigration policies," they wrote.

They have been working on the proposal for months, sorting out competing interests from business groups, labor unions and immigration advocates. They said their plan has four key components: a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, a program to let in future workers, the improvements in enforcement and the biometric Social Security cards to help employers weed out illegal workers.

The senators said their legalization would be a "tough but fair" program that would require illegal immigrants to admit they broke the law and make them perform community service and pay a fine.

Illegal immigrants would also have to demonstrate they are proficient at English and pass background checks to gain citizenship.

The plan would offer permanent legal status to foreign students who earn a post-graduate degree from an American university, and creates a future program for low-skilled workers. Businesses could only hire them if no American worker is available, and the number allowed would fluctuate depending on the U.S. economy's needs. Workers who have kept jobs for a long time and have proved valuable members of their community could earn permanent legal status.

Now for the rest of us...MOVE OVER the aliens are coming!


Again, as with every other rule, law and regulation, members of Congress have exempted themselves from any provisions of the proposed HEALTH CARE regulations and provisions.

Does that say anything? Yes, they will not accept such low benefits, and that they are better then the rest of us who will have to pay up to $15,000 a year for a family of four!!!!

This is the most outrageous usurpation of imperial power over the people in the history of this country. There is no provision in the Constitution to FORCE people to buy something or face jail! Who are these people on Washington, mini TSARS?


The U.S. House of Representatives poised to vote on health-care reform in days, the battle over how to fix the nation's health-care system has reached the boiling point.

Meanwhile, most Americans, AND ALL OF CONGRESS, haven't the slightest clue what the 2,400-page H.R. 3590 bill will mean for them if it indeed passes with the help of Congress' controversial budget reconciliation rules. While politicians claim the ultimate goal of health-care reform is to contain the rising cost of health care for families and small businesses while not increasing the national deficit, how to accomplish that goal is anybody's guess.

With some Americans paying health insurance premiums bigger than their mortgages, senior citizens concerned about the bill's impact on Medicare coverage, and some 40 million Americans who have no health insurance (and sometimes no access to care either), it's obvious the system is broken.

How do we fix THE HEALTH CARE, ASKING THE leaders of some of the nation's top hospitals to give us their take on health-care reform. Here's what they had to say:

David Feinberg, M.D., M.BA.
CEO, UCLA Hospital System
"The debate they're having now in Washington is the wrong discussion," says Feinberg. "They're not talking about health-care reform. They're talking about health insurance reform. The bill in Congress has nothing to do with health care." He explains that health care could be fixed overnight if people would stop using alcohol and drugs, eat right and exercise.

"I have 800 patients in this hospital today, and I bet 50 percent of them have illnesses that could have been completely prevented," Feinberg says. "That situation is not going to get better with a 'public option.'"

He points out that even people without health insurance can receive care when they need it in the emergency room, and, while it's not ideal, they're not being denied care because they don't have health insurance. "It's impossible to give high quality, low cost care to everyone. What we need is to decrease demand for health care."

According to Feinberg, some 75 percent of illnesses are treated at home, whether that's a bad cold or a sprained ankle, and he says that health-care reform should be focused on home care. "When you compare us to other countries with similar Gross Domestic Products, they spend half what we do on health care because they have a different lifestyle," he says. "We either need to change our lifestyle, or it's going to be very expensive."

"With all due respect," he adds, "the surgeon general is obese. I don't think the President of the United States should be solving this." Rather, he says, each individual needs to come to terms with the fact that eating right, exercising, and avoiding smoking and alcohol will transform not only their own lives but the ever increasing cost of health care in this country.

Edward D. Miller, M.D.
CEO, Johns Hopkins Medicine
Miller sees the crux of the problem as health care delivery and says the federal government shouldn't be quick to implement models that have not been tested and may or may not work. "The science of health care delivery is still nascent," Miller points out.

"Many models exist, including ... medical homes, and value-based purchasing, but few have been tested on a large scale." He feels more attention needs to be given to research and testing these models before attempting to overhaul the nation's health care system.

"I believe we need to move from fee-for-service to a value-based type of payment system that rewards quality and outcomes," he adds. "Insuring more people is imperative, but achieving that alone is not enough."

Miller says he knows the status quo isn't working or sustainable. "But to really bring down costs," he says, "we have to change the way care is delivered and paid for." Miller would like to see the nation's policy makers commit to accelerating research into health-care delivery and payment innovations first.

Jeffrey Korsmo
Executive Director, Mayo Clinic Health Policy Center
Korsmo says the Mayo Clinic Health Policy Center has four main areas of concern when it comes to health-care reform. The first of those is providing patients a higher quality of care, and that includes better service as well as better safety at a lower cost. Korsmo says another problem with the current health care system overall is coordinating patient care. He points out that about two-thirds of national health care costs go to treat patients with multiple chronic conditions, yet doctors and hospitals aren't doing a very good job of communicating with each other about individual patients' care, meaning that patients seeing more than one doctor may not be benefiting from those doctors pooling resources, coordinating treatments and, ultimately, cutting costs.

Korsmo says he also feels patients need to being paying for value. "Today what we're paying for is volume, not quality," he points out, noting that the standard of care tends to be more tests and more hospitalizations rather than working to meet a patient's very individual needs.

While Korsmo also believes we need a system where everyone is insured, he understands that insurance alone isn't going to reform health care. "We need a more equitable health care system," he says. He wants to see more patients having access to quality care as a result of improving technology that will allow patients to monitor conditions at home instead of having to make regular doctor visits.

He says technology is going to become increasingly important in health care, as the shortage of primary care providers worsens. Korsmo says a big part of the solution to improving health care that isn't talked about enough is education reform. "Not as many people are choosing to go into primary care," he says "because it doesn't pay as well and the cost of insurance is so high." If we can make it easier and cheaper for primary care physicians to practice medicine, quality of care on the front lines will improve as well.

C. Martin Harris, M.D., M.B.A.
CIO, Cleveland Clinic
Echoing the concerns of his counterparts at other major hospitals, Harris believes improved technology is the key to better health care in this country. "If the distribution of disease remains the same 20 years from now as it is now, we're going to have a major challenge providing services to all those patients," he says.

The solution, he points out, is in overhauling the delivery of health care. The Cleveland Clinic, for example, has been building a tool that allows patients with chronic common conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes and heart failure to monitor their conditions at home, have that data captured digitally, and then sent to the electronic medical record at their hospital or doctor's office where their physicians can receive continual feedback on the patient's status.

"Our hope with this model is that patients won't have to come in as frequently," Harris explains, eliminating the "episodic care" that most patients receive today where they may visit their doctor once every 120 days or so. Reduced doctor visits will also mean reduced costs for everyone -- health-care providers, employers and patients.

Like UCLA's Feinberg though, Harris says prevention is another key that isn't getting enough attention. "If we can engage people to alter their lifestyles, we can lower the health care cost burden over the next 20 years," he says. "What can we do to prevent disease? That needs to be part of the care cycle."

One of the least qualified people to become the surgeon general, an obese woman at least 50 pounds overweight, is now preaching the virtues of health!


SIMPLE SOLUTIONS ARE SOMETIMES THE BEST, this entry was a great one to reprint here.

by Ann Coulter

Liberals keep complaining that Republicans don't have a plan for reforming health care in America. I have a plan!

It's a one-page bill creating a free market in health insurance. Let's all pause here for a moment so liberals can Google the term "free market."

Nearly every problem with health care in this country -- apart from trial lawyers and out-of-date magazines in doctors' waiting rooms -- would be solved by my plan.

In the first sentence, Congress will amend the McCarran-Ferguson Act to allow interstate competition in health insurance.

We can't have a free market in health insurance until Congress eliminates the antitrust exemption protecting health insurance companies from competition. If Democrats really wanted to punish insurance companies, which they manifestly do not, they'd make insurers compete.

The very next sentence of my bill provides that the exclusive regulator of insurance companies will be the state where the company's home office is. Every insurance company in the country would incorporate in the state with the fewest government mandates, just as most corporations are based in Delaware today.

That's the only way to bypass idiotic state mandates, requiring all insurance plans offered in the state to cover, for example, the Zone Diet, sex-change operations, and whatever it is that poor Heidi Montag has done to herself this week.

President Obama says we need national health care because Natoma Canfield of Ohio had to drop her insurance when she couldn't afford the $6,700 premiums, and now she's got cancer.

Much as I admire Obama's use of terminally ill human beings as political props, let me point out here that perhaps Natoma could have afforded insurance had she not been required by Ohio's state insurance mandates to purchase a plan that covers infertility treatments and unlimited ob/gyn visits, among other things.

It sounds like Natoma could have used a plan that covered only the basics -- you know, things like cancer.

The third sentence of my bill would prohibit the federal government from regulating insurance companies, except for normal laws and regulations that apply to all companies.

Freed from onerous state and federal mandates turning insurance companies into public utilities, insurers would be allowed to offer a whole smorgasbord of insurance plans, finally giving consumers a choice.

Instead of Harry Reid deciding whether your insurance plan covers Viagra, this decision would be made by you, the consumer. (I apologize for using the terms "Harry Reid" and "Viagra" in the same sentence. I promise that won't happen again.)

Instead of insurance companies jumping to the tune of politicians bought by health-care lobbyists, they would jump to the tune of hundreds of millions of Americans buying health insurance on the free market.

Hypochondriac liberals could still buy the aromatherapy plan and normal people would be able to buy plans that only cover things like major illness, accidents and disease. (Again -- things like Natoma Canfield's cancer.)

This would, in effect, transform medical insurance into ... a form of insurance!

My bill will solve nearly every problem allegedly addressed by ObamaCare -- and mine entails zero cost to the taxpayer. Indeed, a free market in health insurance would produce major tax savings as layers of government bureaucrats, unnecessary to medical service in America, get fired.

For example, in a free market, the government wouldn't need to prohibit insurance companies from excluding "pre-existing conditions."

