Today was quite a day of revelation for me. The governor of our state, which is facing one of the most startling budget deficits, was running an advertisement that supported feeling sorry for those people in our state that would no longer be able to get; FREE MAMMOGRAMS, FREE MEDICAL CARE, FREE HOUSING, FREE MEDICINES, FREE BUS RIDES, FREE PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS, FREE UTILITIES, and on and on!
This ad was supposed to make me realize that cutting the bloated and overstuffed budget of our state, would cut out all the FREE things that our state's "poor" residents were receiving. If the budget was cut, apparently these people may actually have to get a job, and support themselves!
I thought that this was an excellent idea! CUT THE BUDGET, NOW, I concluded from this ad!
But apparently, that was not the intention of the advertisement. It was supposed to make me feel "bad" about all the services that others were getting for FREE, and if the budget was cut, they would no longer get their entire lifestyle for FREE.
Huh? Why do I have to pay for those people, while I have to also pay for my own rent, doctors or bus fare?
This is a nation that everyone can get to be financially secure, by actually working, instead of getting government payments for everything from ME! So what is stopping them from working?
I decided to look deeper into this and discovered right away, that the guidelines for becoming eligible to receive all kids of FREE stuff, not just from the state agencies, but also a myriad of federal agencies required me to make a certain income and thus become eligible. I was surprised to see that there was no point to work at some of the "entry level" wages, since I could get MORE FREE STUFF by not WORKING.
The FREE STUFF was actually worth more than working for the stuff!
I also learned that in my state, I did not have to prove I was actually a citizen or legally entitled to be here, either! I could just get the stuff FREE, by making a certification of my income and need!
What a country, I thought, anybody can get free stuff.
This made me flash back to that late night infomercial guy...who sells a book that tells you how to get FREE STUFF from the government...you know him " you can get $15,000 to open a coffee shop or get $20,000 to go to school...". It appeared to me that this was actually true...the stuff in his book did not even cover the free stuff I learned about for every illegal alien! They should all get a copy of this book too!
We can not continue as a country, a society that provides everything for FREE for poor people ( some of which are defined as making less than $100,000 a year for a family of 4), and the others have to pay for their own stuff!
There is nothing more motivating than to know that if you actually work, you can get lot's of stuff! If on the other hand you do not work, YOU DO NOT GET ANY STUFF!
To get stuff, you go to work...simple and to the point!
So, don't expect me to support any proposals by the state or the federal government that mandate, or offer to give free stuff to others that I have to pay for!
Here is my formula for universal happiness: WORK AND REAP THE REWARD OF YOUR OWN WORK, so that you can get the stuff you want. Don't expect me to work for you to be able to get your stuff.
A president once said..." ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." It rings true now more than ever.
Oh a postscript, the government is broke not just because poor people are getting free stuff, but because government employees are overpaid ( the average cost of a federal employee is over $100,000), have too many agencies doing the same thing, and there is absolutely no incentive pay.
Non productive government employees get paid exactly the same amount as non-productive people, and when they retire, their pensions often approximate their pay and that burden is now unsustainable as future obligations total $100 billion in just my state alone !
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