Of course, an insurance company has to be able to refuse new customers with "pre-existing conditions." Otherwise, everyone would just wait to get sick to buy insurance. It's the same reason you can't buy fire insurance on a house that's already on fire.

That isn't an "insurance company"; it's what's known as a "Christian charity."

What Democrats are insinuating when they denounce exclusions of "pre-existing conditions" is an insurance company using the "pre-existing condition" ruse to deny coverage to a current policy holder -- someone who's been paying into the plan, year after year.

Any insurance company operating in the free market that pulled that trick wouldn't stay in business long.

If hotels were as heavily regulated as health insurance is, right now I'd be explaining to you why the government doesn't need to mandate that hotels offer rooms with beds. If they didn't, they'd go out of business.

I'm sure people who lived in the old Soviet Union thought it was crazy to leave groceries to the free market. ("But what if they don't stock the food we want?")

The market is a more powerful enforcement mechanism than indolent government bureaucrats. If you don't believe me, ask Toyota about six months from now.

Right now, insurance companies are protected by government regulations from having to honor their contracts. Violating contracts isn't so easy when competitors are lurking, ready to steal your customers.

In addition to saving taxpayer money and providing better health insurance, my plan also saves trees by being 2,199 pages shorter than the Democrats' plan.

Feel free to steal it, Republicans!


545 vs. 300,000,000

Charley Reese has been a journalist for 49 years.

By Charlie Reese

Politicians are the only people in the world who create problems and then campaign against them.

Have you ever wondered, if both the Democrats and the Republicans are against deficits, WHY do we have deficits?

Have you ever wondered, if all the politicians are against inflation and high taxes, WHY do we have inflation and high taxes?

You and I don't propose a federal budget. The president does.

You and I don't have the Constitutional authority to vote on appropriations. The House of Representatives does.

You and I don't write the tax code, Congress does.

You and I don't set fiscal policy, Congress does.

You and I don't control monetary policy, the Federal Reserve Bank does.

One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one president, and nine Supreme Court justices equates to 545 human beings out of the 300 million are directly, legally, morally, and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country.

I excluded the members of the Federal Reserve Board because that problem was created by the Congress. In 1913, Congress delegated its Constitutional duty to provide a sound currency to a federally chartered, but private, central bank.

I excluded all the special interests and lobbyists for a sound reason.. They have no legal authority. They have no ability to coerce a senator, a congressman, or a president to do one cotton-picking thing. I don't care if they offer a politician $1 million dollars in cash. The politician has the power to accept or reject it. No matter what the lobbyist promises, it is the legislator's responsibility to determine how he votes.

Those 545 human beings spend much of their energy convincing you that what they did is not their fault. They cooperate in this common con regardless of party.
What separates a politician from a normal human being is an excessive amount of gall. No normal human being would have the gall of a Speaker, who stood up and criticized the President for creating deficits. The president can only propose a budget. He cannot force the Congress to accept it.

The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives sole responsibility to the House of Representatives for originating and approving appropriations and taxes. Who is the speaker of the House? Nancy Pelosi. She is the leader of the majority party. She and fellow House members, not the president, can approve any budget they want. If the president vetoes it, they can pass it over his veto if they agree to.

It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 300 million can not replace 545 people who stand convicted -- by present facts -- of incompetence and irresponsibility. I can't think of a single domestic problem that is not traceable directly to those 545 people. When you fully grasp the plain truth that 545 people exercise the power of the federal government, then it must follow that what exists is what they want to exist.

If the tax code is unfair, it's because they want it unfair.

If the budget is in the red, it's because they want it in the red.

If the Army &Marines are in IRAQ , it's because they want them in IRAQ

If they do not receive social security but are on an elite retirement plan not available to the people, it's because they want it that way.

There are no insoluble government problems.

Do not let these 545 people shift the blame to bureaucrats, whom they hire and whose jobs they can abolish; to lobbyists, whose gifts and advice they can reject; to regulators, to whom they give the power to regulate and from whom they can take this power. Above all, do not let them con you into the belief that there exists disembodied mystical forces like "the economy," "inflation," or "politics" that prevent them from doing what they take an oath to do.

Those 545 people, and they alone, are responsible.

They, and they alone, have the power.

They, and they alone, should be held accountable by the people who are their bosses.

Provided the voters have the gumption to manage their own employees.

We should vote all of them out of office and clean up their mess!

Charlie Reese is a former columnist of the Orlando Sentinel Newspaper.

What you do with this article now that you have read it.......... Is up to you.

This might be funny if it weren't so darned true.
Be sure to read all the way to the end:

Tax his land,
Tax his bed,
Tax the table
At which he's fed.

Tax his tractor,
Tax his mule,
Teach him taxes
Are the rule.

Tax his work,
Tax his pay,
He works for peanuts
Tax his cow,
Tax his goat,
Tax his pants,
Tax his coat.
Tax his ties,
Tax his shirt,
Tax his work,
Tax his dirt.

Tax his tobacco,
Tax his drink,
Tax him if he
Tries to think.

Tax his cigars,
Tax his beers,
If he cries
Tax his tears.

Tax his car,
Tax his gas,
Find other ways
To tax his ass.

Tax all he has
Then let him know
That you won't be done
Till he has no dough.

When he screams and hollers;
Then tax him some more,
Tax him till
He's good and sore.
Then tax his coffin,
Tax his grave,
Tax the sod in
Which he's laid.

Put these words
Upon his tomb,
Taxes drove me
to my doom...'

When he's gone,
Do not relax,
Its time to apply
The inheritance tax.
Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Dog License Tax
Excise Taxes
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel Permit Tax
Gasoline Tax (currently 44.75 cents per gallon)
Gross Receipts Tax
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax
Inventory Tax
IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Personal Property Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Service Charge T ax
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Tax
Sales Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone Federal Excise Tax
Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes
Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge=2 0Tax
Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax
Telephone State and Local Tax
Telephone Usage Charge Tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax


Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, and our nation was the most prosperous in the world. We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.
What in the hell happened?

Can you spell 'politicians?'
And I still have to 'press 1' for English!?

I hope this goes around THE USA at least 100 times!!! YOU can help it get there!!!


Do not be under the illusion that the various make-work projects proposed by the reckless politicos in Washington through so called stimulus spending, are going to either jump-start or cause an economic recovery to occur.

These are simply projects financed by money we have borrowed from China that we do not otherwise have that will cost us billions and billions in future interest payments, and these costs will not be at the currently ridiculous low interest rates.

The interest rates, as low as they are and not causing a rush of borrowers to get loans, are they? That's because the businesses that need the money the most, small businesses, do not qualify for low rates mean nothing if a business can not qualify to borrow any money!

As the USA loses its triple A rating due to its enormous debt burden, and its ability to actually repay the loans ( which will never really be re-paid, only re-financed, over and over), our grandchildren will be facing the burden of this enormous debt load and the resulting crushing taxes that must be imposed on future populations.

Lastly, if the various health care proposals pass, and actually become law after the expected Supreme Court challenges, the unsustainable entitlement created by this legislation will crush the dollar's value ( and perhaps that is the real plan of the government) and burden every saver as the buying power will erode significantly.


President Barack Obama says his health care overhaul will lower premiums by double digits, but I noticed that his nose was elongating just like Pinocchio's when he spoke, I watched to see how far it would start to stick out as he blindly spoke the words on his teleprompter.

Premiums are likely to keep going up even if the health care bill passes, experts say. If cost controls work as advertised, annual increases would level off with time. But don't look for a rollback. Instead, the main reason premiums would be more affordable is that new government tax credits would help cover the cost for millions of people.

It is really much worse than that. The proposed PLAN has the words "SHALL" and "TAX" so many times in the text ( and nobody really knows what it will ultimately contain anyway) that nobody can get an accurate count. However, one key item that should be quite a precursor of the unlimited and unstoppable costs that will be thrown at existing insurance companies is the FACT that they will be REQUIRED TO HAVE NO CAPS ON LIFETIME COVERAGE AND MUST ACCEPT PEOPLE WITH PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS!

This is the most egregious example of the pure stupidity and naivete of the administration health advisers who do not understand the concept of how insurance plans of any type work!

No insurance company anywhere could write policies which have NO LIMITS! That is outright stupid and financially imprudent. No insurance company oversight board would allow in good conscience such an underwriting standard, without an equally very high premium!

Imagine, if you could buy an UNLIMITED life insurance policy; would that be a ridiculous proposal? YES, BUT NOT TO OUR GOVERNMENT! This is what they are proposing that companies do!

Insurance companies that will be writing health insurance in the future based on just these two proposals, will be bankrupt, and will be asking for the government to bail them out very shortly as this is a ridiculous proposal!

The next dumbest idea and one that is being lied about with impunity by the president, is that reducing the benefits paid under MEDICARE by $500 BILLION or more will NOT AFFECT CARE FOR SENIORS and others now on it such as disabled people.

Anybody with even a public school education can tell that less is not more! Less doctors will accept MEDICARE patients. The patients will get less care or less care will be authorized by the myriad of HEALTH PANELS, and commissions that will control everything you receive as a patient!


Listening to Obama pitch his plan, you might not realize that's how it works.

Visiting a Cleveland suburb this week, the president described how individuals and small businesses will be able to buy coverage in a new kind of health insurance marketplace, gaining the same strength in numbers that federal employees have.

"You'll be able to buy in, or a small business will be able to buy into this pool," Obama said. "And that will lower rates, it's estimated, by up to 14 to 20 percent over what you're currently getting. That's money out of pocket."

And that's not all.

Obama asked his audience for a show of hands from people with employer-provided coverage, what most Americans have.

"Your employer, it's estimated, would see premiums fall by as much as 3,000 percent," said the president, "which means they could give you a raise." This idiotic statement was obviously read by the POTUS without understanding of what he actually said! he had no idea of math concepts, he had no idea of what he was talking about!

A White House press spokesman later said the president misspoke; he had meant to say annual premiums would drop by $3,000. DREAM ON! More care, less cost, right, the president must be still drinking a lot, like the tabloids report.

It could be a long wait.

"There's no question premiums are still going to keep going up," said Larry Levitt of the Kaiser Family Foundation, a research clearinghouse on the health care system. "There are pieces of reform that will hopefully keep them from going up as fast. But it would be miraculous if premiums actually went down relative to where they are today."

The statistics Obama based his claims on come from two sources. In both cases, the caveats got left out.

A report for the Business Roundtable, an association of big company CEOs, was the source for the claim that employers could save $3,000 per worker on health care costs, the White House said. Give me a break, as John Stossel would say!

Issued in November, the report looked generally at proposals that Democrats were considering to curb health care costs, concluding they had the potential to significantly reduce future increases.

But the analysis didn't consider specific legislation, much less the final language being tweaked this week. It's unclear to what degree the bill that the House is expected to vote on within days would reduce costs for employers.

An analysis by the Congressional Budget Office of earlier Senate legislation suggested savings could be fairly modest.

It found that large employers would see premium savings of at most 3 percent compared with what their costs would have been without the legislation. That would be more like a few hundred dollars instead of several thousand.

The claim that people buying coverage individually would save 14 percent to 20 percent comes from the same budget office report, prepared in November for Sen. Evan Bayh, D-Ind. But the presidential sound bite fails to convey the full picture.

The budget office concluded that premiums for people buying their own coverage would go up by an average of 10 percent to 13 percent, compared with the levels they'd reach without the legislation. That's mainly because policies in the individual insurance market would provide more comprehensive benefits than they do today.

For most households, those added costs would be more than offset by the tax credits provided under the bill, and they would pay significantly less than they have to now.

The premium reduction of 14 percent to 20 percent that Obama cites would apply only to a portion of the people buying coverage on their own — those who decide they want to keep the skimpier kinds of policies available today.

Their costs would go down because more young people would be joining the risk pool and because insurance company overhead costs would be lower in the more efficient system Obama wants to create.

The president usually alludes to that distinction in his health care stump speech, saying the savings would accrue to those people who continue to buy "comparable" coverage to what they have today.

But many of his listeners may not pick up on it.

"People are likely to not buy the same low-value policies they are buying now," said health economist Len Nichols of George Mason University. "If they did buy the same value plans ... the premium would be lower than it is now. This makes the White House statement true. But is it possibly misleading for some people? Sure."




Out of the many states that are now "unofficially" bankrupt, insolvent, or unable to pay their bills, Illinois is a poster child of how NOT TO ATTRACT NEW businesses to the state!

At the present time Illinois has some $6 billion in bills that it can not pay, it has no money! So far nobody in Illinois government, has offered to cut salaries of the bloated bureaucracy, or offered to cut the agencies, the red-tape, the reports and filings that burden every conceivable business in the state.

Oh, did you notice that every agency has a director, assistant directors, deputy directors, limos, state cars, offices and staff, and bloated budgets? Does everyone working at each of these agencies have to get a pension that is equal to their last salary? What about that starting salary...why not $10-$12 an hour, instead of $79,900 annually for processing the multitude of tax forms ( see listing below)?

Illinois is not alone, California's paperwork and taxes of every type dwarfs every other state, and is the most "unofficially bankrupt" state as well.

States have long considered their businesses a "milking cow" and after many years of milking the businesses, they have never considered the possibility that the money faucet would go dry!

SURPRISE, this is the first time that finally businesses are running out or money and profits to be taxed by the states! Note that many of the taxes listed below and the required forms to be filed, are in effect USE type of taxes, which means that they are not related to income, but they tax the very transaction that a business may participate in such as selling a car, or a freshly made sandwich, irregardless of profit.

This is good for the state, but does not necessarily help any business make a profit or stimulate more business for it.

The list below is part of the WELCOME TO THE STATE OF ILLINOIS web site, and if this is not sufficient to make a business owner think twice before investing any money to do business here, I do not know what will.

Also, keep in mind that there is a DIRECTOR in charge of each of these, and who can keep up with how many assistants and employees are needed to process all these TAX forms!

And the pundits are wondering why businesses don't get started in Illinois ( or in California or New York ????

Look at the forms below, this is your answer.

Tax Forms

* Aircraft/Watercraft Use Tax Transaction Return (RUT-75), RUT-75
Aircraft/Watercraft Use Tax Transaction Return
* Aircraft/Watercraft Use Tax Transaction Return - Amended (RUT-75-X) (PDF 41.79 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RUT-75-X
Use this form to make a change to a previously filed RUT-75, Aircraft/Watercraft Use Tax Transaction Return
* Amended County Motor Fuel Tax Multiple Site Return (IL-CMFT-2-X) (PDF 14.13 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-CMFT-2-X
Use this form to make a change to a previously filed IL-CMFT-2, Multiple Site County Motor Fuel Tax Return
* Amended County Motor Fuel Tax Return (IL-CMFT-1-X) (PDF 13.23 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-CMFT-X
Use this form to make a change to a previously filed (IL-CMFT-1, County Motor Fuel Tax Return
* Amended Prepaid Sales Tax Return (PST-1-X) (PDF 28.73 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., PST-1-X
Use this form to make a change to a previously filed PST-1, Prepaid Sales Tax Return
* Amended Use Tax Transaction Return (RUT-25-X) (PDF 46.47 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RUT-25-X
Use this form to make a change to a previously filed RUT-25, Vehicle Use Tax Transaction Return
* Amended Vehicle Use Tax Transaction Return (RUT-50-X) (PDF 41.76 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RUT-50-X
Use this form to make a change to a previously filed RUT-50, Use Tax Transaction Return
* Annual Report of Manufacturer's Purchase Credit Earned (ST-16) (PDF 33.48 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., ST-16
Use this form for MPC earned on tax-exempt purchases of manufacturing or graphic arts machinery and equipment made on ... more info
* Annual Report of Manufacturer's Purchase Credit Used (ST-17) (PDF 32.98 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., ST-17
You must complete this report if you have used Manufacturer’s Purchase Credit (MPC) to satisfy state use or service use ... more info
* Annual Report of Manufacturer's Purchase Credit Used - Amended (ST-17-X) (PDF 17.15 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., ST-17-X
You must complete this report to make changes to a previously filed Annual Report of Manufacturer's Purchase Credit ... more info
* Application for bingo supplier's license (PDF 22.48 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RB-2
Application for bingo supplier's license
* Application for Charitable Game Supplier’s License (RCG-7) (PDF 23.33 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RCG-7
Application for Charitable Game Supplier’s License
* Application for Duplicate Credit Memorandum (ETS-33) (PDF 13.09 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., ETS-33
Application for Duplicate Credit Memorandum
* Application for Expanded Temporary Storage Permit (ST-49) (PDF 8.30 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., ST-49
This permit is available for businesses that engage in cetralized purchasing in Illinois. Centralized purchasing is an ... more info
* Application for Pull Tab Manufacturer’s or Supplier’s License (PDF 22.73 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., PT-8
Application for Pull Tab Manufacturer’s or Supplier’s License
* Application or Annual Report for Charitable Game Equipment Ownership Permit (RCG-9) (PDF 11.66 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RCG-9
Application or Annual Report for Charitable Game Equipment Ownership Permit
* Application to File Individual Income Tax Returns Electronically (IL-8633-I) (PDF 25.68 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-8633-I
Application to File Individual Income Tax Returns Electronically
* Assistance Charges Return for Electricity Distributors (RPU-6) (PDF 15.72 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RPU-6
You must file Form RPU-6, Assistance Charges Return for Electricity Customers, if you are a public utility, an electric ... more info
* Assistance Charges Return for Natural Gas Distributors (RG-6) (PDF 15.11 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RG-6
You must file Form RG-6, Assistance Charges Return for Natural Gas Distributors, if you are a public utility, a gas ... more info
* Authorization Agreement for Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT-1) (PDF 35.18 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., EFT-1
Authorization Agreement for Electronic Funds Transfer
* Automobile Renting Occupation and Use Tax Return (ART-1) (PDF 18.78 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., ART-1
You must file Form ART-1 if you are in the business of renting or leasing, for periods of one year or less, ... more info
* Automobile Renting Occupation and Use Tax Return - Amended - (ART-1-X) (PDF 19.62 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., ART-1-X
You must file this form to make changes to a previously filed Form ART-1.
* Automobile Renting Occupation and Use Tax Return Multiple Site Form (ART-2) (PDF 15.07 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., ART-2
You must complete this schedule is required if you are required to file Form ART-1, Automobile Renting Occupation and ... more info
* Automobile Renting Occupation and Use Tax Return Multiple Site Form - Amended (ART-2-X) (PDF 13.02 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., ART-2-X
You must complete this schedule to make changes to a previously filed Form ART-2, Automobile Renting Occupation and ... more info
* Bingo Application for License (RB-3) (PDF 19.63 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RB-3
Bingo Application for License
* Bingo Supplier Quarterly Report (RB-41) (PDF 11.93 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RB-41
All suppliers of bingo supplies and equipment must file this report within 30 days after the end of any quarter during ... more info
* Bingo Tax Return (RB-1 (PDF 17.09 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RB-1
Bingo Tax Return
* Board of Appeals - Financial Information Statement for Businesses (BOA-5) (PDF 25.14 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., BOA-5
Financial Information Statement is filed in conjunction with a petition to Board of Appeals.
* Board of Appeals - Financial Information Statement for Individuals (BOA-4) (PDF 26.89 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., BOA-4
Financial Information Statement is filed in conjunction with a petition to Board of Appeals.
* Board of Appeals - Voluntary Disclosure (BOA-2) (PDF 12.92 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., BOA-2
You must complete this application if you are interested in applying to the Board of Appeals for voluntary disclosure ... more info
* Board of Appeals Petition (BOA-1) (PDF 39.44 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., BOA-1
You must use Form BOA-1, Board of Appeals Petition, to apply for relief from penalty or interest assessed on the ... more info
* Business Electronic Filing Enrollment (IL-8633-B) (PDF 42.44 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-8633-B
Any business wishing to enroll in the Illinois Department of Revenue’s (IDOR) business electronic filing and payment ... more info
* Certificate of Purchase for Expanded Temporary Storage (CRT-62) (PDF 15.81 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., CRT-62
Certificate of Purchase for Expanded Temporary Storage
* Certificate of Resale (CRT-61) (PDF 10.90 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., CRT-61
Certificate of Resale
* Certificate of Residence in Illinois (IL-W-5) (PDF 18.31 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-W-5
You must complete this form if you are an Illinois resident who performs personal services and the income is taxable ... more info
* Certificate of Residence in Nonresidence Illinois (IL-W-5-NR) (PDF 18.74 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-W-5-NR
You must complete Part 1 of this form if you are a resident of Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, or Wisconsin and elect to ... more info
* Charitable Games Application for License (RCG-1) (PDF 17.00 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RCG-1
Charitable Games Application for License
* Charitable Games Supplier Quarterly Report (RCG-24) (PDF 13.45 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RCG-24
All suppliers of charitable games supplies and equipment must file this report within 20 days after the end of any ... more info
* Charitable Games Tax Return (RCG-18) (PDF 22.65 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RCG-18
Charitable Games Tax Return
* Chicago Soft Drink Tax Return (ST-14), ST-14
Chicago Soft Drink Tax Return
* Chicago Soft Drink Tax Return - Amended (ST-14-X) (PDF 15.02 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., ST-14-X
File this form to make changes to a previously filed Chicago Soft Drink Tax Return.
* Cigarette Importation Report (RC-25) (PDF 24.43 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RC-25
Cigarette Importation Report
* Cigarette Manufacturer/Importer Certification (RC-25-A) (PDF 20.94 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RC-25-A
Cigarette Manufacturer/Importer Certification
* Cigarette Revenue Return (RC-6) (PDF 39.38 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RC-6
Cigarette Revenue Return
* Cigarette Revenue Return - Amended (RC-6-X) (PDF 19.52 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RC-6-X
Use this form to make changes to a previously filed Cigarette Revenue Return
* Cigarette Revenue Return Worksheet (RC-6-W) (PDF 16.10 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RC-6-W
Cigarette Revenue Return Worksheet
* Cigarette Tax, CIGTAX_EFILE, Cigarette Tax Electronic Filing Booklet (PDF 230.02 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., What is the Cigarette Tax & Cigarette Use Tax
Returns and schedules associated with Cigarette Tax, which is imposed on the occupation of selling cigarettes at ... more info
* Cigarette Tax Claim for Credit (RC-16) (PDF 16.95 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RC-16
Cigarette Tax Claim for Credit
* Cigarette Tax Stamp Order-Invoice (RC-1-A) (PDF 29.12 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RC-1-A
Cigarette Tax Stamp Order-Invoice
* Cigarette Use Tax Return (RC-44) (PDF 41.54 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RC-44
Any person who brings cigarettes into Illinois for use in Illinois owes two taxes. They owe cigarette use tax on ... more info
* Cigarettes Imported for Sale with no Illinois Cigarette Revenue Stamps Affixed to Original Packages RC-7 Schedule CA (PDF 14.41 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RC-7 SCHEDULE CA
Use this form to report Cigarettes Imported for Sale with no Illinois Cigarette Revenue Stamps Affixed to Original ... more info
* Cigarettes Purchased in Illinois with no Illinois Cigarette Revenue Stamps Affixed to Original Packages RC-8 Schedule CB (PDF 14.88 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RC-8 SCHEDULE CB
Use this form to report Cigarettes Purchased in Illinois with no Illinois Cigarette Revenue Stamps Affixed to Original ... more info
* Claim for Credit for Hotel Tax Paid (IDR-85-H) (PDF 16.54 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IDR-85-H
You must complete all steps on this form before we can process your claim for credit. You must also attach to this form ... more info
* Claim for Credit for Repossession of Motor Vehicles (ST-557) (PDF 18.35 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., ST-557
Claim for Credit for Repossession of Motor Vehicles
* Claim for Credit for Tax or Fees Paid (IDR-85) (PDF 16.33 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IDR-85
You must complete all steps on this form before we can process your claim for credit. You must also attach to this form ... more info
* Claim for Credit for Tax or Fees Paid - Gaming (IDR-85-G) (PDF 15.43 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IDR-85-G
You must complete all steps on this form before we can process your claim for credit. You must also attach to this form ... more info
* Claim For Verified Overpayment (ST-6) (PDF 22.25 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., ST-6
Claim For Verified Overpayment
* Coin-Operated Amusement Device Schedule (RCOA-1-A) (PDF 17.61 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RCOA-1-A
Coin-Operated Amusement Device Schedule
* Coin-Operated Amusement Device Tax Decal Claim for Credit (RCOA-19) (PDF 25.46 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RCOA-19
Coin-Operated Amusement Device Tax Decal Claim for Credit
* Coin-Operated Amusement Device Tax Decal Order Form (RCOA-1) (PDF 35.47 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RCOA-1
If you display or operate a coin-operated amusement device (COAD) or redemption machine to be played/operated by the ... more info
* Coin-Operated Amusement Device Tax Decal Transfer Application (RCOA-17) (PDF 25.10 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RCOA-17
Coin-Operated Amusement Device Tax Decal Transfer Application
* Computation of Penalties for Businesses (IL-2220) (PDF 34.79 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-2220, Instructions for the IL-2220 (PDF 92.54 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window.
Use this form to compute of Penalties for Businesses
* Computation of Penalties for Individuals (IL-2210) (PDF 41.30 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-2210
Computation of Penalties for Individuals
* Corporate Automatic Extension Payment - (IL-505-B) - Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), IL-505-B - ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER (EFT)
EFT is an electronic payment method that you use to pay your tax liabilities. Instead of writing a check for the amount ... more info
* Corporate Income and Replacement Tax Return (IL-1120) (PDF 37.35 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-1120, IL-1120 Instructions (PDF 94.61 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window.
Corporate Income and Replacement Tax Return
* Corporate Income and Replacement Tax Return - Amended (IL-1120-X) (PDF 37.61 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-1120-X, IL-1120-X Instructions (PDF 51.05 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window.
Use this form to make corrections to a previously filed, IL-1120, Corporate Income and Replacement Tax Return
* County Motor Fuel Tax Return (CMFT-1) (PDF 13.23 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., CMFT-1
County Motor Fuel Tax Return
* County Motor Fuel Tax Return - Multiple Site Form (CMFT-2) (PDF 9.29 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., CMFT-2
County Motor Fuel Tax Return - Multiple Site Form
* Debtor Information & Interrogatories to Employer (EDC-111) (PDF 22.13 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., EDC-111
Debtor Information & Interrogatories to Employer
* Debtor Information & Interrogatories to Employer (EDC-111-C) (PDF 22.37 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., EDC-111-C
Debtor Information & Interrogatories to Employer
* Declaration of Unaffixed Cigarette Stamps (RC-27-B) (PDF 20.75 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RC-27-B
Declaration of Unaffixed Cigarette Stamps
* Dry-Cleaning Solvent Tax Return (DS-1) (PDF 17.23 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., DS-1
You must file Form DS-1, Dry-Cleaning Solvent Tax Return, if you are in the business of selling dry cleaning solvents ... more info
* Dry-Cleaning Solvent Tax Return - Amended (DS-1-X) (PDF 23.61 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., DS-1-X
File this return to make changes to a previously filed Form DS-1, Dry-Cleaning Solvent Tax Return.
* Dry-Cleaning Solvents Sold - Schedule A (DS-7) (PDF 9.60 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., DS-7
Attach to Form DS-1, Dry-Cleaning Solvent Tax Return.
* Electricity Distribution & Invested Capital Tax ES Payment - (ICT-1) - Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), ICT-1- ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER (EFT)
EFT is an electronic payment method that you use to pay your tax liabilities. Instead of writing a check for the amount ... more info
* Electricity Distribution and Invested Capital Tax Estimated Payment (ICT-1) (PDF 17.05 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., ICT-1
Electricity Distribution Tax is imposed on persons who: distribute, supply, furnish, or sell electricity for use or ... more info
* Electricity Distribution and Invested Capital Tax Return (ICT-4) (PDF 24.94 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., ICT-4
You must file and pay tax on • your invested capital (i.e., Invested Capital Tax) if you are in the business of ... more info
* Electricity Distribution and Invested Capital Tax Return - Amended (ICT-4-X) (PDF 29.98 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., ICT-4-X
File this return to make changes to a previously filed Form ICT-4, Electricity Distribution and Invested Capital Tax ... more info
* Electricity Excise Tax Return (RPU-13) (PDF 18.94 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RPU-13
You must file Form RPU-13, Electricity Excise Tax Return, if you are in the business of distributing, supplying, ... more info
* Electricity Excise Tax Return - Amended (RPU-13-X) (PDF 19.59 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RPU-13-X
Use this form to make a change to a previously filed, RPU-13, Electricity Excise Tax Return.
* Electricity Tax Return -Self-Assessing Purchaser Worksheet (RPU-5) (PDF 15.34 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RPU-5
If you purchase electricity for nonresidential use and choose to register and pay the Electricity Excise Tax directly ... more info
* Employee's Illinois Withholding Allowance Certificate (IL-W-4) (PDF 34.80 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-W-4
Employee's Illinois Withholding Allowance Certificate
* Energy Efficiency Program Payment Form (RPU-10) (PDF 19.42 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RPU-10
The Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs will notify you of the amount you owe for your share of ... more info
* Equipment Exemption Certificate (ST-587) (PDF 22.50 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., ST-587
Equipment Exemption Certificate
* Estimated Corporate Income & Replacement Tax Payment - (IL-1120-ES) - Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), IL-1120-ES
EFT is an electronic payment method that you use to pay your tax liabilities. Instead of writing a check for the amount ... more info
* Estimated Individual Income Tax Payment- (IL-1040-ES) - Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), IL-1040-ES - ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER (EFT)
EFT is an electronic payment method that you use to pay your tax liabilities. Instead of writing a check for the amount ... more info
* Excise Tax Account Inquiry, EXCISE TAX ACCOUNT INQUIRY
The Account Summary Inquiry System provides summaries of your credit and assessment balances and details regarding your ... more info
* Financial and Other Information Statement for Businesses (EG-13-B) (PDF 15.96 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., EG-13-B
Businesses requesting a payment installment plan for a debt other than Individual Income Tax must complete Form ... more info
* Financial and Other Information Statement for Individuals (EG-13-I) (PDF 26.75 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., EG-13-I
Individuals requesting a payment installment plan for an Individual Income Tax liability must complete Form EG-13-I, ... more info
* Gains from Sales of Employer's Securities Received from a Qualified Employee Benefit Plan and Instructions (IL-4644) (PDF 31.41 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-4644
Use this form to report Gains from Sales of Employer's Securities Received from a Qualified Employee Benefit Plan and ... more info
* Gambling Withholding Exemption Certificate (IL-W-4-G) (PDF 26.84 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-W-4-G
Gambling Withholding Exemption Certificate
* Gas Tax - Webfile (RG-1), RG - 1, What is the Gas Tax?
Tax return required to be filed by persons who distribute, supply, furnish or sell natural gas for use or consumption ... more info
* Gas Use Tax Exemption Certificate (RG-61) (PDF 26.88 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RG-61
Gas Use Tax Exemption Certificate
* Gas, Telecommunications & Electric Quarter-Monthly Payment-(RPU-50) - Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), RPU-50- ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER (EFT)
EFT is an electronic payment method that you use to pay your tax liabilities. Instead of writing a check for the amount ... more info
* Hotel Operators' Occupation Tax Return - Multiple-Site Schedule (RHM-7) (PDF 128.13 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RHM-7
You must file this multiple site schedule to Form RHM-1 if you are in the business of renting, leasing, or letting ... more info
* IDES Form to Voluntarily Elect UI Coverage for Their Employees (PDF 18.77 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., UI-1B
The UI-1b Form is a fillable, saveable PDF form generally used by non-commercial employers to voluntarily elect UI ... more info
* Il 1040 - Sch ED Credit for K-12 Education Expenses (PDF 44.97 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-1040 SCH ED
You must complete this schedule if you did not receive a Receipt for Qualified K-12 Education Expenses from your ... more info
* IL-1040 Address Change, IL-1040 ADDRESS CHANGE
Update your mailing address.
* IL-1040 Sch F Gains from Sales or Exchanges of Property Acquired Before 8/1/69 (PDF 51.37 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-1040-SCH F
Use this form to report Gains from Sales or Exchanges of Property Acquired Before 8/1/69 associated with an Illinois ... more info
* IL-1040 Sch M Other Additions & Subtractions (PDF 31.14 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-1040-SCH M, Instructions for Sch M (PDF 42.68 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window.
Use this form to report Other Additions & Subtractions associated with an Illinois Income Tax Return
* IL-1040 Sch NR Nonresident and Part-year resident Computation of Illinois Tax (PDF 34.15 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-1040-SCH NR, Instructions for Sch NR (PDF 92.21 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window.
Use this form for Nonresident and Part-year resident Computation of Illinois Tax associated with an Illinois Income ... more info
* Illinois Amended Return or Notice of Change in Income (IL-843) (PDF 48.29 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-843
Illinois Amended Return or Notice of Change in Income
* Illinois Annual Withholding Income Tax Return (IL-W-3) (PDF 27.82 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-W-3
You must file Form IL-W-3 if you are required to withhold Illinois Income Tax from payments you make to recipients ... more info
* Illinois Annual Withholding Income Tax Return - Amended (IL-W-3-X) (PDF 26.57 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-W-3-X
Use this form to make a change to a previously filed Form IL-W-3.
* Illinois Business Registration, REG-1
Illinois Business Registration
* Illinois Composite Estimated Tax Payments for Partners and Shareholders (IL-1023-CES) (PDF 33.84 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-1023-CES
Illinois Composite Estimated Tax Payments for Partners and Shareholders
* Illinois Composite Income and Replacement Tax Return (IL-1023-C) (PDF 25.79 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-1023-C
Illinois Composite Income and Replacement Tax Return
* Illinois Exempt Organization Income and Replacement Tax Return (IL-990-T) (PDF 32.48 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-990-T
You must file Form IL-990-T, Illinois Exempt Organization Income and Replacement Tax Return, if you are an organization ... more info
* Illinois Partnership Replacement Tax Return (IL-1065) (PDF 40.45 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-1065
You must file Form IL-1065 if you are a partnership, and you have base income or loss as defined under the Illinois ... more info
* Illinois Quarterly Withholding Income Tax Return and Instructions (IL-941) (PDF 31.42 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-941
You must file Form IL-941 if you paid wages, salaries, and gambling winnings (including Illinois lottery) that are ... more info
* Illinois Use Tax Return (ST-44) (PDF 30.96 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., ST-44
Illinois Use Tax Return
* Illinois Withholding Income Tax Payment Form and Instructions (IL-501) (PDF 33.93 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-501
Illinois Withholding Income Tax Payment Form and Instructions
* Income Tax Subtractions & Credits (IL-1299-C) (PDF 41.37 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-1299-C
Use this form to report Income Tax Subtractions & Credits
* Individual Automatic Extension Payment - (IL-505-I) - Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), IL-505-I - ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER (EFT)
EFT is an electronic payment method that you use to pay your tax liabilities. Instead of writing a check for the amount ... more info
* Individual Income Tax Electronic Filing Declaration (PDF 38.69 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-8453
For Individual income tax Electronic filing - Form IL-8453 is for Electronic Return Originators' (EROs) use only. ... more info
* Individual Income Tax Return (IL-1040) (PDF 153.16 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-1040
Illinois Individual Income Tax Return
* Individual Income Tax Return (IL-1040) Webfile, IL-1040, Illinois Income Tax Information
Individual income tax return.
* Individual Income Tax Return-Amended (IL-1040-X) (PDF 45.68 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-1040-X
Use this form to make changes to a previously filed Illinois Individual Income Tax Return
* Limited Bingo Tax Return (RB-1L) (PDF 13.31 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RB-1-L
Limited Bingo Tax Return
* Limited Pull Tab and Jar Game Tax Return (PDF 32.80 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., PT-11
Limited Pull Tab and Jar Game Tax Return
* Liquor Distributor Report, RL-26-R
Report of liquor sales to retailers.
* List of Bingo Workers (RB-40) (PDF 25.58 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RB-40
Use this form to list the individuals who will participate in the management or operation of your bingo games.
* List of Charitable Game Workers (RCG-2) (PDF 14.24 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RCG-2
Use this form to list the individuals who will participate in the management or operation of your charitable games.
* Look up a 1099-G, LOOK UP A 1099-G
Look up a 1099-G - record of "certain government payments"
* Look up a IL-1040 Bill or Notice, LOOK UP AN IL-1040 BILL OR NOTICE
Look up a copy of a bill or notice sent to you regarding your IL-1040.
* Look up a IL-1040-ES Payment, LOOK UP A IL-1040-ES PAYMENT
Look up your IL-1040 estimated payment history.
* Look up your IL-1040 refund, LOOK UP YOUR IL-1040 REFUND
Find out the status of your IL 1040 refund
* Manufacturer's Purchase Credit Certificate (ST-16-C) (PDF 37.85 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., ST-16-C
Manufacturer's Purchase Credit Certificate
* Medical Care Savings Account Penalty Payment (IL-601) (PDF 29.73 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-601
Medical Care Savings Account Penalty Payment
* MFUT-12 - Motor Fuel Use Tax, Application for Motor Fuel Use tax License and Decals (PDF 34.40 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., MFUT-12
Motor Fuel Use Tax, Application for Motor Fuel Use tax License and Decals
* MFUT-15 - IFTA Quarterly Return (PDF 36.30 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., MFUT-15
IFTA Quarterly Return
* MFUT-15-T - IFTA Fuel Tax Rate Sheet (PDF 66.58 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., MFUT-15-T
Use this sheet to complete Form MFUT-15, Columns D and K. These rates are per gallon of motor fuel and are for the ... more info
* Motor Fuel Distributor/Supplier Tax Return (RMFT-5) (PDF 49.02 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RMFT-5
If you are a licensed distributor or licensed supplier who sells or uses motor fuel for any purpose, you must file this ... more info
* Motor Fuel Tax Return - Schedule A - Gasoline Products Produced, Acquired, Received, or Transported into Illinois (PDF 14.12 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RMFT - SCHEDULE A
File this schedule with your motor fuel tax return to report Gasoline Products Produced, Acquired, Received, or ... more info
* Motor Fuel Tax Return - Schedule B - Gasoline Products Sold to the Federal Government, Authorized Foreign Diplomats, Municipal Corporations, and Privately Owned Public Utilities Owning and Operating Local Transportation Systems, or for Aviation Purposes (PDF 23.52 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RMFT - SCHEDULE B
File this schedule with your motor fuel tax return to report Gasoline Products Sold to the Federal Government, ... more info
* Motor Fuel Tax Return - Schedule C - Sales and Transfers of Gasoline Products Delivered to Points Outside of Illinois (PDF 11.10 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RMFT - SCHEDULE C
Sales and Transfers of Gasoline Products Delivered to Points Outside of Illinois
* Motor Fuel Tax Return - Schedule D - Gasoline Products Sold and Distributed Tax and Fee-Free in Illinois to Licensed Distributors and Receivers (PDF 11.73 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RMFT - SCHEDULE D
Sales and Transfers of Gasoline Products Delivered to Points Outside of Illinois Gasoline Products Sold and Distributed ... more info
* Motor Fuel Tax Return - Schedule DA - Dyed Diesel Fuel Produced, Acquired, Received, or Transported into Illinois (PDF 14.77 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RMFT - SCHEDULE DA
Dyed Diesel Fuel Produced, Acquired, Received, or Transported into Illinois
* Motor Fuel Tax Return - Schedule DB - Dyed Diesel Fuel Sold to the Federal Government, Authorized Foreign Diplomats, Municipal Corporations Owning and Operating Local Transportation Systems, and Certain Privately Owned Public Utilities (PDF 23.19 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RMFT - SCHEDULE DB
Dyed Diesel Fuel Sold to the Federal Government, Authorized Foreign Diplomats, Municipal Corporations Owning and ... more info
* Motor Fuel Tax Return - Schedule DC - Sales and Transfers of Dyed Diesel Fuel Delivered to Points Outside of Illinois (PDF 11.38 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RMFT - SCHEDULE DC
Sales and Transfers of Dyed Diesel Fuel Delivered to Points Outside of Illinois
* Motor Fuel Tax Return - Schedule DD - Dyed Diesel Fuel Sold and Distributed Tax and Fee-Free in Illinois to Licensed Distributors and Suppliers (PDF 14.32 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RMFT - SCHEDULE DD
Dyed Diesel Fuel Sold and Distributed Tax and Fee-Free in Illinois to Licensed Distributors and Suppliers
* Motor Fuel Tax Return - Schedule DD-1- Tax-free Sales of Dyed Diesel Fuel Products to Other than a Distributor or Supplier in Illinois (PDF 24.57 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RMFT - SCHEDULE DD-1
Tax-free Sales of Dyed Diesel Fuel Products to Other than a Distributor or Supplier in Illinois
* Motor Fuel Tax Return - Schedule E - Tax and Fee Paid Purchases (PDF 13.16 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RMFT - SCHEDULE E
Tax and Fee-Paid Purchases
* Motor Fuel Tax Return - Schedule F - Specific Losses Claimed (PDF 11.85 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RMFT - SCHEDULE F
Specific Losses Claimed
* Motor Fuel Tax Return - Schedule GA-1 - Alcohol Compressed Gases or 1-K Kerosene Sold in Illinois as Motor Fuel (PDF 10.65 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RMFT - SCHEDULE GA-1
Alcohol Compressed Gases or 1-K Kerosene Sold in Illinois as Motor Fuel
* Motor Fuel Tax Return - Schedule J - Petroleum Products Received in Illinois for Refining Purposes (PDF 10.71 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RMFT - SCHEDULE J
Petroleum Products Received in Illinois for Refining Purposes
* Motor Fuel Tax Return - Schedule LA - Fuels Other Than Gasoline Products and Special Fuels Produced, Acquired, Received, or Transported into Illinois (PDF 13.53 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RMFT - SCHEDULE LA
Fuels Other Than Gasoline Products and Special Fuels Produced, Acquired, Received, or Transported into Illinois
* Motor Fuel Tax Return - Schedule LB - UST/EIF Exemption for Sales of Aviation Fuels, Kerosene, and Diesel Fuel (PDF 27.00 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RMFT - SCHEDULE LB
UST/EIF Exemption for Sales of Aviation Fuels, Kerosene, and Diesel Fuel
* Motor Fuel Tax Return - Schedule LC - Sales and Transfers of Fuels Other Than Gasoline Products and Special Fuels Delivered to Points Outside of Illinois (PDF 12.97 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RMFT - SCHEDULE LC
Sales and Transfers of Fuels Other Than Gasoline Products and Special Fuels Delivered to Points Outside of Illinois
* Motor Fuel Tax Return - Schedule LD - Fuels Other Than Gasoline Products and Special Fuels Sold Tax and Fee-Free to Other Licensed receivers in Illinois (PDF 12.89 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RMFT - SCHEDULE LD
Fuels Other Than Gasoline Products and Special Fuels Sold Tax and Fee-Free to Other Licensed receivers in Illinois
* Motor Fuel Tax Return - Schedule M - Gasoline MFT, UST, and EIF Products Used for Blending (PDF 14.11 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RMFT - SCHEDULE M
Gasoline MFT, UST, and EIF Products Used for Blending
* Motor Fuel Tax Return - Schedule SA - Special Fuel (Excluding Dyed Diesel Fuel) Produced, Acquired, Received, or Transported into Illinois (PDF 15.26 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RMFT - SCHEDULE SA
Special Fuel (Excluding Dyed Diesel Fuel) Produced, Acquired, Received, or Transported into Illinois
* Motor Fuel Tax Return - Schedule SB - Special Fuels (Excluding Dyed Diesel Fuel) Sold to the Federal Government, Authorized Foreign Diplomats, or Municipal Corporations and Privately Owned Public Utilities Owning and operating Local Transportation Systems (PDF 23.72 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RMFT - SCHEDULE SB
Special Fuels (Excluding Dyed Diesel Fuel) Sold to the Federal Government, Authorized Foreign Diplomats, or Municipal ... more info
* Motor Fuel Tax Return - Schedule SC - Sales and Transfers of Special Fuel (Excluding Dyed Diesel Fuel) Delivered to Points Outside of Illinois (PDF 12.10 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RMFT - SCHEDULE SC
Sales and Transfers of Special Fuel (Excluding Dyed Diesel Fuel) Delivered to Points Outside of Illinois
* Motor Fuel Tax Return - Schedule SD - Special Fuel (Excluding Dyed Diesel Fuel) Sold and Distributed Tax and Fee-Free in Illinois to Licensed Distributors and Suppliers (PDF 14.98 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RMFT - SCHEDULE SD
Special Fuel (Excluding Dyed Diesel Fuel) Sold and Distributed Tax and Fee-Free in Illinois to Licensed Distributors ... more info
* Motor Fuel Tax Return - Schedule SE - Tax and Fee-Free Paid Purchases of Special Fuel (Excluding Dyed Diesel Fuel) (PDF 15.66 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RMFT - SCHEDULE SE
Tax and Fee-Free Paid Purchases of Special Fuel (Excluding Dyed Diesel Fuel)
* MPEA Food & Beverage Tax Return (ST-4) (PDF 29.65 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., ST-4
MPEA Food & Beverage Tax Return
* MPEA Food & Beverage Tax Return - Amended - (ST-4-X) (PDF 24.43 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., ST-4-X
MPEA Food & Beverage Tax Return (Amended)
* MPEA Food & Beverage Tax Return - Amended Multiple Site Form - (ST-7-X) (PDF 8.95 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., ST-7-X
MPEA Food & Beverage Tax Return - Multiple Site Form (Amended)
* MPEA Food & Beverage Tax Return - Multiple Site Form - (ST-7) (PDF 9.70 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., ST-7
MPEA Food & Beverage Tax Return - Multiple Site Form
* Notice - Power of Attorney for Illinois Employers (PDF 55.59 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., LE-10
The LE-10 is a fillable, saveable PDF form that allows a representative to have Power of Attorney for an employer.
* Notice - Special Mailing Form for Illinois Employers (PDF 55.72 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., UI-1M
The UI-1M is a fillable, saveable PDF form to notify IDES of a request to have correspondence sent to an address other ... more info
* Notice of Change/IDES TaxNet, UI-50A
Part of IDES/IDOR TaxNet web application, allows for online employer termination or modification of UI tax account.
* Notice of Fiduciary Relationship (IL-56) (PDF 21.63 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-56
You should file Form IL-56 when you are acting in a fiduciary capacity for a taxpayer who is unable to execute a power ... more info
* Notice of Payment Under Protest (RR-374) (PDF 9.27 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RR-374
Notice of Payment Under Protest
* Notice of Sale or Purchase of Business Assets (CBS-1) (PDF 16.19 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., CBS-1
You (or the purchaser or the transferee) must complete this form if, outside your usual course of business, you sell or ... more info
* Offer of Disposition of a Proposed Assessment or Claim Denial (ICB-2) (PDF 41.95 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., ICB-2
You should complete and submit this form if you are making an offer of disposition with the Informal Conference Board ... more info
* Out-of-State Cigarette Revenue Return (RC-6-A) (PDF 20.84 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RC-6-A
Out-of-State Cigarette Revenue Return
* Out-of-State Cigarette Revenue Return Worksheet (RC-6-A-W) (PDF 16.31 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RC-6-A-W
Out-of-State Cigarette Revenue Return Worksheet
* Out-of-State Cigarette Revenue Return- Amended (RC-6-A-X) (PDF 18.41 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RC-6-A-X
Use this form to make changes to a previously filed Out-of-State Cigarette Revenue Return
* Payment Installment Plan Request (CPP-1) (PDF 551.63 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., CPP-1, Instructions for Payment Installment Plan Request (PDF 30.37 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window.
You should file Form CPP-1, Payment Installment Plan Request, if you have tax delinquencies that you cannot pay in full ... more info
* Personal Property Replacement Tax -Partner's Annual Certification- (IL-2569) (PDF 27.96 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-2569
You must file Form IL-1065 if you are a partnership, and you have base income or loss as defined under the Illinois ... more info
* Power of Attorney (IL-2848) (PDF 87.02 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-2848
Attach a copy of this form to each specific tax return or item of correspondence for which you are requesting power of ... more info
* Power of Attorney for Administrative Hearings Proceedings (IL-2848-AH) (PDF 47.23 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-2848-AH
If you do not have a Form IL-2848, Power of Attorney, on file, you must file this original form, in person or by mail, ... more info
* Power of Attorney for Electronic Processing (IL-2848-E) (PDF 9.82 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-2848-E
You must use this form if you are a designated agent (e.g., service group, CPA, or other agent) who makes electronic ... more info
* Power of Attorney Form for Illinois Employers (PDF 55.59 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., LE-10
The LE-10 is a fillable, saveable PDF form that allows a representative to have Power of Attorney for an employer.
* Prepaid Sales Tax Quarter-Monthly Payment - (PST-3) - Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), PST-3
EFT is an electronic payment method that you use to pay your tax liabilities. Instead of writing a check for the amount ... more info
* Prepaid Sales Tax Return (PST-1) (PDF 16.33 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., PST-1
Prepaid Sales Tax Return
* Provider of Premises License Application (RB-30) (PDF 24.69 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RB-30
Provider of Premises License Application
* Pull Tab and Jar Game Quarterly Tax Return (PDF 14.60 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., PT-10
Pull Tab and Jar Game Quarterly Tax Return
* Pull Tabs and Jar Games Supplier's Quarterly Report (PDF 20.60 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., PT-16
Pull Tabs and Jar Games Supplier's Quarterly Report
* Pull Tabs Application for License (PT-6) (PDF 14.95 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., PT-6
Pull Tabs Application for License
* Qualified Solid Waste Energy Facility Payment Form (IDR-909) (PDF 20.26 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IDR-909
Qualified Solid Waste Energy Facility Payment Form
* RC-10 Schedule CD Out-of-State Cigarette Sales or Shipments (PDF 12.07 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RC-10 SCHEDULE CD
Use this form to report Out-of-State Cigarette Sales or Shipments
* RC-11 Schedule CE - Sales of Cigarettes to Licensed Illinois Distributors (PDF 11.87 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RC-11 SCHEDULE CE
Use this form to report Sales of Cigarettes to Licensed Illinois Distributors
* RC-12 Schedule CF - Inventory of Stamps and Cigarettes on Hand (PDF 30.09 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RC-12 SCHEDULE CF
Use this form to report Inventory of Stamps and Cigarettes on Hand
* RC-12-A Schedule CF-1 - Value of Stamps Purchased and Stamp Credit Memoranda (PDF 12.32 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RC-12-A SCHEDULE CF-1
Use this form to report Value of Stamps Purchased and Stamp Credit Memoranda
* RC-127 Schedule CH Other Deductions - Cigarette Tax (PDF 13.34 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RC-127 SCHEDULE CH
Other Deductions - Cigarette Tax
* RC-13 Schedule CK - Shipments of Unstamped Cigarettes into Illinois (PDF 14.18 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RC-13 SCHEDULE CK
Use this form to report Shipments of Unstamped Cigarettes into Illinois
* RC-14 Schedule CL - Shipments of Stamped Cigarettes into Illinois (PDF 13.85 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RC-14 SCHEDULE CL
Use this form to report Shipments of Stamped Cigarettes into Illinois
* RC-36 Schedule CM Sales of Cigarettes into Illinois by Manufacturers or Importers (PDF 12.63 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RC-36 SCHEDULE CM
Sales of Cigarettes into Illinois by Manufacturers or Importers
* RC-9 Schedule CC Cigarettes Purchased with Illinois Cigarette Revenue Stamps Affixed to Original Packages (PDF 14.52 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RC-9 SCHEDULE CC
Use this form to report Cigarettes Purchased with Illinois Cigarette Revenue Stamps Affixed to Original Packages
* Recapture of Investment Tax Credits (IL-4255) (PDF 33.90 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-4555
Use this form to report Recapture of Investment Tax Credits
* Receipt for Qualified Education Expenses (IL-1040-RCPT) (PDF 24.67 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-1040-RCPT
To be completed by school personnel and distributed to parents or guardians
* Replacement Tax Investment Credits (IL-477) (PDF 33.79 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-477
Use this form to claim Replacement Tax Investment Credits.
* Replacement Vehicle Tax Claim for Credit (RVT-2) (PDF 13.33 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RVT-2
An insurance company must file this form when claiming a credit for taxes previously paid on Form RVT-7, Replacement ... more info
* Report - Continuation Sheet for Wages Paid to Each Worker (PDF 49.04 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., UI-40A
The UI-40a is a fillable, saveable PDF form used as a continuation sheet to report wages for individual workers who ... more info
* Report for Employer's Corrections - Quarterly (PDF 54.19 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., UI-40C
The UI-40c is a fillable, saveable PDF form used to make corrections to previously reported quarterly wage and UI tax ... more info
* Report of Changes to Worker SSNs and Names (PDF 62.21 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., UI-40B
The UI-40b is a fillable, saveable PDF form used to notify IDES of changes to previously-reported worker SSNs and ... more info
* Report of Employer's Contributions and Wages - Quarterly/IDES TaxNet, UI-3/40
Part of IDES/IDOR TaxNet web application, allows for quarterly online employer reporting of unemployment tax and ... more info
* Report of Newly Hired Employees (PDF 801.42 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., N/A
The New Hire Reporting Form is a fillable, saveable PDF form used to notify IDES of newly hired employees.
* Report to Determine Liability Under the Unemployment Insurance Act/IDES TaxNet, UI-1
Part of IDES/IDOR TaxNet web application, allows for online employer registration and establishment of account number.
* Report to Determine Succession/IDES TaxNet, UI-1 S&P
Part of IDES/IDOR TaxNet web application, allows for online employer registration of a business "succession" and ... more info
* Request a UI Tax Clearance Letter (PDF 31.57 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., UI-2600
The UI-2600 is a fillable, saveable PDF form used by Illinois employers who sell or buy a business and want ... more info
* Request a Withholding Tax Coupon Booklet, REQUEST A WITHHOLDING TAX COUPON BOOKLET
If you have not received your Withholding Coupon Booklet, you may request that one be sent to you.
* Request by Employers for a UI Tax Refund (PDF 74.14 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., UI-28
The UI-28 is a fillable, saveable PDF form used by Illinois employers to request refunds of overpaid UI taxes.
* Request for Determination of Proper Tax Jurisdiction (RT-12) (PDF 23.75 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RT-12
If you believe you are improperly being charged the Simplified Municipal Telecommunication Tax because your service ... more info
* Request for Informal Conference Board Review (ICB-1) (PDF 48.11 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., ICB-1
By completing and filing this form, you are requesting that the Informal Conference Board (ICB) conduct an informal ... more info
* Request for Innocent Spouse Relief (IL-8857) (PDF 25.30 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-8857
Request for Innocent Spouse Relief
* Request For Signature (REG-3-D) (PDF 54.32 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., REG-3-D
Form REG-3-D must be filled out in its entirety to complete your registration or to change information previously ... more info
* Request for Tax Clearance (ITR-1) (PDF 82.36 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., ITR-1
Request for Tax Clearance
* Request for Transfer of Credit Memorandum (RCR-16) (PDF 24.77 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RCR-16
The filing of this form is required by the Illinois Department of Revenue in order to transfer a Credit memorandum to a ... more info
* Request for Vending Machine Decals (STS-80) (PDF 28.47 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., STS-80
If you own items that are sold for use or consumption (i.e., candy, beverages) that are dispensed from a vending ... more info
* RL-1 -Liquor Tax Statement of Liability (PDF 17.31 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RL-1
Liquor Tax Statement of Liability
* RL-115 - Other Illinois Liquor Tax Deductions (PDF 12.67 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RL-115
Any deductions necessary to account for all alcoholic liquor that is not subject to the Illinois Liquor Tax must be ... more info
* RL-26 Schedule A or F - Alcoholic Liquor Transactions (PDF 13.57 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RL-26 SCHEDULE A OR F
You must file Schedule A or F, Alcoholic Liquor Transactions, to report alcoholic liquors you either: • imported into ... more info
* RL-26 Schedule B, C, E, or N - Tax-free Alcoholic Liquor Sales (PDF 14.46 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RL-26 SCHEDULE B, C, E, OR N
You must file Schedule B, C, E, or N, Tax-free Alcoholic Liquor Sales, to report alcoholic liquors you sold tax-free: ... more info
* RL-26 Schedule D - Tax-free Bulk Purchases Used in Rectification, Bottling, and Blending (PDF 19.77 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RL-26 SCHEDULE D
You must file Schedule D, Tax-free Bulk Purchases Used in Rectification, Bottling, or Blending, to report alcoholic ... more info
* RL-26 Schedule G - Tax-paid Inventory (PDF 12.48 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RL-26 SCHEDULE G
You must file Schedule G, Tax-paid Inventory, to report either purchased or returned alcoholic liquors upon which the ... more info
* RL-26 Schedule H-1 - Inventory of Alcoholic Liquors Worksheet (PDF 19.04 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RL-26 SCHEDULE H-1
Inventory of Alcoholic Liquors Worksheet - to be completed at the end of each month listing (by liquor classification) ... more info
* RL-26 Schedule J - Report of Alcoholic Liquors Lost, Destroyed, or Damaged During Production and Bottling (PDF 9.42 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RL-26 SCHEDULE J
Report of alcoholic liquors lost, destroyed, or damaged during production and bottling
* RL-26 Schedule L - Out-of-State Sellers' Shipment Report (PDF 20.30 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RL-26 SCHEDULE L
You must file Schedule L, Out-of-state Sellers’ Shipment Report, if you are a seller located outside of Illinois and ... more info
* RL-26-A - Liquor Revenue Airline Return (PDF 38.71 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RL-26-A
You must file this return if you are an airline that distributes alcoholic liquor. Such an airline is considered to be ... more info
* RL-26-A-X - Amended Liquor Revenue Airline Return (PDF 40.32 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RL-26-A-X
You must file Form RL-26-A-X to correct your original return, to correct your previously filed amended return, or to ... more info
* RL-26-J-1 - Liquor Production Worksheet (PDF 15.06 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RL-26-J-1
Liquor Production Worksheet - Both Part 1 and Part 2 should be completed each month listing (by day) the number of wine ... more info
* RL-26X - Amended Liquor Revenue Return (PDF 37.85 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RL-26-X
Amended Liquor Revenue Return
* RL-37 - Carrier's Report of Alcoholic Liquors Delivered (PDF 9.14 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RL-37
You must file this form if you deliver interstate shipments of alcoholic liquors in Illinois.
* RL-4 - Application for Permit to Purchase Alcoholic Liquors Tax Free for Nonbeverage Purposes (PDF 11.82 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RL-4
File this application if you have been issued a nonbeverage user’s license and want to purchase alcoholic liquors from ... more info
* RL-43 - Alcoholic Liquor Permits and Purchases (PDF 11.18 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RL-43
Alcoholic Liquor Permits and Purchases
* RL-51 - Warehouseman's Report of Alcoholic Liquors Received (PDF 11.91 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RL-51
All alcoholic liquors you received during the month must be reported on this form.
* RL-52 - Warehouseman's Summary of Alcoholic Liquors Stored for Others on Hand at End of Month (PDF 14.64 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RL-52
All alcoholic liquor that you store for someone else and that you have on hand at the end of each month is reported on ... more info
* RL-53 - Deliveries of Alcoholic Liquors from Public Warehouse (PDF 10.00 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RL-53
All alcoholic liquors you delivered during the month for the account listed in Step 1 are reported on this form.
* RL-57 - Dumping Certificate for Illinois Tax-Free Alcoholic Liquors (PDF 10.41 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RL-57
Dumping Certificate for Illinois Tax-Free Alcoholic Liquors
* RL-66 - Inventory of Alcoholic Liquors on Hand per Audit (PDF 14.72 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RL-66
Inventory of Alcoholic Liquors on Hand per Audit
* RMFT-11--A - Illinois Motor Fuel Tax Refund Claim (for Claim Periods on and after January 1, 2001) (PDF 75.96 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RMFT-11-A
Illinois Motor Fuel Tax Refund Claim (for Claim Periods on and after January 1, 2001)
* RMFT-5-US - Underground Storage Tank Tax and Environmental Impact Fee Receiver Return (PDF 46.12 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RMFT-5-US
If you are a licensed receiver who first sells or uses fuel for any purpose, you must pay the underground storage tank ... more info
* RMFT-5-US-X - Amended Return/Claim for Credit - Underground Storage Tank Tax and Environmental Impact Fee (PDF 42.02 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RMFT-5-US-X
Amended Return/Claim for Credit - Underground Storage Tank Tax and Environmental Impact Fee
* RMFT-5-X - Amended Return/Claim for Credit - Motor Fuel Use Tax for Distributors/Suppliers (PDF 41.01 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RMFT-5-X
Amended Return/Claim for Credit - Motor Fuel Use Tax for Distributors/Suppliers
* RMFT-71 - Liquified Petroleum Gas Tax Return (PDF 13.97 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RMFT-71
If you are not licensed as a distributor and you purchase or sell tax-free liquefied petroleum (LP) gas that is used to ... more info
* RMFT-71-X - Amended Liquified Petroleum Gas Tax Return/Claim for Credit (PDF 106.39 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RMFT-71-X
If you need to correct your originally filed Form RMFT-71, Liquified Petroleum Gas Tax Return, correct a previously ... more info
* Rolling Stock Certification (RUT-7) (PDF 28.84 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RUT-7
Rolling Stock Certification
* Sales & Use Tax Quarter-Monthly Payment - (RR-3) - Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), RR-3
EFT is an electronic payment method that you use to pay your tax liabilities. Instead of writing a check for the amount ... more info
* Sales & Use Tax TaxPrep Software, ST-1 TAXPREP SOFTWARE, Sales & Use Tax Information
Tax return associated with the Illinois "sales tax," which is imposed on a seller’s receipts from sales of tangible ... more info
* Sales & Use Tax Telefile, ST-1 TELEFILE, Sales & Use Tax Information
Tax return associated with the Illinois "sales tax," which is imposed on a seller’s receipts from sales of tangible ... more info
* Sales & Use Tax Webfile, ST-1 WEBFILE, Sales & Use Tax Information
Tax return associated with the Illinois "sales tax," which is imposed on a seller’s receipts from sales of tangible ... more info
* Sales and Use Tax Return - Amended (ST-1-X) (PDF 35.33 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., ST-1-X
Use this form to make a change to a previously filed ST-1, Sales and Use Tax Return
* Sales and Use Tax Return - Multiple Site Form- Amended (ST-2-X) (PDF 15.10 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., ST-2- X
Use this form to correct a previously filed Sales & Use Tax Return - Multiple Site Form (ST-2). Attach to Form ST-1-X.
* Sales Tax Filing & Payment, ST-1
Sales Tax Return (single location)
* Sales Tax Filing & Payment, ST-2
Sales Tax Return (multiple location)
* Schedule 1299-B - Enterprise Zone Foreign Trade Zone/Sub-Zone Subtractions (for Corporations & Fiduciaries) (PDF 43.02 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., SCH 1299-B
Use this schedule to claim Enterprise Zone Foreign Trade Zone/Sub-Zone Subtractions (for Corporations & Fiduciaries) ... more info
* Schedule 1299-D Income Tax Credits (for Corporations & Fiduciaries) (PDF 38.49 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., SCH 1299-D, Instructions for the 1299-D (PDF 50.46 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window.
Use this schedule to claim Income Tax Credits (for Corporations & Fiduciaries)associated with an income tax return.
* Schedule 1299-S Enterprise Zones, Foreign Trade Zones and Sub-Zones (PDF 32.02 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., SCH 1299-S
Use this schedule to report Enterprise Zones, Foreign Trade Zones and Sub-Zones associated with an income tax return.
* Schedule 80/20 Related Party Expenses (PDF 35.18 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., SCH 80/20
Use this form to report Related Party Expenses associated with an Illinois income tax return
* Schedule CR - Credit for Tax Paid to Other States (PDF 40.22 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., SCHEDULE CR
Use this schedule to report Credit for Tax Paid to Other States associated with an Illinois income tax return.
* Schedule INS - Tax for Foreign Insurers (PDF 28.99 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., SCH INS
Use this schedule to report Tax for Foreign Insurers associated with an income tax return.
* Schedule J - Foreign Dividends (PDF 33.88 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., SCH J
Use this schedule to report foreign dividends associated with an income tax return.
* Schedule M - Other Additions and Subtractions (PDF 33.87 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., SCH M
Use this schedule to report Other Additions and Subtractions associated with an income tax return.
* Schedule NB - Nonbusiness Income (PDF 29.53 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., SCH NB
Use this schedule to report Nonbusiness Income associated with an income tax return.
* Schedule NLD - Illinois Net Loss Deduction (PDF 32.55 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., SCH NLD
Use this schedule to report Illinois Net Loss Deductions associated with an income tax return.
* Schedule of Returned Merchandise for Tobacco Products Tax (TP-7) (PDF 25.63 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., TP-7
Attach this schedule to Form TP-1, Tobacco Products Tax Return, when you claim a deduction on Form TP-1, Line 13, for ... more info
* Schedule UB - Combined Apportionment for Unitary Business Group (PDF 42.28 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., SCH UB, Instructions for Schedule UB (PDF 54.15 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window.
Use this schedule to report Combined Apportionment for Unitary Business Group associated with an income tax return.
* Schedule UB/INS - Tax for a Unitary Business Group with Foreign Insurer Members (PDF 36.61 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., SCH UB/INS
Use this schedule to report Tax for a Unitary Business Group with Foreign Insurer Members associated with an income tax ... more info
* Schedule UB/NLD - Unitary Net Loss Deduction (PDF 40.25 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., SCH UB/NLD
Use this schedule to report Unitary Net Loss Deduction associated with an income tax return.
* Special Depreciation (IL-4255) (PDF 38.73 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-4562
Use this form to compute Special Depreciation
* Statement of Person Claiming Refund Due to Deceased Taxpayer (IL-1310) (PDF 28.64 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-1310
Statement of Person Claiming Refund Due to Deceased Taxpayer
* Substitute for unobtainable Form W-2 (IL-4852) (PDF 27.27 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-4852
Substitute for unobtainable Form W-2
* Tax Registration Verification
Verify Business Registration Not a form, but an application that allows people to verify that a business is registered ... more info
* Tax Subtractions and Credits - For Partnerships and S Corporations - (IL-1299-A) (PDF 32.60 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., IL-1299-A, IL-1299-A Instructions (PDF 47.46 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window.
Schedule for Tax Subtractions and Credits (For Partnerships and S Corporations)
* Telecommunication Tax Service Information (REG-9) (PDF 140.40 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., REG-9
Telecommunications must use this form to identify each municipality where telecommunication service is provided.
* Telecommunications Tax Return (RT-2), RT-2, What is the Telecommunications Tax?
Tax return required for receipts from intrastate messages (i.e., those that originate in Illinois or terminate in ... more info
* Tire User Fee (ST-8) (PDF 85.10 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., ST-8
You must file this return if you sell and deliver new or used tires in Illinois at retail.
* Tire User Fee - Amended - (ST-8-X) (PDF 18.16 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., ST-8-X
You must file this return to make changes to a previously filed tire user fee return.
* Tobacco Products Tax Return - Amended (TP-1-X) (PDF 34.97 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., TP-1-X
File this form to make changes to a previously filed Tobacco Products Tax Return (TP-1).
* Update your IL-1040 mailing address, UPDATE YOUR IL-1040 MAILING ADDRESS
Update your IL-1040 mailing address
* Vehicle Sales Tax Transaction Return (ST-556), ST-556
Vehicle Sales Tax Transaction Return
* Vehicle Sales Tax Transaction Return- Amended (ST-556-X) (PDF 45.65 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., ST-556- X
Use this form to correct a previously filed Vehicle Sales Tax Transaction Return, (ST-556).
* Vehicle Transaction Affidavit (RUT-49) (PDF 13.79 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RUT-49
The purpose of this form is to verify information reported or request information not reported on the RUT-50, Vehicle ... more info
* Vehicle Use Tax - Fleet Exemption Schedule (RUT-25-E) (PDF 19.76 KB) Download PDF Reader - The information found in this link will be provided in a new browser window., RUT-25-E
You may file this schedule only if you file Form RUT-25, Use Tax Transaction Return, and wish to report the purchase, ... more info
* Vehicle Use Tax Transaction Return (RUT-25), RUT-25
Vehicle Use Tax Transaction Return
* Vehicle Use Tax Transaction Return (RUT-50), RUT-50
Vehicle Use Tax Transaction Return
* Withholding Tax - Webfile Using TaxNet, WITHHOLDING TAX - WEBFILE USING TAXNET
TaxNet is a program offered jointly by the Illinois Department...etc....

WELCOME TO ILLINOIS, the land of a thousand, rather a thousand tax forms.